Through the wealth life

Chapter 581 Never be soft-hearted

Chapter 581 Never be soft-hearted
On July 7th, Li Guangyu received a call from the Xiangjiang police. Quinn Pasper wanted to meet him.

These two have been fighting for so long, so far they haven't met face to face, Li Guangyu also wanted to go over and see what this guy wanted to say when he saw him.

Li Guangyu saw this at the police station at 10:30 in the morning. At this time, Quinn Passbaugh was no longer as energetic as he was on TV, and now he looked ten years older than yesterday.

This man's English is quite good, and the conversation between Li Guangyu and him does not need an interpreter, which makes the conversation between the two of them more fluent.

Quinn said: "Mr. Li, I have heard a lot of legends about you in the past few years, and now I have finally met you in person."

"Mr. Passbaugh, do you now regret what you did before? Don't you know that such a breach of business rules will make your Passbaugh family fall into the abyss?"

Quinn regretted it a long time ago, but he didn't carry out this plan, but he softened his heart. He didn't fully understand Wang Xiuwen's tail, so that their family was exposed.

The expansion of Li's consortium Tianyu Bank in Malaysia has seriously affected the interests of the Pasper family. Quinn is very clear that if the Li's consortium is allowed to expand like this, the Singapore consortium has not fallen, and his family will probably fall first.

The development of other groups and companies in the Pasper family depended entirely on blood transfusions from Geelong Bank. If there was a problem with the family's flagship company, the development of other groups would also be implicated.

As for breaking business rules, as long as the matter is not discovered, who would think of their own family? Li's consortium has never taken their own family seriously. If something happened to the senior management of Li's consortium, they would never think of their own family. .

Quinn said: "Mr. Li, this plan and action are the result of my will. I have never thought about leaving Xiangjiang. I also hope that you will not implicate other members of our family. They are innocent. It is a real business. Competition, I can't extravagantly ask you to stop suppressing the Persian family, and please don't endanger their lives."

Quinn Passbaugh knew in his heart that this time his family business would definitely be suppressed by Li's consortium and several other consortia.It is obviously impossible for them to just let the Passbaugh family go. He only hopes that the Li Family Group will not do something extreme so as to ensure the safety of the Passbaugh family members.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Mr. Pasbo, our Li Group has always been a law-abiding enterprise and will not do anything illegal. Your worries are obviously unnecessary, but your family has No other enemies have done anything, so I don't know. After all, what you did this time makes me doubt that you have done a lot before, and whether the personnel here will take revenge, this is It has nothing to do with me."

Li Guangyu himself would definitely not do anything, after all, he needed to maintain a good corporate image of the Li Group, so how could he do such a thing.

However, in the past hundred years of the Pasib family, there are not a few people who have won it, and Kui En's actions made Li Guangyu feel that Li Xuelan's actions must not have happened once or twice.

And these people want revenge, Li Guangyu can't stop it, who told the Pasib family to do too much.

Quinn Passbaugh knew that his family might be uprooted in the future. Li Guangyu's words were beautiful, but he had no intention of letting the Passbaugh family go. He would not keep Passbaugh The family of this ticking time bomb.

The more Quinn thought about it, the more despair he felt, and he said excitedly: "Mr. Li, once our family loses these properties, there will be no threat to your Li's consortium. Why do you need to kill them all? There are hundreds of members of the Pasper family. , and there are many underage children, how can you bear it."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Pasbo, I have already said that our Li Group and I will not do things that violate the law and discipline. It is useless for you to find me. You have the time, you should Think about who your Passbaugh family has offended, it’s best to get their understanding, so you don’t need to worry about anything.”

Later, Li Guangyu asked Quinn Pasper to have confidence in the Malaysian government, believing that the Malaysian government will be able to protect the personal safety of its citizens.

Quinn Pasbo failed to get the promise he wanted from Li Guangyu. Now he only hoped that his two younger brothers could maintain the development of the family business. As long as these businesses are still there, their family will be safe.

Once the family business goes bankrupt and is liquidated by the government, and the family loses the protection of their wealth, the opponents have countless ways to attack their own family.

Facing these consortiums, the strength of their Pasib family is obviously not enough, and after the family loses its wealth, apart from the family members, many other forces protecting the Pasib family will disappear in smoke.

It's just that now that he is trapped in Xiangjiang, he can't know many things about his family in time. He can't protect himself, so he can only pray in his heart that his family can get through this difficult time under the leadership of his third brother.

As for Li Guangyu, he obviously wouldn't soften his heart just because of what Quinn Pasbo said, and he didn't want to regret it in the future because the people around him were hurt because of his softness this time.

As for what else has nothing to do with him, he only needs to be responsible for the people around him, and the actions of the Passbaugh family obviously make him feel uneasy.

And he never thought of doing it himself, he just needs to make the Pasble family impoverished, as long as they don't have the guarantee of wealth, someone will naturally bite them.

If he let the Pasib family go so easily, how would he explain to Li Xuelan, the two bodyguards and the driver, and how to explain to the senior management of the Li family.

After returning to Li's Building, Gan Qin reported to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, there is news from Malaysia that Cole of the Pasib family has gone to Tokyo today, and they estimate that the Paspo family is planning to go to Japan this time." Please help, I hope our side can make Japanese Gansheng pay attention to the movement over there."

Li Guangyu knew that the Pasib family would not sit still, and currently only Japan had their chance in Asia.

Li Guangyu said: "You contact Gan Qinglin in Japan and ask him to pay attention to the movements of Cole Passbo, and at the same time ask him to contact the six major consortiums in Japan to emphasize the danger of the Passbo family. The existence of such a family is beneficial to all of us who are interested The expanding group is a threat. In important matters, everyone should follow the example of the Pasble family, and how will the business develop in the future."

Gan Qin also knew that his group was not yet capable of competing with the six major Japanese consortiums. At this time, it would not be of any benefit to Li's group to confront the Japanese consortia.

I hope that the Japanese consortium can focus on the United States this time, so that they will not come to fight against the Li Group. Now that the Japanese consortium and the American consortium are competing in various aspects, their own pressure is still relatively high.

Gan Qin replied: "I will pass on your instructions to Gan Sheng verbatim. I think the Japanese consortium is unlikely to be our enemy at present. You must know that this time we are fighting with the Xiangjiang British Consortium, the Singaporean Consortium The consortium and the Malaysian Chinese consortium have joined forces, and they have to consider our influence."


(End of this chapter)

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