I'm not a big star

Chapter 162 Brother Qingzi, Who Do You Choose?

Chapter 162 Brother Qingzi, Who Do You Choose?

PS: The big chapter of three thousand five is equivalent to two small chapters, isn't it kind enough?Subscribe guys, the next update will be in the evening.

Wang Ying and Zhao Yinger actually had a good impression of the little cousin before. They thought he was very lively and smart, and they loved the relationship between Wu and Wu. They thought that the little cousin, like Chu Qing, was also a sincere person who would not talk big and fool people. people.

But after what happened today, their impression of their little cousin suddenly changed completely, and even completely refreshed.

Chu Qing, who was bragged to the sky by her little cousin, was just short of becoming the best chef in the world. Could it be that the black lump really was braised pork ribs?Is this really what a chef should do?
They originally thought that the food made by Chu Qing was just a bit different in price, but it might taste delicious. With this in mind, they took a sip, but after they really took a sip, they deeply understood what it means to see with your own eyes. Listening to the truth is false...


No, no!
This stuff is no longer braised pork ribs, the taste, color and even other things are different, it looks like eating a piece of charred black charcoal...

It is this feeling.

"How is it?" Chu Qing watched Zhao Yinger and Wang Ying take a bite of his braised pork ribs, with a little expectation in his eyes.

"Qingzi, you..." Wang Ying hesitated, but finally swallowed it down. "The taste is very special."

After swallowing, she still felt a smell of charcoal rising in her throat, and Wang Ying was speechless to drink several sips of water to slightly dilute the smell.

"It's very special, and very unique. Ordinary people can't taste this kind of taste..." Zhao Yinger took a deep breath, and finally couldn't swallow it down and vomited it on the table.

Eating this thing is a kind of torture!

"It's hard to eat?" Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger and Wang Ying's expressions and was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that the food he cooked in the kitchen would be like this. .


special, chic?
This is totally a compliment...

It can't be said to be delicious, but it should be said that it is already quite unpalatable.

"Brother Qingzi, what do you think?"

"Little cousin, to celebrate your appearance on TV today, and you have said so many good things for me, let me reward you with something." Chu Qing immediately swallowed it when she saw her little cousin feeling a little nervous. The ribs pretended to be delicious and smiled.

"What?" The little cousin looked at Chu Qing's smile.

"I will reward you with this plate of pork ribs that I made myself. You must eat it and not waste it."

"Ah..." The little cousin stared at the dark ribs.

This is, reward, for me?
The little cousin began to doubt life...

Is this thing really edible and won't poison people to death?

After taking a bite of detoxification, the little cousin immediately understood what it means to be unpalatable, so he succumbed.

After all, he didn't eat the ribs, and the black ribs were completely wasted and dumped in the trash can.

"How about we go out to eat?" the little cousin suggested.

Chu Qing wanted to agree but didn't want Zhao Yinger to stand up.

"Qingzi, help me out, I'll make it for you to eat."

"You know how to cook?" Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger strangely.

"Well, although I don't know much about it, at least the dishes I cook can be eaten by ordinary people." Zhao Yinger laughed when she saw Chu Qing's puzzled expression.

Her smile is beautiful, and at the moment her smile is very quiet, she looks like a virtuous and virtuous goddess...

"Um, all right." Chu Qing nodded.

"Where's the apron?"

"over there."

"Oh, don't just sit and come over and help me, is there anything to eat in the refrigerator?"

"There are, but not many."

"Okay, as long as I have it, I'll see what I can cook, come here, and help me chop the vegetables."


Wang Ying watched Chu Qing and Zhao Yinger walk into the kitchen together, her heart twitched slightly.

This guy Zhao Ying'er was one step ahead!
This is somewhat unbearable.


She doesn't know how to cook at all. If she really cooks it, it's probably not much worse than Chu Qing's braised pork ribs.

"Sister Wang Ying, if you want a man to fall in love with you, you must control his stomach." The little cousin looked at Wang Ying thoughtfully and smiled.

"What do you know about love at such a young age?" Wang Ying rolled her eyes at her little cousin.

"Maybe in your opinion, I don't understand what love is, but I know what kind of girl Qingzi likes." The little cousin saw that Wang Ying didn't want to pay attention to himself, and suddenly rolled his eyes and smiled up.

"What kind of girl do you like?"

"Hey." The little cousin saw that Wang Ying's attention was really attracted by him, and immediately laughed triumphantly, "Sister Wang Ying, this sister Ying'er also likes my brother Qingzi, I didn't tell Brother Qingzi's criteria for choosing a spouse. She, if you want to know, you..."

"What do you want?" Wang Ying naturally understood the slightly meaningful eyes of her little cousin.

The little cousin wants benefits.

How did this brat get up with a set of bribes at such a young age that he is self-taught?
"Hey, Sister Wang Ying, it hurts my feelings to say this. After all, you will be my sister-in-law in the future. We are a family. Besides, I know you like my brother Qingzi, and I want Qingzi to sign with your company."

"How did you know? Qingzi told you?" Wang Ying looked at her little cousin in a strange way.

"Hey, of course Brother Qingzi didn't tell me, it's just that there are so many entertainment companies queuing up these days to sign me Brother Qingzi, so I checked the entertainment companies, and when I checked those companies, I also checked the information of Sister Yinger, Sister Yinger It's a signed artist of Tianyu, um, and at the same time, when I saw Naiheshan starring Qingzige in the search bar, I saw that Naiheshan was produced by a company called Yinghui, and the owner of Yinghui company is sister Wang Ying."

"Huh? There are all these in Qingzi Bar?"

"Of course I have these. I'm an official member of the Green Gang." The little cousin looked very proud, as if he was a very remarkable person.

Wang Ying was silent.

Then she subconsciously glanced at Zhao Yinger who was busy with Chu Qing in the kitchen, and after looking at it for a while, she turned her head to stare at her little cousin.

"Yes, I really like your Brother Qingzi, and I want to sign him too." Wang Ying didn't hide anything.

Before that, she was worried that she didn't know how to deal with Chu Qing.

Maybe, the little cousin can help her, maybe?
"Sister Wang Ying, I'll give you advice, but I want a Harley K7 bicycle."

"The Harley K7 costs more than 1 yuan. Don't you learn how to do business like others at a young age?" Wang Ying suddenly laughed.

"Hey, mutual benefit, hey, you also know that after all, to be a spy really needs a vehicle..." The little cousin laughed.

"Okay, if Qingzi agrees to sign with my company, it's nothing to give you a bicycle?" Wang Ying laughed, as if she thought the deal was a good deal.

"Well, it's a deal!" The little cousin was very excited.


The little cousin said that Chu Qing's cooking skills are very good X is a shameless braggart, and this bragging has already broken through the sky.

But what Zhao Yinger said about not knowing how to cook is being modest, which is in stark contrast to her little cousin's braggadocio.

The little cousin will not be ashamed of his bragging.

What is there to be ashamed of?I just beautify it properly, what happened to Brother Qingzi?
It doesn't matter much.

When the delicious four dishes and one soup were served, the little cousin and Wang Ying stared straight at each other, and their stomachs started growling unconsciously.

The color and smell are very nice...

They are hungry.

"I'm not very good at burning, so I can only deal with it." Zhao Yinger smiled slightly. Although she looked very humble, there was a little pride in her beautiful eyes. She even glanced at Chu Qing slightly from the corner of her eye. After seeing Chu Qing Pidian Pidian picked up the bowl and chopsticks to eat, his heart trembled slightly, and he felt a little happy

"Don't be modest, it's delicious, woo, it's really good..." Chu Qing picked up chopsticks and stuffed them with relish: "You guys eat too, what are you doing in a daze?"

"oh oh……"

The little cousin also started to eat like Chu Qing, but Wang Ying looked at Zhao Yinger with some reservations.

Zhao Yinger was also looking at her, as if there was some provocation in her eyes.

Wang Ying suddenly became angry and wanted to flip the table.

What do you mean?
Taunting me that I can't cook?
"What? Don't you have an appetite? It's not bad to try." Chu Qing looked up at Wang Ying, still surprised that she didn't move her chopsticks.

"No, I'll try it, but I may not be used to some people's dishes, and I might spit it out." Wang Ying didn't want to try Zhao Yinger's dishes, even if they smelled and looked very good I won't even try to eat it, but...

She is really hungry.

Although I say I am not used to eating, my body...

Still quite honest.

Although I would spit it out in my mouth, but in fact...

She finished her meal without knowing it.


Before Zhao Yinger and Wang Ying came to look for Chu Qing, they did not expect that the other party would come together.

So they originally planned to go here to play, but the two who went there to play immediately lost interest after seeing each other's big light bulb and love rival.

Two women and one man go out to play, what is this like?

So the two stayed at Chu Qing's house for a while after dinner, and then they both said goodbye and left.

Of course, after they left, Chu Qing received a message on her cell phone at the same time.

And the two messages were the same, they both asked him if he was free tomorrow, and if he was free, he would go to a movie together or something.

Chu Qing was a little speechless, and even wondered if the two people were colluding to tease him?

See a movie?
Both of them want to find themselves to watch a movie?

This is really too tacit understanding, right?

"Brother Qingzi..."


"Why don't you sign with Sister Wang Ying's company." The little cousin plucked up the courage to come to Chu Qing after eating and washing the dishes.

"En?" Chu Qing looked up and down the little cousin, and he saw that the little cousin's expression was a bit tricky, "What good did you accept Wang Ying?"

"There is no advantage, I just want a K1 bicycle worth more than 7 yuan, so..." the little cousin answered frankly.

"So you agreed to be a lobbyist?"

"That's right." The little cousin nodded, "And if you don't sign with the entertainment company, the people from those entertainment companies will surround our community..."

"Don't you really enjoy the life of having a car to pick you up every day? And you are also the focus of attention in school, right?" Chu Qing teased helplessly.

"Uh...enjoyment is enjoyment, but...it's always a little tiresome to pick up and drop off too much."

"Okay, I don't want to sign any company for the time being, so let me take a rest for a while." Chu Qing shook her head.

"Then, which one are you going to choose, Sister Ying Er or Sister Wang Ying, both of them are interested in you." The little cousin asked suddenly.

"Let's go with fate, I don't know about feelings."

"Haven't you ever been tempted by the two of them?"

"Well... I don't know..." Chu Qing shook his head. Although Chu Qing knew that the two people might be interested in him, and he didn't dislike the two, he really didn't say that he was attracted...

Um, or it's not that there is no such thing, but that Chu Qing simply doesn't know what kind of situation is tempting.

"Brother Qingzi, you're such an elm-headed man, you won't be able to get a wife like this." The little cousin was quite speechless.

"What do you, a kid, know about begging for a wife? Go back to your room and play with your computer obediently. I didn't even get you to settle the mess that happened today!" Chu Qing glared at his little cousin.

why is he angry
Because his cell phone rang.

Who is calling?
Naturally it was director Jiang Changwen.

What are you calling for?
Of course it was about asking about his copyright.

(End of this chapter)

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