Chapter 86

When Li Guangyu and the others were chatting, a middle-aged man in his 50s led a young man in his 20s over.

Li Guangyu didn't know these two, but Chen Zhengchang had already got up and went up to meet him and said: "Mr. Wang, hello, the one next to you is the Eldest Young Master."

"Mr. Chen, you are being polite. What kind of eldest son, this is my eldest son Wang Lie." Wang An said.

When Li Guangyu heard Wang An say that the young man next to him was called Wang Lie, he knew who these two were, the head and successor of Wang An's company, who were currently in the limelight.

Afterwards, Chen Zhengchang introduced each other to Li Guangyu and Wang An respectively. In fact, Wang An had known Li Guangyu for a long time. Lie is preparing to succeed Wang An Company.

Wang An said: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Li, you and Ariel are young, you can get in touch more, we are both Chinese, I hope we can support each other in the future."

Li Guangyu didn't have much trust in the ability of this eldest son. Wang An Company went bankrupt in just a few years under his hands.

Chen Zhengchang said: "Mr. Wang, you are welcome. Your company is booming at present, and I still have to rely on your support."

Li Guangyu also said: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, I think Wang An Company will be able to develop better and better under the leadership of you and Mr. Wang Lie."

Li Guangyu has no interest in Wang An Company at present. First, because the market value of Wang An Company is relatively high, even if Li Guangyu enters, he will not be able to get many shares. Second, Wang An Company is originally managed by a family, and Wang An and Wang Lie is relatively aggressive and relatively closed. Today, he still does not develop compatible personal computers, which directly gives opportunities to IBM and Microsoft.

After hearing this, Wang An said: "You guys have too much praise for him. If he has the same ability as Li Sheng you, I can now hand over the company to him with confidence."

Li Guangyu didn't expect Wang An to say this, and Wang Lie was listening beside him. Isn't this creating hatred for himself?

Li Guangyu said: "Sheng Wang has won the award. I am just lucky, and with the ability of the company's top management, I have achieved this achievement. I can't compare with you. Mr. Wang Lie graduated from a famous school. I think he will definitely be able to make Wang An's company Well led."

Hearing what Li Guangyu said, Wang Lie also had a smile on his face.Now he is the heir of the first Chinese family in the United States, and he graduated from a famous university. Why is it that his father doesn't even have half the ability of a kid from Xiangjiang.

Chen Zhengchang didn't say anything about it. Compared with Wang Anna, Wang Lie and Li Guangyu, is there any comparison?They have developed the group to this point in less than two years. You, Wang Lie, currently have nothing to commend you except for being the manager of your own company.

Wang An also brought Wang An over to get to know the Chinese at the meeting. He never thought that his family would need someone else to support him, so it was just polite words.He is full of confidence in his company, and it will only get better and better under his leadership.

As for Wang Lie, his father was here and did not give him a chance to speak. He just sat beside his father and listened quietly.

Chen Zhengchang changed the topic, but chatted with Wang An about the situation in the mainland and the United States.In particular, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the mainland and the United States is very popular in the United States.

Li Guangyu also quietly listened to the discussions of these two big bosses. Li Guangyu had never been very active in these political issues and avoided them as much as he could.

When the banquet was halfway through, branch president Wang Heng and a middle-aged man came to Li Guangyu's side.

Wang Heng said: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, thank you for being able to attend this reception."

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Wang is very polite, and I would also like to thank you for providing me with such a platform to meet Chinese elites."

Chen Zhengchang and Wang An also echoed: "As Mr. Li said, I also want to thank you."

Wang Heng then introduced to Li Guangyu and the others: "The person next to me is Mr. Huang Yunji, the chairman of the San Francisco Times newspaper. The newspaper he runs is in Chinese and English."

This is mainly to introduce Li Guangyu, because both Chen Zhengchang and Wang An know Huang Yunji, only Li Guangyu does not know this one.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Huang, hello!"

In fact, Huang Yunji wanted to know Li Guangyu a long time ago, but he never had the chance before.He is very familiar with Li Guangyu's Xiangyu Group, and he also hopes to reach a certain cooperation with Li Guangyu's Xiangyu Group and Jiayi Group, so that his newspaper's news sources will be more extensive and the competitiveness of his newspaper can be improved. .

Huang Yunji said: "Li Sheng, I am very glad to meet you. I admire your deeds very much."

"Mr. Huang is overrated. I only rely on the top management of the group to develop. I may not even be able to manage a subsidiary company well at my own level." Li Guangyu said.

Wang Heng said next to him: "Mr. Li, you also have a real estate company under your umbrella, and Pan Pacific Holdings is also mainly engaged in real estate and hotels. I hope we can cooperate together in the future."

Li Guangyu is still very interested in the US real estate industry, but currently he is mainly focusing on RB and has no plans to enter the US.

"Mr. Wang, I have no plans to enter the real estate industry in the United States at present. We can cooperate in the future. If Mr. Wang plans to enter RB, I can provide some help." Li Guangyu said.

Regarding Li Guangyu's temporary refusal to enter the real estate industry in the United States, Wang Heng did not mention any more.As for entering the RB real estate industry, he has no plans yet. The foundation of California has not yet been laid, and he has no energy to expand outward.

Wang Heng knew that it was inconvenient for Huang Yunji to discuss cooperation with Li Guangyu, so as the host of this reception, he could talk about it.

Wang Heng said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, the Times newspaper run by Mr. Huang Yunji is still very influential in California. He also hopes to cooperate with your Xiangyu Group and Jiayi Group."

Li Guangyu didn't care about this kind of cooperation. For the sake of being Chinese, Li Guangyu agreed to cooperate with Huang Yunji with the idea of ​​helping if he could.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Huang, this Ms. Peng Xiaoli is the manager of all my companies in the United States. Regarding the cooperation between you and my two major groups, you can spare time to discuss in detail."

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, Huang Yunji knew that this cooperation was basically done.Said: "Thank you Li Sheng, I will go to your group tomorrow to discuss our cooperation in detail with Ms. Peng."

At the same time, Li Guangyu said to Wang Heng: "President Wang, if you have any cooperation with my banner, you can also contact Ms. Peng, she will discuss it with you in detail, and if she can't decide, she will report it to me."

And Peng Xiaoli also handed her business cards to Huang Yunji and Wang Heng respectively.

After Wang Heng accepted the business card, he said to Li Guangyu and the others: "You talk, I'm sorry."

After all, Wang Heng is the host of this reception, so it is impossible to accompany them all the time.

The reception did not end until eleven o'clock in the evening. Li Guangyu returned to the hotel after sending Peng Xiaoli back to her residence in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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