I'm not a big star

Chapter 11 Various Hype

Chapter 11 Various Hype
"Excuse me, are you from the crew of "The Empress Dowager"?"

"Yes, I'm a fan of "The Concubine of the World"."

"Well, are you familiar with Chu Qing?"

"Brother Qing? Of course I am familiar with Brother Qing. I have worked with Brother Qing before. He is very nice and has no airs."

"Oh, then do you know about the relationship between Brother Qing and Zhao Yinger?" The reporter's eyes lit up, and he called Brother Qing just like Xiao Wang.

"The two of them? I don't know about that, but it seems that I always see Ying Er and Brother Qing together."

"Oh, did you know before that Brother Qing is a signed singer of Sky Entertainment?"

"I don't know. Brother Qing didn't say that. If I had known, I wouldn't have let him move things with me. Tianyu signed a singer, what a famous star!"

"Moving things? What exactly are you moving?"

"Well, it's the lighting, equipment, cameras and other things in the crew... Brother Qing can do everything in the crew..."

"Oh, what else do you know about him, for example, why did he come to the crew to film..."

"Why? I don't know about this, but I have heard that Director Xia seems to have asked him to buy songs, and then for some reason, Brother Qing worked on the set like us..."

"Buy songs?"


"What song, can you reveal it?"

"It's the theme song of our TV series. Its name seems to be Qing Jin Tian Xia, um..."

"All over the world?"

"Yeah, it should be a very good song, otherwise our Director Xia wouldn't buy a song from Brother Qing."

"Well, let me ask again..."

"Ah, I revealed too much, Brother Qing will talk about me later, I have to go first..."

"Hey, hello!"


Seeing Xiao Wang leaving, the eyes of a certain reporter who sneaked into the crew glowed!
Developed, developed, scoop, scoop!
Director Xia actually bought a song from an unknown Chu Qing, and Chu Qing was the third male number in the crew!

Big news, big news!

I'm going to get a salary increase!

In the reporter's mind, nothing is as exciting as exclusive news!
The reporter who interviewed Xiao Wang immediately took the camera, flew away from the crew, and rushed back to the company...

"By the way, how should I write the title?"

"Zhao Yinger's boyfriend, a talented singer-songwriter and actor, was born!"

"What about the title?"


"It should be written like this."

"What kind of man is the man Zhao Yinger loves to death!"

"Yes, this title is crazy! Haha!"


Chu Qing became angry.

What's more, the popularity became a bit inexplicable. Various weird identities appeared in newspapers and news, and even some unscrupulous newspapers made Chu Qing's identity so that even Chu Qing's mother didn't know him.

These entertainment and miscellaneous news have no morals at all. My favorite thing is to say that black is white, and a cow is a donkey.

Tianyu signed a contract with Fresh Meat Singer, boyfriend of superstar Zhao Yinger, singer-songwriter...

These things are pretty normal...

"The story that Brother Qing and I have to tell."

"Brother Qing, when can I catch up with you!"

"Brother Qing, will you marry me when I break out of Asia and become a world-class star?"


These titles are the most unscrupulous. Do you think this is a third-rate, tear-jerking and heart-warming romance novel?

There was even a small newspaper that made up an identity for Chu Qing just like martial arts novels, saying that Chu Qing was the illegitimate son of a certain tycoon, who was discarded when he was young, then adopted by someone, and then continued to strive for self-improvement, writing and singing songs very inspirationally, Then at the subway station, being ignored, ridiculed, and disdained by others, sleeping under the overpass, sleeping on the street, eating only one steamed bun a day, working hard, and finally being spotted by Tianyu for his talent, etc. Other people seem to be excited about the story...

Then the song Xiaochou was written by Chu Qing when he was wandering...

Well, Chu Qing almost believed it herself when it was written with a nose and eyes.

"Brother Qing, is this you?" The big star Zhao Yinger came to Chu Qing, pointed to this very inspirational story, and sat next to Chu Qing.

As Xiao Wang began to call Qing Ge, other crew members subconsciously also called Qing Brother, the funniest of which was that Zhao Yinger also called Chu Qing Qing Qing...

Nima, I'm obviously a young man who hasn't graduated from university yet, what do you mean by calling me brother?
Chu Qing was powerless to complain...

"You say yes, and no, you don't."

Chu Qing didn't even bother to read some gossip news, thinking that people could write whatever they liked, and she didn't belong in this circle anyway.

"Brother Qing, I have to confess one thing to you."

"whats the matter?"

"I sold you."

"What do you mean?" Chu Qing suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Didn't I tell you before that Tianyu Company is not looking for you, I signed the contract for you on my own initiative..."

"Signed the contract?" Chu Qing stood up immediately after hearing this, "What qualifications do you have to help me sign the contract?"

"Um, I told Sky Entertainment that I knew you, and I also told them that you are still my boyfriend who is very talented..." Zhao Yinger blinked her innocent eyes.

"What!" Chu Qing's originally calm face had now turned livid.

"Brother Qing, don't make such a fuss, Tianyu is the leading entertainment company in China, and I've read that contract for you, it's very free, and it's only a few clauses away from the Tianwang contract, it's not bad, Fame is in sight." Zhao Yinger patted Chu Qing on the shoulder.

"At least my ID card is required to sign the contract. I will sign it myself! I personally disagree. This contract cannot be regarded as a formal contract and has no legal effect!"

"Anyway, Director Xia also told about your situation in Tianyu Company. He was there when he signed the contract. He provided the copy of your ID card. However, if you have any doubts, you can go to Tianyu Company to clarify in person. , If you really don’t want to sign, you can return it.”

"Refund, I must. I will go now. Wait, why do I have to go in person? I didn't sign the contract in person. Why do I have to resign the contract in person? The contract doesn't count at all, does it?"

"It's up to you, and Brother Qing, you can't go now."


"Our next scene is about to start, and it's a kiss scene. If you don't want to lose money to the crew, you can go now."

"What! Losing money? Kissing scene?"

"Didn't you read the script?"

"I read it. There is no kissing scene in the script, and it's a borrowed seat."

"It's not a loan this time."


"How can there be so many reasons? If you borrow a seat, you won't be able to shoot the effect, and it's a bit fake. The audience may not accept it, and..."

"And what?"

"And this lady doesn't want to borrow a seat!"


Looking at the face of winning, as if he had decided on himself, Chu Qing felt his back was cold.


This girl is a place where pits are dug everywhere for people to jump, it's extremely sinister, it's extremely sinister!

No, I have to get rid of all this as soon as possible, and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, I simply sold myself without even knowing it!

Chu Qing actually thought so in his heart.

However, when you fall into the entertainment circle, can you still struggle out?

(End of this chapter)

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