I'm not a big star

Chapter 99 Relief

Chapter 99 Relief
The sunset is always so charming and beautiful, and the afterglow after the sunset always carries a little bit of depth.

The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is near dusk, and when viewed from a distance, it does carry a little bit of sadness.

Chu Qing was not infected by this kind of sadness.

The production crew ended work early. After all, Chu Qing's inability to adapt alone should not delay the others and let them stand in the production crew stupidly and spend time with Chu Qing.

Chu Qing vomited for a while, and then took a deep breath towards the distance, until a gust of mountain wind directly blew into Chu Qing's nostrils, dispelling the unpleasant smell, and then Chu Qing felt a little better.

Chu Qing feels that she needs to have a good talk with Shanshan, and she has a very helpless and apologetic mentality.

Of course, he knows that Shanshan dislikes him very much, or if there is no contract restriction, Shanshan might have left the film crew in anger.Chu Qing's vomit is estimated to have an indelible impact on Shan Shan's career as an actor, and even this impact will always be with her. As for when this impact will disappear, I don't know.

It depends on Shan Shan's state of mind.

However, Naihe Mountain has to be filmed, and things have to be resolved, right?
"Shanshan..." Chu Qing finally made up his mind to endure the smell and walked towards the place where Shanshan lived, when he stood in front of the door he hesitated and finally knocked on the door.

"What are you doing!" Shan Shan came out and opened the door, but she didn't look good towards Chu Qing.

Chu Qing finds that the unbearable smell on Shan Shan's body has faded a lot.

"I don't think the two of us can go on like this." Chu Qing looked at Shan Shan with a cold face and looked at herself, spreading her hands helplessly.

"Then who is to blame? Blame me?" Shan Shan folded her hands on her chest and taunted Chu Qing, "Are you to blame for my appearance that makes you vomit?"

"No... I think it's better to be honest with you, I'm allergic to your perfume, so..."

"Allergies?" Shan Shan looked Chu Qing up and down, in fact, she had heard Luo Da say that Chu Qing might be allergic to her smell, but she never thought about it.

The perfume on her body is a famous perfume aristocrat, a perfume called Girl's Heart in the SP series, which is very popular among celebrities and has a seductive smell.

Before meeting Chu Qing, she had never heard of anyone allergic to this perfume.

"Well, including the last time I was on the train and during filming this time, the reason why I vomited was not for anyone, but for the perfume you put on your body. Sorry, if it troubles you, I will find a way Compensation." Chu Qing is very sincere, although Shan Shan looks at him coldly, and reveals a faint distrust, but Chu Qing always apologizes sincerely.

In fact, if it had been said earlier, such a thing would probably not have happened.

"Compensation? Now everyone knows that you vomited when you played with me, and my reputation was seriously damaged. You are also an insider. You should know what kind of negative impact such exposure will have on stars like us. What kind of compensation will you get?" Although Shan Shan's face softened a little, she still didn't intend to accept Chu Qing's apology, she looked Chu Qing up and down again, and closed the door with a cold snort.

Standing at the door, Chu Qing touched his nose and got ashamed, hesitated for a while and finally turned and left.


To be honest, Chu Qing doesn't know that he has anything to compensate Shan Shan.

But at least he's talked it out of the way, hasn't he?


The next day, the sun rose as usual, and the production crew also started up as usual. The operation budget of the production crew is not much, so a day's delay is worth a day's money.

Even if Chu Qing and Shan Shan are not at odds, when they want to take pictures, they still have to be brave and take pictures, there is no way.

Today is still the rivalry between Chu Qing and Shan Shan.

When Chu Qing went back yesterday, lying on the bed, she actually had a good self-reflection, and felt that she really did not do well in some areas.

What is an actor?

The books I’ve been reading before say that the most basic requirement for an actor is that no matter how ugly, disgusting, or fat the person you play with is, you have to treat him like a young girl, and if you want to kiss him, you have to kiss him. go down.At the same time, your eyes must maintain unprecedented enthusiasm, so that the audience cannot see that you have any dislike for her.

If you want to deceive the audience, the first person you must deceive is yourself. You must first truly become that character yourself. Of course, in a sense, this is also self-hypnosis.

This is the real actor.

So Chu Qing felt that he was not a very competent actor, but since he wanted to make this movie, he had to do it well, at least he couldn't have any regrets!
In fact, as long as you don't pay too much attention to that smell, as long as you don't think about that smell, in fact, that smell is not so disgusting.

Maybe, I can give it a try.

With such self-hypnosis and self-comfort, Chu Qing came to the crew and waited for Shan Shan to arrive.

"How is it? Have you adjusted?" Luo Da looked at Chu Qing.

"Well, it's okay." Chu Qing closed her eyes, and then let out a long breath.

"That's good. This is our first movie, so we can't let it go wrong." Luo Da patted Chu Qing on the shoulder.

Although he was very strict during filming, and sometimes exploded into swearing, but that was only during filming.

After Chu Qing waited in the crew for about ten minutes, Shan Shan came.

When Chu Qing came to Shan Shan with the mentality of mortification and the sacrifice mentality of dedicating everything for the revolution, Chu Qing found that the smell on Shan Shan's body was gone.

Yes, it wasn't that Chu Qing's self-hypnosis had an effect, and it wasn't that Chu Qing's allergy to perfume got better all of a sudden, but that it really disappeared.

"No matter what, I don't want to spend time with you in this place where you don't want to shit. Leave early after filming well. Moreover, Director Luo has also asked me. If it wasn't for Director Luo's face, I would I won’t take three baths and use other things to eliminate the smell of the perfume.” When Chu Qing looked at Shan Shan with some doubts, Shan Shan still replied coldly.

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded.

He finally didn't have to worry about sacrificing himself on the shooting scene, and finally he didn't have to be the martyr who died generously.

Although Shan Shan still looks disgusted at Chu Qing from time to time, Chu Qing feels that Shan Shan is a sensible person, at least a person with a big picture.

As for, no matter how much she hates herself, no matter how much she hates herself, after the filming of this movie, the two of them probably won't have any intersections in the future.

Therefore, Chu Qing felt that it didn't matter.

"Second act, first encounter, start!"

When Luo Da smelled that Shan Shan didn't have that kind of perfume on her body, she also nodded in relief.

Wang Ying, who was standing in the distance, was looking at Chu Qing, looking at Chu Qing quietly, as if she had only Chu Qing in her eyes.

She really likes to see Chu Qing when he is serious about filming.

She felt that Chu Qing had a strange charm like this.

When Chu Qing no longer feels disgusted by the smell on Shanshan's body, the filming will be much smoother. Chu Qing's simple acting skills, understanding of lines and characters, and grasp of the plot are all top-notch, and her expressions and movements are even more natural. Impeccable.

Even Shan Shan, who played against Chu Qing, had an inexplicable illusion.

Could it be that Chu Qing is really a Miao person?
Naiheshan has very high requirements for male protagonists, but not so high for female protagonists.

Shanshan just needs to play the role of a female college student who knows nothing after coming to the countryside, and also has some bad tempers from the city people, such as coquettish, arrogant, and although she is kind-hearted, she is not used to living in the countryside. up.

Very simple.

The filming of the first encounter in the second act went smoothly, at least Chu Qing and Shan Shan did not have any NGs and it was done in one go.

Luo Da was very satisfied with this, and praised Chu Qing verbally in front of everyone.

Chu Qing's compliment to Luo Da was just a naive smile, and he didn't say much.

At this moment, he seems to have merged with Meng Xiaowu in the movie.

They are all so naive, and they all look so simple and unpretentious, which makes people feel good.

In the evening, after dinner, Chu Qing planned to take a walk by the village as usual, and went to the east of the village under the crooked neck tree to listen to some Miao youths bragging, when his mobile phone rang.

When Chu Qing saw the calling number, she saw that it was Xia Baoyang.

Chu Qing answered the phone strangely...

"Qingzi! Come to Yanjing for me at the beginning of May, whether you are free or not!"

"Lao Xia, I'm shooting a movie now, and I don't have time in May... I don't know if I can ask for a vacation." Chu Qing hesitated.

"Movie? Is it Naihe Mountain?" Xia Baoyang asked.

"Yes." Chu Qing nodded.

"You must ask for leave. Give me Ronaldinho's phone number. If you can't come out, I will call him..."

"Old Xia, can you tell me what happened?" Chu Qing asked suddenly when Xia Baoyang seemed to be suppressing something.

"Qingzi, our crew has received an invitation for the Feitian Award! You have also received an invitation, and your chances of winning the award are very high!"

"Win an award?" Chu Qing was a little confused, so "What award?"

"Flying Award!" Xia Baoyang's voice suddenly became louder.

The moonlight shines on this cold little village, the moonlight is bright and clear.

Chu Qing subconsciously kept the phone away from her ears.

He was a little shocked by Xia Baoyang's voice.

 I always want to say something, um... In short, I am very grateful to the readers who like this book, and I am very grateful to the readers for pointing out typos... Hey, I can’t say anything else!In short very happy......

(End of this chapter)

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