I'm not a big star

Chapter 12 Threat?

Chapter 12 Threat?

"Ka, Chu Qing, what's the matter with you, you need to be affectionate, do you know what affection is? You have to imagine that she is the person you love the most in your life, the kind who loves her so much that you can't die, wait, you seem to eat her What's the matter with the shit-like expression!"

"Ka, I've said it all, affectionate, affectionate, do you understand what affectionate is? You don't understand? Grass!"

"Kah, I'm really too lazy to talk about you, your expression is very problematic, you are such a pig brain... hey!"

In fact, the previous dramas have been going smoothly. Chu Qing has a kind of naive temperament, and there are no special requirements for the lines. In a sense, it is also a natural performance. Suddenly, Xia Baoyang felt something was wrong with Chu Qing.

No matter what TV series or movie, life and death scenes are the most testing time for acting skills.

And Chu Qing's performance experience is basically zero, and more importantly, no matter how Chu Qing performs, she can't show that kind of affection.

Of course, she can't act affectionately. Chu Qing has only known Zhao Yinger for more than a month, okay? In more than a month, Chu Qing's EQ is low, how can she act that kind of flavor?
It was the first time Xia Baoyang got angry at Chu Qing, and it was the kind that almost threw something at Chu Qing. It would be better to just throw this scourge to death.

Chu Qing was a little dizzy.

This scene has been filmed no less than [-] times, but it has always ended in failure. Regardless of the forward or reverse, he found that he could not integrate into the plot of this TV series.

"Ka, I was wrong again. Forget it. This is the end of today. You should reflect on it. Thousands of people in the crew were delayed because of this shot of yours. If it really doesn't work, you might as well just pack up and leave. There are so many people playing this role." That's right!" Xia Baoyang scolded Chu Qing, and seemed to be puzzled again, so he simply pointed at Chu Qing and scolded Chu Qing in front of the whole crew.

Chu Qing listened depressingly with his head down. When he heard the words to pack up and get out, he quickly raised his head and wanted to say yes, but when he saw Xia Baoyang's ashen face, he still didn't say the word "good" in his throat.

In any case, it's better to do less about things like bloggers' face, otherwise Chu Qing suspects that the director will roll up his sleeves and fuck himself.

When Xia Baoyang announced that today was over, the entire crew was relieved, and it was a kind of torture for them to ask them to accompany Chu Qing for a camera, especially for the cameraman, who couldn't hold back any movement. Going to throw up.

The crew dispersed one after another, and several people who were close to Chu Qing looked at Chu Qing with sympathy.

The weather in early winter was very cold, and Chu Qing shivered from the cold.He has been particularly afraid of the cold since he was a child. If others wear one piece, he must wear at least two and a half pieces. Even after time travel and rebirth, there is still no change in these.

Perhaps, the habit of being afraid of the cold has taken root deep in the soul?
Chu Qing walked silently on the streets of Hengdian alone, watching the people coming and going, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness, but a strange sense of resignation suddenly surged in his heart.

Yes, he was really not reconciled. He felt that he would not hang out in the entertainment industry in the future, but at least he had to do things well.

Either don't do it or do it well!

"Friend, are you looking for opportunities in Hengdian?" At this moment, a young man appeared in front of Chu Qing and looked Chu Qing up and down.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Chu Qing was always wary of such an obscene young man wearing glasses who appeared, and felt that this young man looked like someone who came to steal money.

"Get a copy, it can help you, and it's only 20 yuan, which is cheap." The wretched young man smiled at Chu Qing, and raised a yellowed book in his hand.

Chu Qing looked at the title of this book, and saw that "Actor's Self-cultivation" was clearly written on it.

He suddenly remembered the scene in Master Xing's Comedy King before his rebirth, and suddenly felt a little inexplicably emotional.

Do I want to hold this research all day like Master Xing?

"Okay, give me a copy." Chu Qing thought about being reprimanded by Xia Baoyang this afternoon, and felt that he did have a lot of shortcomings. Maybe this yellowed booklet is helpful?

"Here you are."



Chu Qing was carrying the brochure, and was going back to the hotel to study it first, but before Chu Qing took a few steps, a Lamborghini suddenly drove up and stopped in front of Chu Qing. Chu Qing knew without looking that the Lamborghini belonged to Zhao Yinger.

"Get in the car, I'll take you somewhere." Zhao Yinger rolled down the window aggressively.

"Forget it, now the scandals are spreading all over the sky, we have to avoid suspicion."

"I'm not afraid of a girl, what are you afraid of?" Zhao Yinger frowned, and walked on rather coquettishly: "I don't want to use force."

"Do you know this is a threat?" Chu Qing felt helpless.

It's really not harmonious for such a beautiful big star to talk about being strong all the time.

"Even if I threaten you, what can you do? You sue me? Go sue, even if I break three of your bones now, you can't do anything, don't you believe it?" Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing with a look of grief and indignation , showing a smile, she thought it was very interesting.

At least with this guy, the whole person will be very relaxed, without any sense of pressure.

"How can you let me go?" Chu Qing didn't want to get entangled in this matter.

"Do you think you are a sweet potato, and everyone wants to catch you?" Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing's helpless look, and her smile deepened.

"Gossip, I don't want to get involved in scandals." Chu Qing glanced at a timid guy in the corner next to him who picked up the camera...

"There's so much nonsense, get in the car!" Zhao Yinger looked at the time, her voice started to rush as if it was almost time, she yanked Chu Qing's phone, and before Chu Qing could react, she pulled into the Lamborghini The co-pilot, by the way, closed the co-pilot's door.

"..." Chu Qing sat in the co-pilot of the Lamborghini and quickly put on her seat belt.

The Lamborghini started again, and then drove towards the downtown of Hengdian.

Perhaps it was because Zhao Yinger's aunt came today, or Zhao Yinger felt that the expression on Chu Qing's face during the filming had stimulated her before getting in the car. Zhao Yinger's car driving today made Chu Qing feel sick. It will always be very large.

"Slow down, be gentle, vomit...I..." Chu Qing felt dizzy, feeling like she was going to vomit, but she couldn't vomit...

"Do you know why the car drives so fast?" Zhao Yinger rolled Chu Qing's eyes, with a slightly sinister smile.

"How to say?"

"Stupid, of course the car is going to be fast, why call a car if it's not fast?"

"Really, I want to vomit..." The dizzy Chu Qing felt nauseated again, and her face turned livid.

"If you dare to vomit, you will bear the consequences."

"What consequences?"

"Actually, there are no consequences. I just beat him up and threw him into the hospital."


(End of this chapter)

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