Chapter 85

As soon as Cheng Shouzhong left, Li Jiaying and Lin Jianfang came over.Li Guangyu had met these two more than half a month ago, so he still remembered them.

"Miss Li, Miss Lin, you also come to this reception." Li Guangyu said.

Lin Jianfang rushed to answer: "Yes, all the direct members of our Xiangjiang families in California participated."

Hearing what he said, Li Guangyu guessed that the California branch of the American-Chinese Association had invited all the major Chinese families in California and representatives of the families from Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan.

Li Jiaying made it next to Peng Xiaoli, and said to Peng Xiaoli: "Sister Xiaoli, many sisters in Xiangjiang envy you."

Li Guangyu felt strange, did Peng Xiaoli and Li Jiaying know each other so well?

Li Guangyu asked: "Miss Li, you are so familiar with our President Peng, why haven't I heard of it?"

Peng Xiaoli said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I only met Miss Li and Miss Lin after I came to America."

Li Jiaying said from the side: "Sister Xiaoli, you have already said that you can just call me by my name, you don't need to call us that."

It is said that two women play a show, not to mention three women, Li Guangyu seems to be redundant now, the three ladies chatted aside, and Li Guangyu could only listen quietly from the side.

Lin Jianfang said: "Sister Xiaoli, you are really amazing. To control a group company at such a young age, it will be difficult for us in this life."

Li Jiaying also echoed: "Yes, sister Xiaoli, we still have a place in the United States. After graduation and returning to Xiangjiang, we may not be able to escape the fate of marriage. It is probably impossible to lead a group by ourselves."

Peng Xiaoli also knows some of the situations of the families in Xiangjiang, and being in a wealthy family is sometimes not a happy thing.Li Sheng has developed the family business to such an extent that he still cannot escape the fate of marriage, let alone the ladies of each family.

For the society of Xiangjiang, Peng Xiaoli has no choice. You must know that Xiangjiang abolished the polygamy system in 71. The status of women is inherently low. If it were not for Li Sheng's company, how could she sit in such a high position.

"Jiaying, Jianfang, you don't have to be so pessimistic. You can also find what you like. The Mr. Gao and Mr. Li who are often with you seem to be good too." Peng Xiaoli said.

Li Jiaying said: "It's not bad, that's all. If the two of them will definitely not let me out to participate in the management of their own business, it is impossible to manage a group like you."

In this regard, Peng Xiaoli didn't have much to say, as all the families in Xiangjiang were like this, besides, Li Guangyu was still here.

Lin Jianfang said: "Li Sheng, are you willing to let Weiqing sister work in your group after marriage?"

Li Guangyu didn't think it was a big problem for Cao Weiqing to work in the company, but sometimes he had to consider some influences.

Li Guangyu said: "I haven't considered such a problem yet. Wei Qing is still in school, and I don't know how she will arrange it in the future."

Li Jiaying and Lin Jianfang originally thought that many of Li Guangyu's senior managers were women, and Cao Weiqing should be asked to go to the company to help manage the company. They didn't expect to get such an answer, and they felt a little disappointed.

Li Jiaying said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, do you also think that we should stay at home and take care of our husbands and children instead of going out to work?"

Li Guangyu knew that after the two went to study in the United States, their ideas and concepts were quite different from those of Xiangjiang.Now these two feel that they should not just be a housewife, but want to apply what they have learned to work, and want to become a strong woman like Peng Xiaoli.

Li Guangyu said: "As for what you said, I will not express my own opinion. It depends on the specific situation of your future target's family. Some of them are not too conservative. You still have the opportunity to participate in the management of the family business. "

Li Jiaying and Lin Jianfang heard Li Guangyu's answer, so they stopped asking Li Guangyu, and continued to chat with Peng Xiaoli about some topics.

At eight o'clock sharp, Wang Heng, the president of the branch, gave a speech at the reception.Thank you to all the guests who came to this reception.

Wang Heng said: "The reason why we became the American-Chinese Association is to unite the Chinese in the United States, and at the same time build a platform for mutual communication and cooperation for everyone, so that we Chinese can develop better in the United States."


After the reception officially started, Li Guangyu didn't move around, he was still sitting in a quiet corner, watching the people passing through the banquet hall, and tasting the snacks prepared for the reception.

At this time, Chen Zhengchang and his wife came to Li Guangyu's side and found a place to sit down.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Chen, how did you think about my proposal last time?"

Chen Zhengchang didn't think about this issue at all, and said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, our company has no such intention at present. If there is any idea in this regard in the future, we will definitely inform you."

Li Guangyu also knew that this matter was basically hopeless, so he stopped entangled in this issue.Facing Chen Zhengchang, he said: "Mr. Chen, this is Ms. Peng Xiaoli, the CEO of Xinghong Sports Industry Group. She will also be in charge of all my industries in the United States in the future. If there is any cooperation in the future, you can contact her."

Peng Xiaoli handed over her business card and said, "Mr. Cheng, hello!"

After Chen Zhengchang accepted the business card, he was a little curious about Peng Xiaoli's ability. He didn't expect that Li Guangyu would hand over so many industries in the United States to this young lady in front of him.

Chen Zhengchang also knew that Li Guangyu had many industries, and he didn't know when there might be an opportunity for cooperation.So he said to Li Guangyu: "I also look forward to cooperating with Mr. Li's company in the future." At the same time, Cheng Zhengchang introduced his wife, Ms. Jiang Peiqi.

Jiang Peiqi was also a powerful person. Seeing Li Guangyu and Chen Zhengchang chatting about some information from the United States, she went to Peng Xiaoli's side, intending to get to know this lady whom Li Guangyu trusted so much.

Jiang Peiqi said: "Ms. Peng, how old are you now?"

Seeing Jiang Peiqi asking her age, Peng Xiaoli didn't know what it meant, so she replied, "I'm 27 years old this year."

Jiang Peiqi heard that Peng Xiaoli was only 27 years old, and she admired Li Guangyu very much. It is rare in the United States to entrust a group to such a young woman, let alone in the environment like Xiangjiang.

"Ms. Peng, I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind that I don't call you sister, the polite title seems to make us too distant." Jiang Peiqi said.

Peng Xiaoli has no objection to this either. She doesn't think that the group with hundreds of millions of assets under her control is much higher than Jiang Peiqi. She is just a manager, and her husband is the founder of the group, and she also works in the group.

"Okay, then I will call you Sister Peiqi from now on." Peng Xiaoli replied.

After hearing this, Jiang Peiqi also said: "I will call you sister Xiaoli from now on. We are both in California now, and we can contact you more in the future."

"Okay, Miss Peggy, you can notify me when you arrive in Los Angeles." Peng Xiaoli said.

Jiang Peiqi was actually quite curious about Li Guangyu's group management. How did the many groups under him span several industries and develop so well.

Jiang Peiqi asked: "Sister Xiaoli, you must be the most valued person in Li Sheng, right? Otherwise, Li Sheng would not let you be in charge of all the industries in the United States."

But Peng Xiaoli knew in her heart that although she was also highly valued by Li Sheng, it depended on who she was compared with.Li Xuemei is probably the most important thing that Li Sheng pays attention to. Li Xuemei has always been stationed in Xiang***, and Li Xuemei is also a member of the executive team. As for himself, he doesn't know when he will be able to enter.

"Sister Peiqi, I am also very grateful for Li Sheng's attention. Otherwise, I would be the director of a small company at most, and it would be impossible for me to be the president of a group." Peng Xiaoli didn't say anything about the internal management of the group.

(End of this chapter)

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