Through the wealth life

Chapter 83 Los Angeles

Chapter 83 Los Angeles

The next morning, Li Guangyu rushed to Los Angeles.The Lakers still failed to enter the Western Conference Finals, losing to the Suns 2:4. Li Guangyu's trip to Los Angeles this time is to make certain adjustments to the group's top management.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, in the meeting room in the Great Western Forum, various high-level executives of the sports industry group were already in place, and at the same time, Lakers coach Jerry West was also notified to come here for a meeting.

Li Guangyu said in the meeting: "I am very satisfied with the team's performance this season. Now I would like to ask the CEO, Ms. Peng Xiaoli, to announce some personnel adjustments within the group."

Peng Xiaoli got up and said: "The vice president of the group, Mr. Sith Pross, will no longer serve as the president of the Lakers team affairs department. His position will be taken by the team's general manager, Mr. Jevon McCann."

Sith Pross was very calm about this. After he was promoted to vice president of the group, he knew that the position of president of the affairs department would be given up.

But Jevon McCann was surprised. He didn't expect that the high-level executives would let him be the second in command of the Lakers, and his face was full of excitement.

Peng Xiaoli continued: "The president of the Lakers, Ms. Lancie Klosty, will no longer serve as the president of the public relations department, and Ms. Sli Williams will take up her position."

Sli Williams's expression was quite normal because she was in charge of the public relations department during this period of time. The appointment was included in her information, but she still had a hint of joy on her face when she heard the appointment.

Peng Xiaoli waited for her to deliver her acceptance speech, and said: "The President of the Kings, Mr. Jim Green, will no longer serve as the President of Team Affairs, and his position will be assumed by Mr. Simon Klein."


"The general manager of the Lakers will be held by Mr. Jerry West." Peng Xiaoli announced.

Jerry West never thought that he would become the general manager of the team as soon as he entered the management team. He thought that he would have to struggle for many years to be able to sit on this high position. He did not expect that he would become the top executive of the Lakers up.

Jerry West got up and said: "Thanks to the group's senior management for their trust in me. I believe I have the ability to lead the Lakers to better results and make the Lakers one of the nobles in the NBA."

Li Guangyu knew Jerry West's ability very well. Before Li Guangyu's rebirth, he was still active in the NBA, serving as the general manager of many teams, and even higher positions.

After the meeting, Li Guangyu met Jerry West alone and discussed with him about the team's draft.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. West, the results of the draft lottery have come out. We got the No. [-] pick drawn by the Jazz. Do you have a suitable candidate for the team's lottery?"

As the team's coach for many years, West naturally knows where the team's weaknesses lie. Being able to get the No. [-] pick this time is a good opportunity for reinforcement. He already has a goal.

West said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, I plan to choose Irvine Johnson of Michigan State University in the No. [-] pick. Currently our guard line is relatively weak, and I think he can make up for our guard line very well."

Seeing that West chose the magician, Li Guangyu stopped talking and asked about the team's new coach.

Jerry West has no definite goal for this, and can only say: "Mr. Li, regarding our team's new coach, we can observe again. I don't have a definite goal at the moment."

Li Guangyu said to him: "You can contact Mr. Pat Riley to see if he is willing to serve as the chief assistant coach of our team. If he is willing, you will continue to serve as the team coach next season and see if Mr. Riley can Not able to take over the coaching position of the team."

West is very familiar with Pat Riley. Riley played under him during the Lakers period. He did not expect that Li Guangyu would prepare him to be the head coach of the team.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I will contact Mr. Riley as soon as possible." Jerry West said.

"Okay then, Mr. West, go and do your work." Li Guangyu said.

Li Guangyu came to Peng Xiaoli's office after talking about the Lakers with Jerry West.

"Ms. Peng, due to the problems in Xiangjiang, Ms. Zhou Liang will not return to the United States at present, and she has not completed the establishment of Jiayi Artists Brokerage Branch in the United States. I hope you can complete this matter." Li Guangyu said
Peng Xiaoli is also clear about this matter. The establishment of this company can better communicate with each other and cooperate with each other to develop together.

"Okay, Li Sheng, I will complete the establishment of this branch as soon as possible." Peng Xiaoli replied.

"You can arrange it yourself. While you are developing Xinghong Sports Industry Group, you should also communicate more with other group companies to understand the development trends of each group in the United States." Li Guangyu said.

Peng Xiaoli knew that this was Li Guangyu's plan to allow her to fully manage American companies in the future, so of course she had no objection to this.

Peng Xiaoli said: "Don't worry Li Sheng, I will keep in touch with each group at any time to promote the coordinated development of our major groups."

"You also know that it is impossible for me to let Mr. Yuan Tianfan stay in the United States for a long time. He will be transferred back to Xiangjiang in 82 at the latest. During these three years, you have to learn a lot of management experience and understand various group companies Business"

"I see. Thank you, Li Sheng, for your attention to me. I won't let you down," Peng Xiaoli said solemnly.

Li Guangyu didn't say anything after hearing Peng Xiaoli's words. The opportunity had already been given to her. Whether she could grasp it or not, it would depend on her own ability to take charge of all the companies in the United States in the future.

The reason why Li Guangyu transferred Yuan Tianfan back to Xiangjiang in 82 at the latest was that at that time, Hong Kong's economy was at its lowest point, and many banks would go bankrupt because of this, and the Hong Kong dollar would also experience a crisis later on.

Li Guangyu was planning to buy a bank at that time, how could he not have his own bank if he wanted to develop into a top wealthy family?The reason why Li Guangyu didn't buy the bank now was to wait for that time before making a move.

And Yuan Tianfan will be the head of Li's Financial Group in the future. It is impossible for Li Guangyu to keep Yuan Tianfan on the US side all the time, so he thinks that Peng Xiaoli will learn more now. After Yuan Tianfan leaves, someone in the US can afford it. Group development.

Li Guangyu didn't want to transfer a high-level person who was not familiar with the situation in the United States after Yuan Tianfan left. This would not be good for the development of the group.

After talking with Peng Xiaoli, Li Guangyu left the Great Western Forum and returned to the hotel suite that Du Yonghong had booked for him.

Li Guangyu now realizes that it is quite troublesome to have no assistant. Many things can be done by ordering in the past. Now that there is no assistant, Li Guangyu needs to do it himself.Li Guangyu thought that he had to hire another assistant, otherwise he would not be able to know the company's affairs in time.

(End of this chapter)

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