Through the wealth life

Chapter 70 Panda Fast Food

Chapter 70 Panda Fast Food
Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Li Guangyu asked Li Xuelan, "You have been in America for a few years, are you familiar with Los Angeles?"

"It's okay. Although I go to school in Boston, I sometimes come to Los Angeles during the holidays. What's the matter, what's the matter, Mr. Li?" Li Xuelan asked.

"I really don't like American food. Do you know of a better Chinese restaurant, preferably Sichuan cuisine." Li Guangyu is still used to eating Sichuan cuisine.

Li Xuelan was really not very clear about where there is a Sichuan restaurant, so she said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I don't know where there is a Sichuan restaurant, why don't you go to Chinatown and have a look, maybe you can find it there."

Li Guangyu didn't know about Li Xuemei, so he decided to go to Chinatown to see it himself. He had heard of Chinatown many times in his previous life, but he had never seen what Chinatown was like.

At 06:30 in the evening, Li Guangyu came to Chinatown on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles together with his bodyguards.

Li Guangyu came here as if he had returned to the streets of Hong Kong. There were Chinese signboards hanging on the doors of every store, and he was listening to some Cantonese, including some Mandarin.

To be honest, the environment here is really not that good, just like the streets around downtown Xiangjiang.Li Guangyu was walking in Chinatown, looking for Sichuan restaurant.

Followed by several bodyguards, Li Guangyu arrived in front of a restaurant called Panda Express. The reason why Li Guangyu came here was because he wanted to see how the restaurant named after the national treasure of Huaguo was. name.

After Li Guangyu entered the store, there were still many people queuing up to order food, and the menu in the store was quite rich, including Cantonese, Hunan, Sichuan and Shandong cuisines.

Li Guangyu didn't go to queue, but found an empty seat in the store and sat down. As for Li Guangyu's food, his own bodyguard brought it for him.

Li Guangyu observed this store carefully, and compared it with some fast food restaurants in his mind, Li Guangyu found that this fast food restaurant has some unique features.

While Li Guangyu was waiting for Du Yonghong to order, several young people from the east came to Li Guangyu.

One of the girls said excitedly in Cantonese: "Hello Li Sheng, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Li Guangyu didn't know about the situation of these people, so he said, "Hello!"

A group of four people, two men and two women.One of the men with a height of 1.7 meters five was about to speak, and another girl said: "Li Sheng, hello! I am Li Jiaying, Li Jiajie's cousin."

Then she introduced the situation of the other three to Li Guangyu. The girl who greeted her first was from the Xiangjiang Lin family, named Lin Jianfang.The other two men, Gao Xinming, belonged to the Gao Kening family, and Li Guowei, a member of the Li Peicai family.

When Li Guangyu heard this, he really wanted to be friends with any kind of person. None of these four had a simple family, and each family had a pivotal position in Xiangjiang.

Li Guangyu said: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lin Jianfang said: "Sheng Li, many people in our school are discussing news about you now?"

Lin Jianfang was very excited to meet Li Guangyu here today, and he also knew the legend about Li Guangyu in detail.I have great admiration for Li Guangyu's ability, and I am also interested in Li Guangyu's unique business vision.

Li Guangyu said, "Miss Lin, which university are you studying in now? What are they talking about about me?"

At this time, Li Guowei rushed to say: "Li Sheng, we are both studying at UCLA, and now the school is discussing your acquisition of two teams, especially the Lakers. Many people in our school are Lakers fans. .”

Li Guangyu has heard of this school. The University of California, Los Angeles is referred to as UCLA. out of school.

Lin Jianfang was a little unhappy seeing Li Guowei stealing her topic, and glared at Li Guowei.

At this time, Du Yonghong had brought Li Guangyu's dinner over, and Li Guangyu said to Li Jiaying and the others: "I'll ask Yonghong to arrange for you what you want to eat."

Li Jiaying and the others were not polite, they just wanted to get closer to Li Guangyu, so they all talked about their favorite dishes.

"Li Sheng, why do you want to eat in a fast food restaurant?" Li Jiaying asked.

"I don't like the food here in the United States, so I came to Chinatown today to look for a restaurant with Sichuan cuisine. I saw that this restaurant was quite different from other restaurants, so I came in and tried it." Li Guangyu said.

Gao Xinming said: "Li Sheng, we have eaten at this Panda fast food restaurant a few times. Compared to the United States, the taste is still very good."

The speed of this fast-food restaurant is still very fast. After a while, Du Yonghong and several bodyguards delivered the meals ordered by Li Jiaying and others.

Li Guangyu and the others chatted while eating, especially Lin Jianfang, who was so interested in Li Guangyu for some reason.He kept looking for topics and asked about Li Guangyu's news.

While eating, Li Guangyu dealt with Lin Jianfang's problems. Although the food was much better than what he had eaten these days, Li Guangyu still felt that the food made at home was the best. The food in this restaurant may be to take care of Americans. The taste of it, lost some of the original taste of Sichuan cuisine.

Gao Xinming asked: "Li Sheng, the Lakers have entered the semifinals. Do you think the Lakers can win this year?"

"I don't think there is much hope for the Lakers this season. I am already satisfied that they can enter the semifinals. The current team lineup still has some flaws. There should be hope for next season." Li Guangyu replied.

Li Guangyu knew that the Lakers might not be able to win the semifinals. The Suns' lineup was obviously stronger than the Lakers. It would be very difficult for the Lakers to win four games.

After Li Guangyu had dinner with Li Jiaying and the others, he bid them farewell and returned to the hotel.

Now that the fast food industry is still in its infancy, and KFC and McDonald's are not as well-known as later generations, Li Guangyu is thinking about whether he needs to enter this industry so that he can enter the mainland market in the future and prevent KFC, McDonald's and other foreign companies from monopolizing the market.

Thinking about how every big city in mainland China has KFC, Li Guangyu felt that he couldn't let go of such an opportunity. If he started preparations now, he would at least be able to compete with KFC in the future.

Li Guangyu knew that if he wanted to develop the fast food industry, he had to find a helper, and the owner of this Panda fast food restaurant today was his opportunity to enter the fast food industry.If the negotiation is good, you don't have to worry about this investment at all, and someone else will manage it yourself.

After Li Guangyu returned to the hotel, he found Li Xuelan and said to him, "Xuelan, you should check the information of the owner of the Panda Express Restaurant these two days. I need to discuss cooperation with him."

"Alright Mr. Li." Li Xuelan replied.


 If you are interested in reading fan fiction, you can read "Marvel: I Am Wolverine" written by a friend of mine. The contract has just been sent out, so you can invest with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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