Through the wealth life

Chapter 71 Calling on Chen Zhengchang

Chapter 71 Calling on Chen Zhengchang

Li Xuelan contacted Chen Zhengchang, the owner of the Panda Express Restaurant, within two days and agreed to meet with him at 5:5 am on May [-].

Li Guangyu learned from the information that Chen Zhengchang is from Baodao, and he has opened fast-food restaurants for almost ten years, but he has not developed aggressively. Currently, there are only a few fast-food restaurants in the California area.

Because Chen Zhengchang was in San Francisco, Li Guangyu and Li Xuelan rushed to San Francisco on the afternoon of the [-]th, accompanied by Du Yonghong and others.

In the morning of the next day, Li Guangyu came to the office of Jufengyuan Company. The reason why it was called Jufengyuan was that both Panda Express Restaurant and Jufengyuan Restaurant were run by Chen Zhengchang.

Li Guangyu and Li Xuelan walked into Jufengyuan Catering Company, and the administrative staff at the front desk asked, "Sir, Ma'am, what do you need?"

Li Xuelan said to him, "We made an appointment with your chairman at nine o'clock."

The executive said: "You are Mr. Li Guangyu and Ms. Li Xuelan, our chairman has already explained to us, please come with me, and I will lead you to the chairman's office."

Li Guangyu met the founder of Panda Fast Restaurant in his office. He is only about 30 years old, and he is in the prime of life.

"Mr. Li, Ms. Li, welcome to come." Chen Zhengchang said.

At the same time, Chen Zhengchang said to the administrator: "Xiaomei, go and bring a pot of tea to the two guests."

Li Guangyu said: "Chairman Chen, thank you for meeting with us."

"Mr. Li is being polite. I don't know what the so-called Mr. Li's visit is?" Chen Zhengchang really didn't know what the so-called Li Guangyu came to visit him.

Yesterday, I received a contact from Li Xuelan that Li Guangyu wanted to visit me, and I checked the news about Li Guangyu.He admires Li Guangyu very much, even if he is not as successful as Li Guangyu now, let alone Li Guangyu is not yet young.

Li Guangyu said: "Chairman Chen, the reason why I'm visiting you today is because I had a meal at your Panda Express Restaurant in Los Angeles a few days ago, and I wanted to exchange ideas with you."

Chen Zhengchang was puzzled by this, as far as he knew, Li Guangyu was not involved in the catering business at present, nor was he associated with it.Thinking of Li Guangyu's expansion pace over the past year, could it be that Li Guangyu is about to enter the catering industry.

"Mr. Li, please tell me what you think." Chen Zhengchang said.

At this moment, he remembered the knock on the door, and Chen Zhengchang said, "Please come in."

The administrative staff just now came in with tea, poured a cup of tea for several people, and then retreated.

Li Guangyu said: "Chairman Chen, I feel that your restaurants are doing pretty well, but the number is too small, and there are only a few in California."

"Mr. Li, because of the company's financial problems and the company's strategy of seeking stability, we have not expanded in a big way. I think we will gradually expand the number of our restaurants in the future." Chen Zhengchang replied.

Li Guangyu and Li Xuelan investigated the situation of Jufeng Garden, and they were somewhat clear about the situation of Chen Zhengchang's company.

"Then Chairman Chen, do you currently have any plans to introduce foreign capital?" Li Guangyu asked.

Hearing that Li Guangyu didn't say anything, Chen Zhengchang knew that Li Guangyu had taken a fancy to Jufengyuan Company, but this was his painstaking effort for many years, and he had no intention of letting it go.

"Mr. Li, I have no plans to introduce foreign capital at present. The current profit of my company is enough to support the development of the company."

Li Guangyu was not disappointed about it either. No one wanted to casually let others buy shares in the company he had been running for many years, and he was also worried about whether he could keep his controlling stake in the company.

Li Guangyu said: "Chairman Chen, we all know that as your competitors, KFC and McDonald's are rapidly expanding to the United States, but it is difficult for your company's profits to support such expansion?"

Of course, Chen Zhengchang knew what Li Guangyu said, but even so, it was not the reason for Li Guangyu to take over Jufengyuan. One must know that if it expanded like KFC, the invested capital would definitely not keep its controlling interest in the company.

"Sheng Li, I think my Jufeng Garden is developing well at the moment, and it doesn't need to expand as fast as KFC in every state in the United States." Chen Zhengchang replied.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Li Guangyu also felt that it was a bit tricky. If Chen Zhengchang was holding the company's profits to support the development of Li Guangyu, he would have no way to start.

At this time, Li Xuelan said beside him: "Chairman Chen, I know that you are worried about losing control of the company after introducing Li Sheng's funds. I don't think you need to worry too much about this issue. There are always many companies under Li Sheng. , he doesn’t have that much energy to manage the catering company.”

After Chen Zhengchang listened to Li Xuemei's words, he still did not agree to Li Guangyu's request for a shareholding.Because even if Li Guangyu let himself manage the company now, who knows what will happen in the future, the company is still in his hands to be at ease.

Chen Zhengchang said: "Thank you Mr. Li for your concern for our company, but at present our company really has no plans to introduce foreign capital. If our company has such a plan in the future, we must first inform Mr. Li."

When Li Guangyu heard what Chen Zhengchang said, he knew that his mission to come here today had failed.

Li Guangyu said: "Chairman Chen, you can think about it. I will be in the United States this month. If you are willing to introduce funds, you can contact me at any time."

Chen Zhengchang said: "Okay, Mr. Li, I will think about it more."

Li Guangyu knew that this was Chen Zhengchang's excuse, so he said to him: "Chairman Chen, then we will not bother you."

After Li Guangyu and Chen Zhengchang said goodbye, they left Jufengyuan Company with Li Xuelan.

After returning to the car, Li Xuelan said, "Li Sheng, depending on the situation, Chen Zhengchang doesn't want us to take over his company. What shall we do next?"

"It seems that Chen Zhengchang is similar to our Chinese family. They are not willing to let others control their family business. There is nothing to be disappointed about. It is me, and I am not willing. See if I also firmly control my company. Is it in your hands?" Li Guangyu said.

Li Xuelan is also clear about the affairs of the major families in Xiangjiang. For such a self-developed enterprise, the Chinese can only rest assured that they take control in their own hands.Li Guangyu's several groups could obviously go public, but Li Guangyu just didn't want to.

Li Xuelan said, "Then Li Sheng, what should we do next?"

"Ignore it for the time being. We will go to Los Angeles first, and then prepare to go to Santa Clara to see how Tianfan's preparations are going." Li Guangyu said.

As for the catering industry, Li Guangyu is not too anxious now, that is, after eating at the Panda Express Restaurant, he only wants to see if he can become a shareholder so that he can enter the catering industry. Since it is not possible, then we will talk about it later.Li Guangyu has so many things to do in the company now, he doesn't have time to manage the catering company himself.

(End of this chapter)

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