Through the wealth life

Chapter 556 Airline Expansion

Chapter 556 Airline Expansion
On the morning of June 6rd, Li Xuemei, who had been on vacation for a week, officially returned to work in the Li Group today. Not long after Li Guangyu arrived at the office, she came here to report to Li Guangyu in detail yesterday afternoon before Yoder and Wilson Lazier. The situation of coming to the nursing home and the hospital.

Although Li Guangyu also thought that he would be able to find the perpetrator immediately and know which side was targeting him.However, he knew that there was no need to rush this matter, let alone impulsively implicate the anger in his heart to the British consortium.

He believed that the British-funded consortium was mostly innocent this time, and if he did something against the British-funded consortium, he really did what the mastermind wanted, and he would not do it like this.The more this is the case, the more calm the Li Group must be, and it must not become someone else's shooter.

Li Guangyu said: "You can preside over the affairs of the group with peace of mind. With your sister, treat her better and let her go to Kangxin Hospital for recuperation. The conditions there are better, and the safety there is also more secure. This matter I will definitely give you an explanation, and please don’t worry.”

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng, I believe that you will definitely seek justice for Xuelan. I also know that this time the opponent obviously wants to make our consortium mess up and slow down our development. We can't interrupt it at this time." My own plan is to continue to advance the group's development plan according to the time node. I believe that as time goes by, the black hand behind the scenes will show its original shape."

After Li Xuemei left, Li Guangyu and Gan Qin went to Xiangjiang Air Transport Group together.

What pleased Li Guangyu was that the arrival of Youde did not restrict the development of Xiangjiang Airlines, and did not set any threshold for Xiangjiang Airlines on the issue of routes. Bian agrees.

Youde will not restrict Li Guangyu from opening additional routes, which is good for the development of Hong Kong's economy. As for whether the Li's consortium will suffer losses due to too many routes and insufficient passenger flow, it is none of their government's business .

As long as Kai Tak Airport can accommodate so many flights, he can agree to the Lee Consortium's opening of routes from Xiangjiang to every airport in the world.

In the meeting room of the Air Transport Group, Li Guangyu listened to the reports of the heads of various departments, and he was quite satisfied with the current development of the group.

As Boeing and Airbus provide airlines with two planes every month, the fleet of Xiangjiang Airlines is getting bigger and bigger, and the routes it flies are also getting more and more.

However, there are not enough seats in Xiangjiang for the company's aircraft to spend the night. Even if the aircraft engineering company and the airline have expanded in this area, they still cannot fit the company's 36 aircraft to spend the night in Xiangjiang at the same time.

On the one hand, Li Guangyu continued to communicate with the airport, hoping to get more plots for the company to expand the flight slots, and on the other hand, he was also trying to find a way on Baodao.

Kai Tak Airport is located in the center of the city. Limited by development, it is impossible for Li Guangyu to expand indefinitely. The group reported to him on this issue, and the group's subsequent expansion limit can guarantee 45 overnight aircraft.Some positions at the airport still need to be provided to international airlines, and it is obviously impossible to provide more help to Xiangjiang Airlines.

Li Guangyu also knew that the construction of Xiangjiang New Airport was still far away, so he should not think about it in a short time.The airline has ordered [-] passenger planes this time, and Li Guangyu and the others have to find a base for them, and Taoyuan is the alternative base for Xiangjiang Airlines.

In order to cope with the rapid expansion of the fleet of Xiangjiang Airlines, even if the construction of the base in Taoyuan has not been completed, Xiangjiang Airlines currently has 6 planes staying overnight in Taipei, and there is no expansion of the aircraft in the next few months in Xiangjiang. Until it is completed, it will be parked at the Taipei base.

At the same time, Xiangjiang Airlines has made some adjustments to its routes. Overnight flights on the Xiangjiang side mainly fly longer routes, while the routes at the Baodao base are used to fly closer routes.

For example, the route to Bangkok is from Taipei to Bangkok, then from Bangkok to Xiangjiang, then fly to Bangkok from Xiangjiang, and finally return to Baodao from Bangkok to spend the night.This can reduce the pressure on Hong Kong's short-haul routes and allow Xiangjiang's overnight aircraft to execute long-distance routes.

Li Guangyu said at the meeting: "Wenhua, you need to urge Wheelock Construction Company and Starlight Real Estate Construction Company to speed up the expansion of our Xiangjiang aircraft slots and the construction of the Baodao branch base. At the same time, the personnel of the aircraft engineering company To train well, as soon as the Baodao base is completed, our personnel need to be stationed there, and we must know that Baodao will be stationed in 1/3 of our group's aircraft, and we must be responsible for the safety of these aircraft."

Now these planes in Baodao are guaranteed by Baodao Airport. Although there is no problem now, Li Guangyu still needs to send his own group personnel there to feel at ease.This is not just a matter of saving costs, the own group will obviously be more attentive.

Zhao Wenhua said: "Li Sheng, we have been urging from 943 to 461. The expansion of the seats on the Xiangjiang side is relatively fast, and it will be put into use at the end of next month. After nearly half a year of construction, the main part of the Baodao side is almost completed. It is expected to be put into use in early September, and considering our possible subsequent expansion, we plan to have 60 overnight aircraft over there, and we don’t need to worry about this matter for a long time.”

Then Wang Junchang reported to Li Guangyu about the construction of Baodao Xiangjiang Aviation Community. Because Taoyuan City took care of Li's Group, the land they acquired was not very far from the airport. In order to allow the community and the base to be put into use at the same time, the Star Real Estate Group, It is also working overtime under construction, and in terms of the current progress, it is enough to ensure that the community can be put into use in September.

Li Guangyu said: "In the future, Vice President Feng Senfei will be stationed on Treasure Island for a long time, and he will be in charge of the affairs of the group on Treasure Island. In the past two months, you must organize the personnel to go to Treasure Island to ensure that our base can remain normal after the construction is completed. operation."

Feng Senfei didn't expect that he would go to Baodao to preside over the affairs there. Compared with the group headquarters, he would of course prefer to go to Baodao. Judging from the current situation, the status of that place in the aviation group is not low.

He ranked fourth among the vice presidents of the headquarters, only a little higher than Zong Hongyan, the vice president in charge of the group's finances. He thought that this time, Li Guangyu would arrange for the second vice president of the group, Gu Shiyu, to go to such an important area as Baodao. Woolen cloth.

As for the first vice president, he will definitely not go there. Wang Junchang is the vice chairman of the board of directors of the group and the executive vice president of the group. How could he be in charge of the affairs of a region.

Feng Senfei immediately said: "Li Sheng, I will make preparations for entering the Baodao base during this period. Once the construction there is completed, we will go to Baodao immediately to ensure the normal operation of our group in Baodao and ensure the normal operation of our aircraft. safety."

Li Guangyu then said to Wang Junchang: "Currently the company has enough routes, we don't need to think about the route issue for the time being, after our company fills up these routes, we will launch new routes according to market conditions."

"Okay, Mr. Li, we will sort out the industry next, and at the same time we will adjust the routes and flights according to the passenger flow." Wang Junchang responded.


(End of this chapter)

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