Through the wealth life

Chapter 88 Joining Apple

Chapter 88 Joining Apple
The second day after Li Guangyu came to Santa Clara, he and Yuan Tianfan attended the financing meeting of Apple in San Jose.

When Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan came to Apple, they were only greeted by an executive of the company, and the giants of Apple did not appear.

Tianyu Investment Company is not well-known in the United States, so Li Guangyu can understand it.But Li Guangyu didn't believe that Apple's executives didn't know about his other industries. He knew that Li Guangyu would personally participate in this financing meeting, but still only arranged for an administrative staff to receive it. It seems that Apple's executives felt dispensable for him to join. exist.

As for financing negotiations, Yuan Tianfan has already reached an agreement with Apple in the past few days, and attending this meeting today is mainly for several investment companies to sign financing contracts with Apple.

When Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan were led down to the conference room by the administrative staff, there was no one in the conference room yet, so Li Guangyu felt that he had come a little early.

After a while, Apple's Jobs, Wozniak accompanied some people into the conference room.

Wozniak came to Li Guangyu and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Yuan, welcome to come."

At the same time, Wozniak also introduced to Li Guangyu and the others the companies involved in the financing and the attendees.

After listening to Wozniak's introduction, Li Guangyu understood why no high-level executives received him.Both Jobs and Wozniak went to welcome the three major investment banks. Although Li Guangyu has some assets now, compared with these three major investment banks, the gap is too big.

In addition to the senior management of Apple and Li Guangyu, the general manager of Goldman Sachs California branch also attended the meeting. Manager Corey Lancosty, and their respective assistants.

In order not to allow an investment bank to control their company, Jobs and the others forcibly distributed 20% of the equity in the first round of financing to four investment companies, and each company only got 5% of the equity.

On behalf of Apple, Jobs welcomed several major investment banks to join Apple. He said: "Your investment in Apple will definitely be your most successful investment. Our Apple is on the road to success, and our goal is to become the same The first in the industry, I think this goal will be achieved soon, and I have confidence in our next products.”

Regarding Jobs' wild words, the general managers of several other major investment banks were noncommittal, although they were more optimistic about the development of Apple.But to become the number one in the industry as Jobs said, several general managers don't quite believe it, at least in the short term.

Then Jobs told several investment bank leaders about the company's next products. The reason why Jobs is sometimes said to be an artist can be seen just by looking at the products he designed.He is a person who pursues perfection, and the products he designs are all good-looking. As for whether he can adapt to the market, this remains to be tested.

In the subsequent contract signing, Li Guangyu and his four investment banks each invested US$300 million to occupy 5% of Apple's shares, and Apple's final valuation was US$6000 million.

It has to be said that Jobs has to thank Li Guangyu. If Li Guangyu hadn't stepped in, Goldman Sachs would have valued Apple at around 5000 million. The company's valuation was inflated by $1000 million.

Yuan Tianfan originally negotiated with Jobs, the price could be higher, and Tianyu Investment Company took all the shares of this financing, but Jobs did not agree.

After signing various contracts, Li Guangyu and the others visited various departments of Apple under the leadership of Jobs.

After Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan left Apple, Ilanli Herrington, general manager of Goldman Sachs California Branch, came over and said, "Mr. Li, are you interested in having a cup of coffee together?"

Li Guangyu didn't know for the time being what Eranli Harrington wanted him for, but he was also curious about Goldman Sachs, so he agreed to Eranli Harrington's invitation.

After explaining to Yuan Tianfan, Li Guangyu followed Yi Lanli Herrington to a coffee shop.

After both Li Guangyu and Elanli Harrington ordered a cup of coffee, Li Guangyu asked, "Ms. Herrington, do you want to invite me here?"

Elanli Herrington is very curious about Li Guangyu. She is currently the general manager of Goldman Sachs California Branch at the age of 25, but she is far behind Li Guangyu.In addition, Goldman Sachs is originally for investment, and Li Guangyu has too many companies that are not listed. Now that he has established contact with Li Guangyu, it will be easier to get in and get a share in the future.

Yi Lanli Hailington said: "Mr. Li, I have learned about your deeds. You have developed such a big business in just two years. I admire your talent very much, so today I want to Get to know you."

"Ms. Herrington, you won the award, so I'm lucky. My talent is even more incomparable to yours. You are the head of Goldman Sachs' California branch at such a young age, which shows how much Goldman Sachs attaches importance to you." Li Guangyu said.

Yi Lanli Herrington said: "Mr. Li, there are many groups under your name that have developed very well, but I found that most of your companies are not listed. The only listed company is your stock market. What is the reason for the acquisition?"

In the United States, when a company develops to a certain extent, it wants to go public, but Eastern people think differently. If it is not for lack of money, many company founders are not willing to go public, because after the listing, many things are not alone. It's all over.

"Ms. Herrington, my company is just getting started, and I don't plan to list the company right now." Li Guangyu said.

Li Guangyu's major local companies in Hong Kong have no plans to go public, while those in RB and the United States plan to go public in the future.This can attract more interest alliances and develop in other countries. It is not good to develop alone.

Elanli Herrington also hoped that Li Guangyu would think about going public, so that Goldman Sachs could make some profit from it. Hearing what Li Guangyu said, she was a little disappointed.

"Mr. Li, if you have an idea of ​​going public in the future, you can consider cooperating with Goldman Sachs. I think we can achieve a win-win situation."

Li Guangyu is very clear about the ability of Goldman Sachs. It was once ranked above Morgan. You must know that the Morgan investment bank belongs to the Morgan family. Goldman Sachs can suppress it, which shows its ability.

Li Guangyu said: "Ms. Harrington, I think we will have many opportunities for cooperation in the future. In the future, when my company goes public, the United States will be our first choice. I also hope to cooperate with you, Goldman Sachs."

Elanli Harrington was also happy to hear what Li Guangyu said. Although she had not been able to reach a cooperation with Li Guangyu for the time being, with what Li Guangyu said today, Goldman Sachs will undoubtedly gain got a head start.

"Mr. Li, I look forward to your company coming to the U.S. for listing as soon as possible. At the same time, any acquisition business Li Sheng has in the U.S. can also be handed over to Goldman Sachs. We have a professional acquisition team. I think this can save you a lot of trouble. said Elanlie Herrington.

"Ms. Harrington, if I have any needs in this area in the future, I will definitely contact you Goldman Sachs." Li Guangyu replied.


 I recommend a book from a friend, "The Ascetic in Recovery", which is about spiritual recovery.It is currently being promoted by urban classification, and interested book lovers can go and have a look.


(End of this chapter)

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