Through the wealth life

Chapter 560 may be

Chapter 560 may be

After Li Weiming and others arrived at Lisboa Pier, Wang Tingxiang, who had been waiting here for a long time, greeted them.

"Captain Li, hello! My name is Wang Tingxiang. I was sent by He Sheng to meet you. In the next period of time, I will be with you and act as a guide for you. At the same time, if you need help, I will also Contact He Sheng."

Li Weiming knew that this was the person Ho Hongshen sent to lead the way for him and others, and he said to him, "Hello, I will trouble you during this time. Now the time is urgent, let's go to the informant first, and wait until the matter over there is over." After that, I will go to meet He Sheng again."

"Captain Li, come with me, the car is ready for you, we can leave at any time." Wang Tingxiang said.

Under the guidance of Wang Tingxiang, Li Weiming and others came to the Hanzai area of ​​Carmo Parish where the person who provided the clue was located. Li Weiming was praying in his heart that this time it would be true, and now he had to find the perpetrator among the vast crowds of the world. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and the hope is too slim.

The self-portrait drawn only by the smuggling gang's dictation and the real person will obviously have some discrepancies. The reason why he came here in person this time is because he didn't want to miss a chance.

This time, the whistleblower just said on the phone that on the evening of the 15th, he saw a man who was similar to the news and lived in their place for two days. The whistleblower himself is the owner of the hotel. The front desk reported it to him.

After half an hour's drive, Li Weiming and other talents arrived at Jiaxin Hotel in Hanzi.

As soon as Li Weiming and others walked into the hotel, the receptionist at the front desk said, "Hello gentlemen, do you want to stay? We have..."

Before the receptionist could finish speaking, Li Weiming said, "Hello, we are from the Li Group. Please contact your boss. We hope to meet him."

The receptionist at the front desk had obviously received orders from her boss. After hearing Li Weiming's words, she immediately responded: "Hello, we, Mr. Chen, have explained that when you arrive, let me take you directly to his office."

After Li Weiming heard this, he gave instructions to the people behind him, and he brought Wang Tingxiang to the hotel owner's office under the leadership of the front desk.

After the boss invited Li Weiming and Wang Tingxiang to sit down, he said to him, "Captain Li, hello, my name is Chen Linsheng, just call me by my name."

Chen Linsheng himself only has this small hotel, how can he act as the bodyguard next to Li Guangyu and call him Chen Sheng? things.

Li Weiming didn't care about this. He was eager to know the clues. He said, "Mr. Chen, I don't know where the receptionist who reported the situation to you is now. We hope she can tell us the details."

"Captain Li, this receptionist is my niece, her name is Chen Yuxia, I'll call her right away, please wait a few minutes."

After Chen Linsheng made the phone call, Li Weiming also talked to him about what he knew about the tenant.

The tenant's name was completely different from the name provided by the smuggling gang, which also made it very difficult for Li Weiming to confirm whether the man who stayed here for two days was the perpetrator.

A few minutes later, Chen Yuxia came to the office.

After she sat down, Li Weiming said to her: "Miss Chen, I heard from Mr. Chen that you were the one who registered the man's accommodation at the front desk. Can you tell me about the situation at that time and the two-day period of his stay?" the situation?"

On the evening of the 15th, Chen Yuxia was waiting to take over shifts with Xiaowen as usual. Since the hotel was opened by his uncle, she went to work from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, so the work was quite easy.

"Sister Yuxia, leave this to me, you can get off work."

After Chen Yuxia arrived, she chatted with Xiaowen and was about to leave when a guest entered the hotel.

At that time, Xiaowen and she both felt rather strange, because their hotel was relatively small, and the guests were mainly Chinese, and almost no Westerners stayed there.

And the other party still spoke English, which made Chen Yuxia, who was about to leave, stay because Xiaowen didn't know English at all.


After listening to Chen Yuxia's story, Li Weiming felt a little happy, because some of the details made him feel that the tenant might be the perpetrator.

The first point is that the tenant’s height and body shape are similar to those described by the smuggling gang. The second point is that the tenant has physical injuries. After checking out, they found some blood-stained gauze when cleaning the room.

In the past two days, the tenant did not bring anyone into his room, and the blood was obviously left by the tenant himself.

Li Weiming reckoned that during this operation, the vehicle he drove into Li Xuelan's vehicle at high speed was also seriously injured, because there were some blood stains in the recovered vehicle, and they estimated it was left by the perpetrator.

It's a pity that these things have been disposed of by the hotel, and there is no way to take them back for testing.

Now there is a question bothering Li Weiming, why did the perpetrator come to stay in this small hotel? Even if he planned to leave by boat from Lisboa, for convenience, he should choose a hotel near the pier , What is the purpose of traveling so far to this relatively remote area.

Li Weiming said: "Mr. Chen, do you know where he went during the two days of his stay?"

Chen Linsheng said: "Captain Li, we don't know much about this aspect. Where do we open the hotel to inquire about the whereabouts of the guests? But according to my staff, the tenant only left on the morning of the 16th during his stay. Hotel, I came back at noon, and I ate in our hotel for the past two days, and I didn’t check out until noon on the 17th.”

Li Weiming took out the check drawn by the group's finance department and handed it to Chen Linwen, saying to him, "Mr. Chen, thank you for the information you provided us. This is your reward for this information."

Chen Linwen finally looked at the data on the check, and he was very happy. He didn't expect that such a news would bring him a profit of [-] Hong Kong dollars.

He never doubted that the check would be a fake. He didn't believe that the Li's consortium would do such a discreditable thing. He only needed to go to the Jiamotang branch of Tianyu Bank tomorrow to exchange [-] Hong Kong dollars.

Li Weiming was not worried that the boss would dare to lie to them. Unless the boss ran away immediately, they couldn't bear the consequences of being discovered.It's not worth the other party's defrauding the Li Group for this one hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Li Weiming said: "Mr. Chen, do you have any rooms in your hotel? This time 13 of us will stay here for a day."

Chen Linwen immediately replied: "Captain Li, there is no problem. We don't have too many guests here, and we can't be full every day. I will immediately ask the front desk to see how many vacant rooms are still available."

It was already night now, and Li Weiming and the others could only find out where the tenant went, who he met, and what he did on the morning of the 16th tomorrow.He hopes that he can find the perpetrator through this clue, so that he can also know the truth of this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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