Chapter 84

In the next two days, Li Guangyu handled some affairs of various groups in the United States, as well as the design studio established by the apparel group in the United States.

On May 5, when Li Guangyu came to the Great Western Forum Arena, Peng Xiaoli said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, Mr. Wang Heng, the president of the California branch of the American Chinese Association, invited you to attend the reception held by their branch at 23 o'clock tomorrow night. .”

Li Guangyu didn't know much about the American-Chinese Association, so he said to Peng Xiaoli, "Do you know about this association?"

"Li Sheng, after I received a call from Mr. Wang Heng, I went to check it out. The American-Chinese Association was established in 1973 by Mr. Wang Gongli and several Chinese elites. It aims to unite Chinese forces and promote Chinese political participation in the United States. Improve the status of the Chinese. At present, Wang Sheng is still in charge of the U.S. Bureau of Mines." Peng Xiaoli said.

After hearing this, Li Guangyu also admired these people. It is impossible to reach such a high position in the United States without top elite talents.I also support the purpose of the association. In the American society, only the Chinese can develop well if they unite. Racial discrimination in the United States is not empty talk.

Li Guangyu said: "Go and reply to Mr. Wang Heng, I will definitely attend the reception on time tomorrow night."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll reply to Mr. Wang Heng right now," Peng Xiaoli said.

Li Guangyu seemed to have thought of something, and said to Peng Xiaoli: "Tomorrow night, you will attend this reception with me, and get to know more about these Chinese elites during the dinner, which will be of great help to your future work in the United States."

Peng Xiaoli did not expect that Li Guangyu would let her accompany him to this reception, so she was naturally willing to go to the dinner.

"Understood, Li Sheng, I will prepare well." Peng Xiaoli replied.

After talking with Peng Xiaoli, Li Guangyu came to the Kings (NHL). Li Guangyu didn't know much about ice hockey.Just staying in Los Angeles these few days, as a team under his own, Li Guangyu felt that he still needed to know more about it.

At 06:30 the next night, Li Guangyu and Peng Xiaoli left the company and rushed to the Millennium Hotel accompanied by Du Yonghong and others, where tonight's reception will be held.

At 07:30, Li Guangyu arrived at the Millennium Hotel. Guided by a staff member of the association, Li Guangyu and Peng Xiaoli came to the banquet hall.

At this time, the chairman Wang Heng walked towards Li Guangyu, came to Li Guangyu and said: "Mr. Li, Ms. Peng, thank you for being able to attend this reception."

Li Guangyu said politely: "Mr. Wang, it is our honor to be invited to this reception. We also hope to get to know the Chinese elites in the United States. In the United States, only when we Chinese are united can we achieve a better future." develop."

Wang Heng was very happy to hear what Li Guangyu said, and said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, what you said is very good. Our association was established because of the consideration of the situation of our Chinese in the United States. It is to hope that the Chinese can Unite and improve the status of us Chinese in America."

When Li Guangyu was about to say something, Wang Heng said: "Sorry, Mr. Li, you can take a look around the banquet hall, I still have guests to welcome."

"It's okay, Mr. Wang, go and do your work. Ms. Peng and I met the elites from all walks of life in the banquet hall." Li Guangyu said.

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, Wang Heng walked towards the guests who had just walked into the banquet hall. Li Guangyu looked along, and it turned out that Li Guangyu still knew this person.It was Chen Zhengchang, the chairman of Jufengyuan, and the lady next to him should be his wife.

Li Guangyu and Peng Xiaoli walked towards the relatively quiet place of the banquet hall. Today's Li Guangyu doesn't need to watch the past to introduce himself to people he doesn't know.Although Li Guangyu came to know more people and accumulate some contacts.But it was introduced by others, or someone came to him to introduce himself, not Li Guangyu introduced himself to others.

Not long after Li Guangyu and Peng Xiaoli sat down, a man in his 20s walked towards Li Guangyu.

"Li Sheng, hello! I didn't expect to see you here."

Li Guangyu didn't know this person, so he replied, "Hello."

"My name is Cheng Shouzhong, and my father is the founder of Xiangjiang Cheng's clothing." Cheng Shouzhong said.

Since Li Guangyu has been in the clothing industry before, he is quite clear about the various companies in the clothing industry in Xiangjiang.Ching's Garment is also located in Sham Shui Po, and its current market value is estimated at HK$[-] million.

Li Guangyu said: "Sit down, I didn't expect to see our elites from Xiangjiang here."

Cheng Shouzhong sat down opposite Li Guangyu and said, "Li Sheng's development has been widely spread in Xiangjiang in the past two years, and my father often asks me to learn from Li Sheng?"

Li Guangyu also knows that the second generations of various families in Xiangjiang are a bit sad, and the elders often use Li Guangyu's case to educate them.

"Your father praised him too much, so he was lucky." Li Guangyu said modestly.

Maybe his father talked too much about it. When he saw the real Li Guangyu today, Cheng Shouzhong said to him, "Li Sheng, I'm really not interested in making clothes, but my father only wants me to go back to take over."

Li Guangyu found out that Cheng Shouzhong was amazing, and many people fought hard to inherit the family business.He is good, and he is still unwilling to let him go back to take over.

"Oh, what industry is Cheng Sheng planning to do?" Li Guangyu asked.

Perhaps Cheng Shouzhong was under a lot of pressure from his family. Now that he heard Li Guangyu's question, he also wanted to confide in Li Guangyu. If Li Guangyu could support his decision, he would be able to convince his father better.

Cheng Shouzhong said: "I graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Brown University last year, and now I am studying for a master's degree in electrical engineering at Caltech. I will be able to get a master's degree this year. I am not interested in the clothing industry, but more interested in chip design. "

Hearing what he said, Li Guangyu really admired him. He can get a master's degree in one year, which is not something ordinary people can do. He also likes to engage in chip design, which is definitely a top talent.It's a pity that Li Guangyu doesn't have the foundation in this area at present, otherwise he would directly recruit Cheng Shouzhong to his company.

"Cheng Sheng, if you really like the electronics industry, then you can pursue your ideals. If you have any pressure from your father, I can help you talk about it." Li Guangyu said.

Cheng Shouzhong was very happy that Li Guangyu supported him to engage in his favorite electronics industry. With Li Guangyu's support, his father would not force him to return to Xiangjiang to inherit the family business.

"Thank you Li Sheng for supporting me. I believe that my development here will not be inferior to that of my family's garment company." Cheng Shouzhong said confidently.

"I also believe that you can make great achievements in this line of work. If you have anything to do here, you can contact Ms. Peng. I think she can help you solve some troubles." Li Guangyu said.

Hearing what Li Guangyu said, Peng Xiaoli handed out her business card and said to Cheng Shouzhong: "Cheng Sheng, you can contact me at any time if you have anything to do. If I can solve it, I will help you. Li Sheng reports."

After receiving Peng Xiaoli's business card, Cheng Shouzhong said, "Thank you, Li Sheng, and thank you, Ms. Peng."


(End of this chapter)

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