Through the wealth life

Chapter 559 Appearing in Lisboa

Chapter 559 Appearing in Lisboa
The shareholders of Cathay Pacific Airways obviously had their own next home in their hearts. After Cathay Pacific Airways returned, they immediately disclosed to them that they intended to transfer the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways.

It's a pity that they thought very well, but very few responded to them. It may be extremely difficult to find a suitable next home in Xiangjiang.

The actions of these shareholders soon spread to Li Guangyu. Li Guangyu knew the situation of Cathay Pacific Airways much better than outsiders. He was the one who ran the airline, so it was easy to calculate the financial situation of Cathay Pacific Airways.

As long as there are no changes, Cathay Pacific Airways can only end up closing down. Huo Yingdong and others cannot make the company lose money until 97.

Li Guangyu himself did not intend to acquire Cathay Pacific Airline. With Xiangjiang Airlines in his hands, Cathay Pacific Airline was just a tasteless one.With this money, he might as well use it to buy the bottom of the Xiangjiang property market, which can bring him greater profit returns, and the speed is faster.

After Li Guangyu ordered Gan Qin to draw attention to the change of shareholders of Cathay Pacific Airline, he stopped paying attention to this news.The most important thing now is to find out the culprit and the forces behind him as soon as possible, so that he can develop with peace of mind.

Maybe Jiayi TV station has enough influence, useful news came before the news was aired for a long time.

After Li Weiming came to the office, he said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, we just received a call from Lisboa. They have some information about the person in our photo. I came here to ask you for instructions. I I am going to lead some people to cross the sea immediately and go to Lisboa to learn about this in detail.”

Li Guangyu did not expect that the perpetrator had actually been to Lisboa. He said to Li Weiming: "Get ready immediately. Regarding the boats crossing the sea, I will find my fourth uncle and borrow his yacht to take you there. You go to After that, if there is something difficult to handle, you can contact my uncle Jiu, and he will solve it for you."

"Alright, Mr. Li, I'm going to choose a manpower right now. This time I hope to know some exact information about the perpetrators." Li Weiming said.

After Li Weiming left the office, Li Guangyu immediately looked through Li Zhaoji's phone, and after finding it, he used the phone on his desk to call him.

"Hi, I'm Lee Shau Kee."

"Fourth Uncle, I'm Guangyu."

When Li Zhaoji heard that it was Li Guangyu calling, he immediately said, "Guangyu, what do you need?"

"Fourth Uncle, the bodyguard is going to take a few people across the sea to Lisboa now. I'm here to borrow your yacht from you."

Li Zhaoji thought that Li Guangyu was looking for him to discuss some important matters, but he didn't expect to borrow his own yacht.

Lee Shau Kee said: "I will make arrangements. You know where my yacht is docked. Just tell your men to go there. My people will send them to Lisboa."

"Fourth Uncle, thank you so much, I know the place, I will let Li Weiming and the others rush there immediately." Li Guangyu replied.

This time Li Guangyu also felt that it was inconvenient for him not to have a yacht, so he decided to order a yacht when he had more money.

It's not that Li Guangyu has no money, it's just that he is eager to spend all his money on the crisis of the past two years. Besides, he himself is not interested in yachts, so he is not in a hurry.

Li Zhaoji said: "Guangyu, why are you being polite to me? Anyway, fourth uncle's yacht is a waste if you put it there. If you need to use it, just let me know. If you need our help this time, just ask. Although we are far behind your Li Group in terms of funds, our joint efforts can still help you."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Fourth Uncle, if necessary, I will definitely ask you for help. Now I don't know who is going to deal with me. Only when I find out the forces behind the scenes can I do something according to the actual situation." Plan. We still need to accumulate strength now, this year is not the time to enter the property market, and you can make arrangements according to the actual situation.”

Lee Shau Kee has recently put his mind on Japan. The real estate they developed last year will be sold by the end of this year. Although Japanese real estate has not increased as much as Xiangjiang, the Shau Kee Group can still make a lot of profit this time.

Looking back at the current real estate market in Xiangjiang, there is a price but no market has become the best portrayal. Although the selling price is high, there are no buyers at all. Even the current office buildings in Xiangjiang are not easy to rent.

This made him very grateful for his decision to leave Xiangjiang last year, otherwise the Shau Kee Group would have been locked in real estate.

After Li Guangyu hung up Li Zhaoji's phone, he found Ho Hongshen's phone number and called him.

After learning that Li Guangyu called, Stanley Ho immediately said, "Guangyu, what's the matter?"

Li Guangyu told Stanley Ho that Li Weiming was going there, and asked Stanley Ho to provide some help to Li Weiming there.

He Hongshen heard that the perpetrator came to Lisboa after committing crimes in Xiangjiang, and immediately said to Li Guangyu: "I will arrange someone to inquire about this person. Don't worry, as long as Li Weiming needs anything, I will do my best to help him." Helpful."

Stanley Ho very much hopes to find out the behind-the-scenes forces this time. Now that the interests of the He family and the Li consortium have been linked together, one prospers and the other loses. Provoking the Li consortium is provoking their He family.

After hanging up Li Guangyu's phone call, Stanley Ho immediately found his assistant, and told him, "You seem to be sending me a message backwards. I, Stanley Ho, want to find a man named Daniel Kanter. As for the appearance There is a report on the news channel of Jiayi TV, and Guangyu will fax it right away, and then you can also copy some and send it to the leaders of the Tao.”

Afterwards, Stanley Ho specifically explained that this person might change his name, and that his appearance may not be particularly accurate because it was described by a smuggling gang, so he asked to strictly investigate all similarities, so as not to let go of any doubts.

Stanley Ho had to admire the perpetrator for being courageous enough. Knowing his relationship with Li Guangyu, he still dared to hide in Lisboa. Influence?
This time he wants to let some forces know that he is not called the king of gambling in Lisboa for nothing. Since he can make such a career in Lisboa, he must have extraordinary influence here.

After arranging the affairs of his assistant, Stanley Ho immediately called one of his bodyguards and said to him, "You arrange three cars to go to the pier and wait for Li Weiming and the others to arrive. You should know him."

The bodyguard said: "Li Sheng's bodyguard, I've seen him several times, do you have any orders?"

"During this time, you just follow them and follow Li Weiming's arrangements. If they need anything, you try to satisfy them. If you can't do it, contact me immediately, and I will solve it for you." Stanley Ho said.

The bodyguard replied: "Okay, He Sheng, I will cooperate with their actions during this period. If there is any situation, I will report to you immediately."


(End of this chapter)

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