Through the wealth life

Chapter 75 Coping

Chapter 75 Coping
There are all kinds of news in the market in Xiangjiang today, and the citizens of Xiangjiang are also watching the excitement, discussing their own views on the news in the newspaper.

The reporters of the major newspapers are also talents, and they exaggerate such a small incident to a big problem that can shake Xiangjiang.Each wrote their own comments, and at this moment they seemed to be experts in this field.

After Li Xuelan answered Li Guangyu's phone call, she immediately arranged for the manager of the administration department to notify the senior management of Li's several major group companies to hold a meeting in Jiayi Building.

At the same time, let him inform the three major TV stations and major newspapers that at 09:30, the Li Group will hold a press conference at the Jiayi Building regarding the artists of the Jiayi Group.

At 09:30 in the morning, Li Xuemei, Du Yuemei, Wu Jiayuan, vice president of Jiayi Group, and Guo Qingya, vice president of Starlight Real Estate Group, attended the press conference.

The reporters were envious when they saw that these women, who were under [-], were already senior executives of a group company with billions of dollars.

Li Xuemei said: "Thank you all for coming to our Li Group's press conference on this Jiayi artist event."

A reporter from Xiangyu Daily asked: "Ms. Li, does Li Sheng know about your press conference, and what is his attitude towards this Jiayi incident?"

Li Xuemei replied: "I held this press conference exactly according to Li Sheng's order. Li Sheng asked me to tell everyone that the remarks about Jiayi artists this time only represent herself, not our Li Group, let alone represent Li Sheng's attitude."

A reporter from Dongfang Daily asked: "Ms. Li, we all know that the opinions of Jiayi artists are so influential nowadays. That's because they are in Li Sheng's company. I would like to ask Li Sheng what is his opinion on Xiangjiang now?"

At this time, Du Yuemei took the lead in answering: "We all know that Li Sheng has always been focused on developing the company, and he will not think too much about issues beyond his ability. When our group was established, Li Sheng established the rules, regardless of politics, Don't get involved in politics, don't interfere in politics. Do our news well with an attitude of seeking truth from facts, I think this can interpret Li Sheng's views."

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily asked: "Ms. Li, we all know that when the Governor-General visited the mainland, Li Sheng started to visit RB and the United States, and invested heavily in these two countries. How does Li Sheng think about it now?"

Li Xuemei knew that if this matter was not explained clearly, the media would speculate that Li Guangyu had the idea of ​​evacuating Xiangjiang.Fortunately, Li Sheng's current career in Xiangjiang is much higher than the other two places, and the development of Tianshuiwei and the construction of the headquarters building have not yet caused the media to have too much opinion of Li Guangyu.

Li Xuemei said: "As for Li Sheng's visit to RB, it was decided at the beginning of the year. This is also the need for our group's expansion. As for Li Sheng's investment in the two places, it is also for the better development of our group."

At this time, Guo Qingya, vice president of Starlight Real Estate Group, said: "The reason why Li Sheng established a real estate company in RB is that Li Sheng is very optimistic about RB's real estate industry market, and the current Xiangjiang real estate industry is already relatively crowded. In addition to developing Tianshuiwei, Li Sheng also It does not intend to compete with other real estate groups in Xiangjiang.”

A reporter from Ming Pao asked: "Ms. Li, what we Xiangjiang citizens want to know most is Li Sheng's opinion on the issue of Xiangjiang. Can you tell us what Li Sheng thinks about this issue?"

Li Xuemei knew that with the current Jiayi incident, this problem cannot be avoided.

Li Xuemei said: "Li Sheng's view on the Xiangjiang issue has always been that it is an issue between the British and mainland governments. Li Sheng is just a businessman, and what he can do is to develop his own company and maintain Xiangjiang. Economic development. According to Li Sheng, the mainland and England will be able to solve the problem of Xiangjiang very well."

The reporter below listened to what kind of answer this was, and it still meant that there was no answer.

A reporter from Xiangjiang Xinbao asked: "Ms. Wu, are the remarks of the artists under your group influenced by your company when they are interviewed?"

Wu Jiayuan said: "Just now, Ms. Du has already answered the rules that Li Sheng established at the beginning of the company. Our company will never involve political issues. It just represents her personal opinion and cannot represent our Jiayi Group."


Li Xuemei said at the end of the press conference: "This is the end of today's press conference. Thank you for your concern for our group. As for your questions, you can answer them personally after Li Sheng comes back."

The reporters below were all very happy when Li Xuemei said that Li Guangyu was coming back, and some reporters were already preparing to squat at the airport.

In the meeting room of Jiayi Building, Li Xuemei presided over the meeting.As the current highest helm of the Li Group in Xiangjiang, Li Xuemei is very stressed about this incident. When other high-level executives have left, such an incident will make her feel greatly discounted in Li Guangyu's heart. Li Xuemei thought Also very angry.

Li Xuemei said at the meeting: "Li Sheng is very angry about what happened to Jiayi Group, and it also disrupted Li Sheng's plans in the United States."

Chen Shufen stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I failed Li Sheng's trust and failed to manage the artists under my banner."

If you want to say who is under the most pressure now, it is Chen Shufen. The major incident this time was caused by the people under her company.

Li Xuemei said: "Now is not the time to discuss these things. The reason why Li Sheng asked me to hold this meeting is to let all companies pay attention to this issue, especially us high-level executives, we must pay attention to our behavior and not bring trouble to the company."

"Ms. Li, don't worry, we will pass on Li Sheng's request immediately."

Li Xuemei continued: "As the senior management, we have to be responsible for the company's development. If any management thinks this cannot be done, then you can leave."

After the high-level meeting, Li Xuemei specially came to the artist agency, and attended the plenary meeting of the artist agency together with the top management of Jiayi Group.

After Wu Jiayuan conveyed the request from the meeting just now, Li Xuemei said: "Most of you will be public figures. I hope that everyone will be responsible to the company and themselves in their words and deeds in the future. Some things should not be considered by us. To talk about it, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again in the company."

The following artists were also caught off guard by this incident. Originally, Jiayi is developing well now, and the treatment is also in the forefront of Xiangjiang.Originally, Jiayi Group didn't pay too much attention to Li Sheng, but now that something like this happens, Jiayi Group may be even more unpopular.

They were thinking of relying on Li Sheng's influence to get out of Xiangjiang, so how could they seek Li Sheng's help.

"Ms. Li, don't worry, we will pay attention to our words and deeds." Artists replied one after another.

Li Xuemei didn't see the protagonist of this incident at this meeting, so she asked: "Why didn't the person interviewed come to the meeting?"

Chen Shufen said: "We can't contact her now, and we don't know what's going on."

At this moment, a company executive said: "Ms. Li, Ms. Wu, she has already asked the company to terminate the contract and has joined Li's TV station."

After Li Xuemei heard this, she didn't say anything more, and she will talk about this matter after Li Guangyu comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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