Chapter 582
After Cole Passenger arrived in Japan, he immediately handed over his greetings to the helm of the six major Japanese consortiums, and he himself put his main hopes on the Mitsui family, the Iwasaki family, and the Yasuda family.

These three represent the Mitsui consortium, the Mitsubishi consortium, and the Fuji consortium. As for the Sanhe consortium and the First Quanye consortium, he does not have much hope. Sanhe is just a patchwork consortium with very weak centripetal force. Judging by their strength, they may not be able to win the Li's consortium.

As for the First Quanye Consortium, which is more of a government nature, they will obviously not target the Li's Consortium.

As for the Sumitomo Foundation, he even has no hope. He himself is very clear that the Sumitomo Family and the Li Family Group are allies.

While he was busy with these things, Gan Qinglin had urgently met with the heads of several consortiums, and communicated with the helmsmen of several major consortiums about the affairs of the Pasper family.

The Sumitomo family immediately stated that their family would not help the Pasper family and the Li's consortium to be enemies. At the same time, if the Li's consortium needed help, their Sumitomo family was willing to help the Li's consortium.

The Sanhe Consortium and the First Quanye Consortium also immediately stated that their consortia would not interfere in this matter.It is obviously not worthwhile to offend the Lee consortium and the top families in Xiangjiang around him, as well as the Singapore consortium and the Malaysian Chinese consortium for the sake of a Pasib family, and the two of them would not do such a thing.

The Mitsui and Mitsubishi consortiums and the Sumitomo consortium are currently competing in the US market with several major consortiums in the United States. The heads of the two major consortiums, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, are currently not in the mood to offend these Asian consortiums.

Especially the Li's consortium has developed very rapidly in recent years, even if they take action, they may not be able to defeat the Li's consortium. It is not wise to offend such an enemy at this time.They also hope that after the Li's consortium develops, they will join forces with them to fight against the American consortium.

The helm of the Yasuda family also stated that his family would not intervene here. Compared with the three major families of Mitsui, Mitsubishi and Sumitomo, their group's status in the consortium is far worse.They are also a bit better than Sanhe, and they are also not close internally, and their control over the consortium is not as strong as the three major families.

And they were originally at the back of the six major consortiums. Coupled with the problem of control, they want to fight with the four major consortiums including the Lee consortium in Malaysia, and it is estimated that they will not get good results.

The first family that Cole Passenger visited was the Sumitomo family. He planned to visit the heads of a few hopeless consortiums before visiting the Japanese consortium that he hoped could save the Passenger family.

The helm of the Sumitomo family met with Cole Passbaugh at the headquarters of the Sumitomo Building. Although he had already decided not to make a move, since he sent a greeting post and represented the Passbaugh family, he still wanted to meet .

After taking a seat in the reception area, Cole Passbo said: "Mr. Sumitomo, thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me."

Sumitomo Qiying said: "Mr. Pasper, I am very glad to meet you, and you are welcome to come to Sumitomo's headquarters as a guest."

After the two of them exchanged polite words, Cole Passenger talked about the current difficulties of the Passenger family, and made a complaint against the Lee consortium and several other major consortia for suppressing their Passenger family, and then hoped that Sumitomo would The family can provide them with some help.

Cole Passbo said: "Mr. Sumitomo, Japan is the largest economy in Asia, and it should lead the economic development of the Asian region. Some financial groups are challenging your status and suppressing other families at the same time. Such an outrageous approach It is unpopular, and I hope you can come out and uphold justice."

Sumitomo Qiying is not those young people. It is impossible for Cole to fool him into dealing with the Li's consortium.

The current main opponent of the Li’s consortium is not their Japanese side. The real estate industry that the Li’s consortium is mainly engaged in is not a problem for the six major consortiums. As for the automobile industry, there is competition with Japan at present, but it is not too serious. Bentley The group's main rivals are luxury brands from Western Europe and the United States.

As for the Li's consortium, they themselves are the bosses in terms of games. The main businesses of the six major consortiums in Japan are industry, energy, and finance, and they don't care too much about it.

As for the semiconductor industry under the Li's consortium, they didn't take it seriously, which was far behind their technology.

Sumitomo Qiying is not worried about what the Lee consortium can rely on to threaten the status of its own consortium. The Li consortium does not control a large energy group, nor does it control a large technology group. The Bentley Group is also far away in England. Besides, their current enemy is the American consortium. They are not willing to give up the battle with the American consortium and come to the Chinese consortium to compete.

The rapid economic development after the war revived the ambitions of their big families. So what if the United States is strong, they believe that their big consortia are far stronger than the American consortium.

Except for Morgan, Rockefeller and DuPont in the United States, other consortiums are simply ignored by them.Although the California consortium is known as the third largest consortium in the United States, in their eyes, it is the same as the Sanhe consortium. It is just a group of companies reporting to the group for warmth, and it cannot be as centripetal as a family consortium.

Sumitomo Qiying said: "Mr. Pasper, because Japan is currently the leader of the Asian economy, it is not convenient for us to make a move, and we hope that our Asian families and consortiums can unite and jointly deal with the European and American consortiums. We support severe punishment for individual families who intentionally break the rules."

Cole Pasper knew the relationship between the Sumitomo family and the Lee Consortium, so he was not surprised by Sumitomo Qiying's refusal, nor did he think that the Sumitomo Consortium would come forward to help his family.

After talking with Sumitomo Qiying for a while, he bid farewell to Sumitomo Qiying and left the Sumitomo Building.

Then he visited the helmsmen of the Sanhe Consortium and the First Quanye Consortium respectively, and the results did not surprise him, and the two also rejected his proposal.

When he visited the Yasuda family and the Iwasaki family with confidence, the response he received made him feel a little sad. The two families also flatly rejected his request, and they were not even willing to discuss the terms with him.

With the last hope, Cole Pasbo went to the headquarters of the Mitsui family to meet with the helm of the consortium. This is already the last straw for the Pasbo family. It is difficult for the Bo family to have any hope.

However, Patriarch Mitsui's refusal answer shattered his last fantasy, perhaps because he felt that the family was hopeless, and Cole Passbo was also a little out of control.

Unwilling and sad, he said to Patriarch Mitsui: "Why can you watch the Li family grow and don't care? Our family is willing to pay such a high price, and you are still willing to sit on the sidelines."

Patriarch Mitsui said: "Mr. Pasper, some of your actions have already angered the public, and we don't want to have a car accident or a bullet suddenly one day. We are businessmen, and these assassination methods It shouldn’t appear in shopping malls, so don’t get your hopes up in Japan, I believe they won’t make a move.”


(End of this chapter)

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