Through the wealth life

Chapter 89 Relational Software Companies

Chapter 89 Relational Software Companies

After Li Guangyu bid farewell to Elanli Herrington, he returned to Santa Clara accompanied by Du Yonghong and others.

On the morning of May 5, Li Guangyu came to Tianyu Investment Company. It was almost June, and the progress of Microsoft was still unsatisfactory.Li Guangyu reckoned that he would not be able to wait for the good news of investing in Microsoft in the United States this time.

After Li Guangyu came to the general manager's office, he said to Yuan Tianfan: "About Microsoft, you should continue to follow up and join in if you have the opportunity."

"Sheng Li, I will arrange it. It's just that Bill Gates has no plans to raise funds at the moment, and because they rely on IBM, they don't lack business." Yuan Tianfan said.

Li Guangyu also knew that it might be difficult to make progress on this matter at present, and he had to wait for Microsoft to raise funds in the future to see if Tianyu Investment could join in.

"Tianfan, you can also see if other companies are worth investing in, and if you think so, feel free to invest boldly, especially companies related to computer software." Li Guangyu said.

Yuan Tianfan also knew that the reason why Li Guangyu put his investment company's office here was mainly to invest in companies in this field, so he also learned about some companies in this field in Silicon Valley these days.

"Sheng Li, we have already invested in a small company and acquired 15% of the company's shares for US$10." Yuan Tianfanhui reported.

Li Guangyu was a little curious when he heard that Yuan Tianfan had bought a company.

"Tianfan, what's the name of the company and what does it do?" Li Guangyu asked.

"The name of the company is Relational Software Company, and it mainly makes application software." Yuan Tianfan replied.

Li Guangyu has never heard of the name of this company, but he only invested 15 US dollars. If the company's development is not bad, then it is a profit, and it doesn't matter if it loses.

Li Guangyu said: "You continue to discover more companies, especially companies that have just been established. We invest in it early, and we don't need much money. If the company develops well, we can continue to invest."

"Okay Li Sheng, I will gradually improve our investigation department and analysis department in the company to minimize the failure rate of our investment." Yuan Tianfan replied.

Li Guangyu was supportive of Yuan Tianfan's doing this, so that he could use the funds better. After all, Li Guangyu knew a few famous companies. If he established an investment company here, he couldn't just wait to invest in those companies.

Li Guangyu then asked about the business situation of the relationship software company.

"Li Sheng, the current business of relational software companies is not ideal. Their product IBM does not have a commercial product available. That's why this round of financing came about. I thought it was okay, so I invested in it." Yuan Tianfan said.

Li Guangyu was a little disappointed about this, the product had no future, and the company might be in trouble, but since Yuan Tianfan was optimistic, it didn't matter, the worst would be a loss of the $15.

Yuan Tianfan was worried that Li Guangyu would have opinions on this investment and continued: "Li Sheng, although the company's first product, IBM, has not yet accepted it, but the company's chairman, Larry Ellison, is contacting RSI, and it is said that it has already adopted it. product intent for relational software companies."

At this time, Li Guangyu was dumbfounded. Chairman Larry Ellison, how could Li Guangyu not know this name, whether it was some news or countless time-travel novels, there was this character.

The person who works on software in Silicon Valley is still the chairman of the company. Besides the famous Oracle boss Li Guangyu, I really don't know who else it is.

The person who boasted that he wanted to overthrow IBM and Microsoft did not expect Yuan Tianfan to become a shareholder of his company, even occupying [-]% of the shares.

Li Guangyu really felt the joy of the accident, the little depression that he didn't have a stake in Microsoft disappeared without end.As for why it is now called a relational software company, Li Guangyu doesn't bother to think about it, as long as he knows that this is Larry Ellison's company.

Li Guangyu said to Yuan Tianfan: "Tianfan, you are doing very well. This company can follow up for a long time, and try to increase our shares in the future financing."

Yuan Tianfan saw that Li Guangyu suddenly paid so much attention to this company. Although he didn't know the reason, he was very happy that the first company he invested in was recognized by Li Guangyu.

Yuan Tianfan said: "Don't worry Li Sheng, I will continue to follow up in the future, at least to ensure that our current shares will not be diluted."

Li Guangyu also knows that in the United States, it is impossible to occupy too many shares in these large companies. It is a surprise to be able to occupy more than 15% of each company after listing.

One is that the founders of companies in the United States are not willing to allow an investment company to control the company's equity, and the other is that only when the group has more shareholders, especially some investment banks on Wall Street, will it be more conducive to the company's development.

If Li Guangyu became the controlling shareholder of these companies, then this company must not have developed as well as it did in the previous life. The reason why these companies have such a high market value in later generations is to a certain extent the result of the promotion of Wall Street investment banks.

Li Guangyu couldn't do anything about it. The reality was that it couldn't be done with money alone.

Li Guangyu said: "You can do it as you see fit. Here we can't live alone. Now that we are here in the United States, we will follow the rules of American investment banks."

Li Guangyu believed that Yuan Tianfan had a better understanding of how American investment banks operate, and it is better to leave this problem to professionals.

After explaining to Yuan Tianfan, Li Guangyu left Tianyu Investment Company. This might be the last time he came here this year. Li Guangyu has no plan to come to Silicon Valley again this year.

Li Guangyu came out of Tianyu Investment Company and came to the villa he bought. Li Guangyu came to take a look here today, and by the way, he said goodbye to Li Weiming.

After Li Weiming arranged for Li Guangyu to supervise the decoration of the villa, it was difficult to see Li Guangyu again. He was very happy for Li Guangyu's arrival.

Li Guangyu said: "Wei Ming, it's been hard for you to stay in the United States for the past few months. After the house is renovated, you will come back to Xiangjiang."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li. I will definitely take care of the decoration of the house. I will just watch it here all day. It's nothing hard." Li Weiming said.

"Wei Ming, this time I'm going back to Xiangjiang to use my relationship to allow your family to come to Xiangjiang. If you want, I will arrange it after you come back." Li Guangyu said.

Li Weiming heard that Li Guangyu was willing to help them bring his family to Xiangjiang, he was very happy, having his family with him, so that he could work with peace of mind.

"Thank you, Li Sheng. When I return to Xiangjiang, I will contact my family. If they are willing to come over, please ask Li Sheng for help." Li Weiming said.

"You are working for me, and the risk factor is high. I should take care of your worries." Li Guangyu said to Du Yonghong and the others.


(End of this chapter)

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