I'm not a big star

Chapter 100 You are trying to make trouble!

Chapter 100 You are trying to make trouble!
(PS: Another boss has rewarded a rudder... So, what should I say? Add a new chapter today, um... Well, this book is getting better and better, so what? I plan to add a new chapter. Can I go back on my word?)
"Guide Luo."

"what's up?"

"I might have to take a few days off work in early May."

"How many days off do you have?"

"One week."

"What? Take a week off? What happened? The shooting schedule is very tight now, and you know we don't have much budget. Where are you going when you take leave?"

"Going to Yanjing."

"What are you going to Yanjing for? Could it be that something happened in Yanjing that made you have to go? It's more important than making a movie?"

"It's nothing. It's just that I just received a call from Lao Xia, um, Xia Baoyang. He said that I was invited by the Feitian Award and might win."


Rhoda sometimes thinks life is such a fucking fuck.

Some people pretend to be forceful, very straightforward, just like those fast food essays in online literature.

But some people pretend to be very low-key and deep, and there is a kind of traditional literature accumulation, which has a long history.

Luo Da has seen these two types of people before, and it is not clear which kind of coercion is more unpleasant. However, when Chu Qing appeared in front of Luo Da, Luo Da found that he had been forced by another kind of Chu Qing. I was stunned.

Seeing Chu Qing's honesty and ignorance, as if a little confused, Luo Da's face changed in an instant.

If it wasn't for protecting his image as a director, if he didn't boast that he is a cultural person and can't do manual things, Luo Da would definitely roll up his sleeves and give Chu Qing a good beating, especially Chu Qing's parents. The kind that can't be recognized.

Luo Da felt a little jealous of Chu Qing. He felt that Chu Qing was popular with girls, and it was enough to attract all the girls around him. If he acted in a TV series, he could be shortlisted for the Feitian Award. What the hell is this not a ginseng winner?
"Director Luo, can you please? If you really can't please, then forget it." After seeing Luo Da's expression, Chu Qing thought that he couldn't invite him, so he took out his phone and pressed a number. After all, he also knew the location of the crew. The budget is really not much, and I am also the soul of the whole movie. Without him, the crew will be delayed for a long time, which is also a loss. As for whether to go to Yanjing or not, it is not a big deal for Chu Qing.

"Hello, is this Lao Xia?"

"Oh, Lao Xia, I'm sorry, the crew of Naihe Mountain really can't do without me, please help me say sorry to the staff of the Feitian Award, I can't go..."

"..." The old Xia on the opposite end was probably shocked by Chu Qing's words, and then there was no reply for a long time.

Chu Qing thought that the signal here was too bad after hearing no response from the phone, so she took the phone and left the house to look for a signal outside.

"..." Luo Da stared blankly at Chu Qing's back, and now he finally knew that there was a saying circulating on the Internet.

What words?

Invisible coercion is the most deadly.

What is invisible coercion?
When Chu Qing took out his mobile phone and called Xia Baoyang with sincerity, Luo Da knew that Chu Qing had succeeded.

He successfully played a wave of coercion.

Is Chu Qing crazy?He really refused the most authoritative award in TV series, the Feitian Award?

Many people are afraid that they want to be invited to the Feitian Award in their dreams, right?It's another matter of winning or not, at least this is a good chance to be famous.

"Qingzi, I approve."

Luo Da quickly followed Chu Qing out and shouted at Chu Qing.

If Chu Qing wasn't crazy, Rhoda felt like he was going crazy.


The news that Chu Qing was invited by the Fei Tian Award spread throughout the crew.

When all the supporting actors, including the extras, saw Chu Qing, their eyes radiated a fiery light, and they tried to find Chu Qing to chat with each other, and at the end they added something like Brother Qing's support.

It is acceptable for other young people to call Chu Qingqing brother Chu Qing, but when those in their thirties, and even an actor in his 40s who is close to [-], call Chu Qing Brother Qing, Chu Qing will be a bit of a dog a feeling of.

Can you imagine the feeling of a middle-aged man showing a mouthful of yellow teeth affectionately inside you, to please you and call you Brother Qing?
This feeling is very bad, and it is easy for Chu Qing to doubt life.

Why do I look so old?

How good is the Feitian Award?
Chu Qing didn't know much about TV drama awards, or he didn't know anything about them. When he took the time to search for Feitian Awards, he realized what kind of awards Feitian Awards are. Well, in TV dramas Inside is a very authoritative award.

Of course, Chu Qing was not excited, and her mood was a little too calm.

It's just receiving an invitation, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you will win an award. Even if you win, you will just get a trophy and a certificate.

How much are trophies and certificates worth?In Chu Qing's mind, this kind of honor is nothing at all, and it is not as real as 1 yuan.

Yes, he is such a person...

If Rhoda didn't approve his request for leave, then he probably wasn't even going to go.

In the next few days, because Chu Qing had to ask for leave for a few days, in order to catch up with the process, Luo Da specially arranged several night scenes, and worked overtime, so the schedule was very tight.

Chu Qing was very busy, but fortunately, Chu Qing's basic shots were shot in one pass, which saved a lot of time.

On April 28th, when Chu Qing finished filming his scenes and asked the staff to remove makeup in the dressing room, suddenly his cell phone rang again.

It was not Chu Qing but Wang Ying who answered the phone. After all, it was inconvenient for Chu Qing to take off her makeup, and there was nothing wrong with Wang Ying standing next to Chu Qing, so Wang Ying answered.

"Hello?" Wang Ying answered the phone, and frowned when she heard a female voice on the phone. She became vigilant, "Who are you looking for?" Wang Ying replied.

"Who are you? Where's Chu Qing? Let Chu Qing listen to the phone." The female voice over there was very indifferent, with a feeling of being out of the world.

"I'm Chu Qing's friend. It's not convenient for Chu Qing to answer the phone. Who are you?" Wang Ying glanced at Chu Qing from the corner of her eye and asked. She always felt that the voice on the other end of the phone was somewhat familiar.

"I'm Bai Youxue."

"Bai Youxue..." Wang Ying was silent for a moment, "What can I do with him?"

""Red Bean" was shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. You tell him that on May [-]th, I hope he can participate on time."

"..." Wang Ying was speechless.

Then Bai Youxue on the opposite side hung up the phone.

"what's up?"

"I'll tell you after I take off my makeup."


Not long after the call was hung up, Chu Qing's phone rang again.

Wang Ying picked up the phone again, but this time it was Zhao Yinger who called...


"Why are you answering the phone, Qingzi?" Zhao Yinger was immediately taken aback when she heard Wang Ying's voice.

"Guess." For some reason, after hearing Zhao Yinger's delicious voice, Wang Ying felt very comfortable. At least, in some respects, she felt like she was close to the water.

"You...I don't have time to mess around with you right now, let Qingzi answer the phone." Zhao Yinger gritted her teeth and asked.

"What's the matter, I will convey it for you."

"Flastic" has been nominated for a Golden Melody Award...I hope..."

"Understood." Wang Ying's eyelids twitched, then she hung up the phone and switched her phone to airplane mode.

"Hello. Hey..." When Zhao Yinger dialed the phone again, she heard the voice prompting to turn off the phone, and she was so angry...

After Chu Qing finished removing her makeup, she stood up and looked at Wang Ying.

"What is it?"

"It seems that asking for one week's leave is not enough, you have to take half a month's leave." Wang Ying looked at Chu Qing and showed a beautiful smile.

Chu Qing is excellent.

Yes, in her heart, Chu Qing has always been such an excellent person!

"Half a month?"




"Rhoda, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

"Qingzi will leave the film crew for about half a month next month, so I'll let you know in advance."

"Isn't it a week? How did it become half a month?" Rhoda was a little dazed.

"Go to Yanjing for a week, and Taiwan Island for a week."

"What are you doing there?"

"I've been shortlisted for the Golden Melody Awards."


Rhoda staggered and almost fell off the chair...

Fuck, it's fine to be shortlisted for the Feitian Award, but Nima was also shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award?
Qingzi, you are planning to make trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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