Chapter 76 Returning to Xiangjiang
Early the next morning, Li Guangyu, Li Xuelan, Zhou Liangshuyi and others rushed to San Francisco Airport to take the [-]:[-] am flight to Xiangjiang.

When Li Guangyu returned to Xiangjiang, it was already 15:02 in the morning of NO.30, and Li Guangyu's bodyguards in Xiangjiang had already driven in the airport and waited for Li Guangyu's return.

Sometimes you have to admire the dedication of Xiangjiang journalists. It's been a while, and when Li Guangyu's motorcade showed up at the airport, they knew that Li Guangyu must have returned from the United States.Even though it was the time when they were sleeping soundly, these reporters came to wait outside the airport one after another.

As soon as Li Guangyu's motorcade got out of the airport, the reporters surrounded him and expressed their desire to interview Li Guangyu.Li Guangyu himself knew that the reason why these reporters were still waiting here today was to get the news as soon as he arrived in Xiangjiang.

After Li Guangyu got out of the car and asked the bodyguards to maintain order, he began to be interviewed by reporters.

A reporter from Dongfang Daily asked first: "Li Sheng, we know that you came back from the United States in a hurry mainly for the Jiayi incident. May I ask how Li Sheng looks at the problem?"

Li Guangyu said: "I think Ms. Li Xuemei has already given you the answer at the press conference before. It is purely a personal issue of the artist, and has nothing to do with my Li Group. Our group has always been dedicated to developing its own business and contributing to the development of Xiangjiang. contribute to economic development."

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily asked: "Li Sheng, we noticed that your business in Xiangjiang did not expand this year, and you went to RB and the United States to expand the territory of Li's Group in person. Do you have any doubts about Xiangjiang's economy? gone?"

Li Guangyu knew that these reporters just wanted some explosive news from him. As for whether such news would affect the development and stability of Xiangjiang, that was not their concern. They only needed such news to make the newspaper popular.

Li Guangyu said: "The profits of several major groups under me have increased to varying degrees in the first quarter, and we have spent one billion Hong Kong dollars to build our headquarters building in Central. At the same time, the development of our Tin Shui Wai is also in full swing. The cost is expected to exceed One billion Hong Kong dollars, how can I have doubts about Hong Kong's economy? I am very optimistic about the development of Hong Kong's economy."

A reporter from the Hong Kong Evening News asked: "Li Sheng, Mr. Governor's recent visit to the mainland, and the Xiangjiang issue has become the focus of all parties. How do you compare?"

Regarding this question, Li Guangyu had prepared and thought about it long ago, and the answer had long been in Li Guangyu's mind.

"Regarding the issue of Xiangjiang, the mainland and British governments are still in communication. I think that both the mainland and the UK hope that Xiangjiang can develop steadily and rapidly. What I have to do is to work hard to develop my own business and contribute to the development of Xiangjiang. power." Li Guangyu said.

Regarding Li Guangyu's ambiguous answer, the reporters didn't quite buy it. They hoped to get a definite answer from Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu didn't give the reporter another chance to ask questions, but took the exhaustion of the journey as an excuse to get in the car and rush home.As for Zhou Liangshuyi and the others, Li Guangyu had already sent a car to take them back.

As soon as Li Guangyu entered the house, he heard Wu Wen's voice: "Master, you are back, would you like me to arrange for A Liang to cook you something to eat?"

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Wu Wen hadn't rested until midnight, waiting for him to come back.

Li Guangyu said: "Grandpa Wu, no need, I've already eaten on the plane, and I'm not hungry yet, why haven't you rested yet?"

"It's not that you want to come back, I want to wait for you to come back to see if there is anything you need, and then go to rest." Wu Wen said.

"Grandpa Wu, you don't have to wait for me. It's past three o'clock now. You should go to rest. You are getting old. Staying up late like this is not good for your health."

"Young Master, I know, I'm going to rest now, you should also rest early, things don't come in a hurry." After Wu Wen finished speaking, he left the living room and went to his room.

Li Guangyu woke up after less than four hours of sleep. He was going to visit Zheng Dong, the president of Xinhua News Agency, at ten o'clock this morning.

Just after Li Guangyu had breakfast, sisters Li Xuemei and Gan Qinglin came to Li Guangyu to report the situation to Li Guangyu during this time.

Li Guangyu was particularly concerned about the attitude of Xinhua News Agency, and said to Gan Qinglin, "Qinglin, you visited President Zheng of Xinhua News Agency yesterday. What is his attitude towards our group?"

"Li Sheng, I called on President Zheng yesterday morning and explained to him our company's attitude towards the Xiangjiang issue. President Zheng expressed his understanding to us, and you are very welcome to visit him today." Gan Qinglin replied.

Seeing that Xinhua News Agency didn't blame him much, Li Guangyu felt relieved.

"Xuemei, how is the current situation of the company? Does this incident have a greater impact on our group?" Li Guangyu asked Li Xuemei.

"Li Sheng, the top management of the company is currently stable. Because our group's business salaries are relatively good, and the employees do not fluctuate too much. The main reason is that the news media in Xiangjiang are now on top of our group, and they always want to find some news from us. " said Li Xuemei.

Li Guangyu also knew that the internal problems were not that big, but the external ones, especially in this sensitive area. As Li Guangyu's influence grew, he might cause an uproar if he didn't pay attention.

"Xuemei, you let the major groups ignore the reporters, and at the same time let Xiangyu Daily and Jiayi TV find sensational things around the world to report on and suppress the heat." Li Guangyu instructed Li Xuemei.

Li Guangyu knew that a new topic could overwhelm the Jiayi incident, so naturally fewer people would discuss this matter, and the news media would no longer focus on the Li Group.

Li Xuemei also understood this truth, and said: "Don't worry, Li Sheng, I will make arrangements, and I will definitely let my heat down."

"Qinglin, have you made arrangements for RB? Can Qin Jiao support the company's development there alone?" Li Guangyu was worried about the development of Renben.

"Li Sheng, our RB company has not yet entered into any major projects. Ms. Qin can take charge of the company's development." Gan Qinglin replied.

"Well, you will stay in Hong Kong for these two months, and take care of Guo Qingya so that she can manage Starlight Real Estate Company on her own."

"Alright Mr. Li." Gan Qinglin replied.

Li Guangyu planned to directly appoint Guo Qingya as the CEO of Starlight Real Estate Group in a few months, so that Gan Qinglin could develop Xingyue Real Estate Group in RB with peace of mind.

Li Guangyu continued: "Xuelan, now that you have returned to Xiangjiang, you don't have to stay with me all the time. You go to Xiangyu Group as the vice president, mainly to learn more experience from President Du."

Li Guangyu originally wanted Li Xuelan to go to Xingyu Video Game Group, but considering that Li Xuemei was the president of the group, this was not good, so he let Li Xuelan go to Xiangyu Group.

After Li Guangyu arranged these things, he checked the time and asked Zhang Songtao and others to send him to the Xiangjiang Xinhua News Agency branch.

(End of this chapter)

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