Chapter 557
When Li Guangyu returned to the office of the Air Transport Group, Li Weiming was waiting for his return in the rest area next to the assistant's office.

After entering the office, Li Weiming reported to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, after our investigation for the past few days, we finally found some useful information today. The car was indeed smuggled in. There is no news, the smuggling gang knew that the car they smuggled had attacked Ms. Li Xuelan, and they were worried that we and the Xiangjiang police would make trouble for them, so they deliberately hid in the countryside of Tiujingling."

Li Guangyu himself is very anxious about this incident. If this incident is not resolved, his senior management will always worry about his own safety, which will prevent everyone from fully devoting themselves to work and affect the stable and rapid development of the group. .

As long as you can determine who your opponent is this time, it will be much easier to deal with later.

Li Guangyu asked Li Weiming: "How did you find this smuggling gang? You should know that car smuggling usually doesn't make a lot of money. Why would they do this business?"

Li Weiming immediately replied: "Sheng Li, this time it is because the reward we offered is high enough. The neighbors who reported them this time are the neighbors of this gang. Several core members of this gang are people from Tiaojingling. Some of their neighbors know what they are doing. Industry. This time, these people stayed in Tiujingling for many days without going out. Last night, they drank too much at a food stall. One person complained about this incident, and then slipped his mouth. The informant who was on the side heard it."

After Li Weiming received the news from the whistleblower today, he was very excited. He immediately called some people to go to Tiujingling with the person who informed him. He also notified the Xiangjiang Police Department to let the people there and himself go together.

As long as he knows what happened this time, he will not do such an illegal act as lynching, and the police still have to take action to arrest people.

He only needs to know who contacted them and who picked up the car, so that he can continue to check who did it this time.

After listening to Li Weiming's report, Li Guangyu asked him, "Is there any result now? What is the result of the police interrogation?"

Li Weiming replied: "Sheng Li, those few people usually don't smuggle such things, but on June 6, a man in his forties from the West approached him and asked them to take a car for a high price. The smuggling came into Xiangjiang, and the goods were on a ship in Japan. The pick-up time was in the early morning of the 1th, which means that the car came to Wheelock Group after the smuggling came in to wait for an opportunity, and it was picked up in Xiangjiang. The person in the car is the one who contacted them for smuggling."

Li Guangyu immediately said: "Have you drawn the picture of the perpetrator from the police? Immediately contact the airport to see if there is any record of this person this month, and I suspect that this person must have contacted the smuggling gang. It’s a pseudonym. Especially pay attention to whether this person boarded the flight that took off at the airport that day after the accident.”

At this time, Li Guangyu really hated the existence of no monitoring. If it was like in the previous life, he could immediately go to the airport to call up the monitoring to see if this person chose to leave Xiangjiang by plane.

Moreover, Li Guangyu believed that this person must have come by plane from Japan, and his information could provide a lot of information.

Li Weiming said: "Sheng Li, the police are already investigating this matter. At the same time, my personnel were also authorized by Wilson Raziel to go to Kai Tak Airport with the police to understand the progress of the investigation."

Li Guangyu felt that things were more and more interesting. It was this person who contacted the smuggling gang in Japan, and it was this person who received the goods in Xiangjiang, and he was also a Westerner.What is the meaning of the person behind this, is he deliberately trying to draw his attention to the British consortium?

Li Guangyu then ordered Li Weiming to arrange for someone to go to the major hotels with the photo of the perpetrator to inquire, to see if there was any useful news.

After Li Weiming left, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin who was on the side: "You take the photos to Jiayi TV Station and Xiangyu Daily, and ask them to wait for them to go out. As long as you provide this person's address, after we find someone, we will reward you with 100 million yuan." Hong Kong dollars. Especially in our comics and novel magazines, I guess it is unlikely that this person will stay in Asia. You send the information to Du Yuemei and Peng Xiaoli, and ask them to contact the world news newspaper over there to publish the news go out."

Gan Qin said: "Alright Mr. Li, I'll take care of it right away. As long as the perpetrator shows up in front of others, I believe those who know the news will be moved."

After Gan Qin heard that this incident had finally made some progress, he was also very happy. He knew that not only the Xiangjiang police were under great pressure this time, but Li Guangyu was also under great pressure.

Li Xuelan's accident happened because of the group, if Li Guangyu couldn't give her an explanation, the hearts of the senior management of Li's group would be broken.

As Li Guangyu's assistant, Gan Qin can feel Li Guangyu's emotions these days very well, and she herself is also very anxious, but she knows that she has no ability to help Li Guangyu solve the problem in this regard, and she can only pray in her heart all the time Let Li Weiming be able to investigate this incident as soon as possible.

Jiayi TV's response was very quick. After Gan Qin conveyed Li Guangyu's order, its news channel immediately published the news, especially the reward of up to one million Hong Kong dollars, which excited countless citizens.

After looking at the appearance of the person they were looking for in the news, they could only sigh helplessly. Although the bonus was very attractive, they just didn't have the life to take it. They had never seen this person before, so where would they find him? .

Moreover, this incident annoyed many Western men. After the news was reported, they always felt that the people around them would look at them carefully, as if they were confirming something.

Li Guangyu issued a missing person notice, while the Xiangjiang police issued a warrant. They were not as rich and powerful as the Li Consortium, and they only gave a reward of [-] Hong Kong dollars.

The most irritating ones are Henry Keswick, Shen Bi and others. The black hands behind the Li Xuelan incident are obviously planning to keep their British consortium and Li's consortium alive.

To actually arrange such a person to carry out the operation, it is typical to give them a shit basin.

Henry Keswick swore in his heart that after the investigation of the forces behind this time, even if his side and the Lee Consortium were in a state of hostility, he would first suppress this force.

After Henry Keswick calmed down the anger in his heart, he immediately called Li Guangyu.

After the call was connected, Henry Keswick said: "Mr. Li, I can assure you based on the centuries-old reputation of our Keswick family that this incident has nothing to do with our Jardine Group. Don’t think that this matter was settled by our side, we are not so stupid, I believe that with your wisdom, you can see these problems.”

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Keswick, I am also willing to believe that this incident has nothing to do with you, but the investigation is still going on, who can guarantee what will happen next? Don't worry, I will not vent my anger until there is no evidence." of any power."

After Henry Keswick heard Li Guangyu's reply, his worries were relieved a lot.

He said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, the masterminds behind this time obviously want us to live forever. Most likely, they hope that we will suffer from both sides. Fortunately, they will benefit later. Their sinister intentions make people very hateful. I hope After the investigation of this incident, the two of us joined forces to completely dissipate the other party's power."

Li Guangyu did not refuse Henry Keswick's proposal. Since the other party dared to make a move, he must be prepared to be attacked by himself and the British consortium.


(End of this chapter)

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