I'm not a big star

Chapter 163 This is so suspicious of life

Chapter 163 This is so suspicious of life

PS: There is another update tonight

Jiang Changwen is a director.

A director naturally has a director's circle of friends, and of course it's normal to have friends from film and television companies.

The person who asked Jiang Changwen for help this time was also a friend of a film and television company, and he had been kind to him in the past.

Jiang Changwen couldn't refuse.

Decades ago, Jiang Changwen gave up his status as a singer, excitedly took a script and confidently prepared to join the director circle.

However, there are some things that you cannot do well with full confidence. Jiang Changwen encountered the biggest setback in his life.

Everyone didn't believe that a half-family who turned from a singer to a director halfway through could make a good movie. Everyone felt that even if he made a movie, it would be a loss-making investment. What's more, Jiang Changwen didn't have any qualifications and background at that time, and he didn't have a professional background. , I belong to the kind of person who is famous for singing, but not popular, and switching to filming is the kind of person who will die.

Jiang Changwen hit a wall again and again. The group of friends who used to drink, eat, drink and have fun with him saw him as if they were seeing some scourge. Even if they invested in him, they would only invest a few thousand yuan...

A few thousand dollars to make a movie?
Unless it is the Arabian Nights!

Just when Jiang Changwen took the script to solicit investment and couldn't get it, shut himself in the room in pain and contemplation, and felt that he was going to die, he suddenly received a call, and the person on the other side said he was willing to invest 200 million, and that he admired him very much. script...

At that time, Jiang Changwen was ecstatic and felt like he was alive. Then, it was because of the 200 million investment that he started to make movies slowly. In the end, the box office did not suffer from Waterloo. On the contrary, it was not bad, and finally he slowly recovered. up.

What kind of kindness is this?
The grace of knowing!

The kindness of knowing you is the hardest thing to repay!
So these years, Jiang Changwen has always wanted to repay, but the other party really doesn't lack anything, and the other party doesn't like some vulgar things. Although this is not a problem for Jiang Changwen, it always feels a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

And just a few days ago, that benefactor suddenly called him.

Jiang Changwen was a little excited when he saw the familiar number.

The opportunity is coming!

"Changwen... Was that "Those Flowers, Those Things" really written by Chu Qing?"


"These days the book was uploaded on the Internet, and it was very popular. When I was bored, I read it and found that the book was well written and suitable for being adapted into a movie. It happened that my granddaughter was working on a media company that was accepting the script, so I want to buy the right to adapt this book, um, I saw the news a few days ago that Chu Qing is in your film crew, you can help me ask Chu Qing if she will sell it, if so, I will buy it."

"Oh, okay, big brother!"

When Jiang Changwen hung up the phone, he suddenly felt that what had been hanging deep in his heart seemed to be a little looser.

Although it can't be said that he has repaid his kindness by doing this well, it at least made him feel a little more comfortable. After all, he finally felt that he could do something for the other party now.

However, when Jiang Changwen called Chu Qing, he heard Chu Qing's refusal...

Yes, it was indeed a refusal, at least as far as Jiang Changwen was concerned, Chu Qing was a refusal.

"I didn't write that book. I really didn't write it. It's all rumors on the Internet. Director Jiang, if it was written by me, I will definitely sell it. You can find the real author of that book. It's useless to find me." of."

After the first phone call, Jiang Changwen felt that maybe Chu Qing really didn't write it, so he searched the publisher of the book on the Internet, and then asked someone to ask at the publisher's place.

But the other party's answer was very vague, neither denying that it was not written by Chu Qing, nor admitting that it was written by Chu Qing.

No matter how you ask, the other party's answer is the same.

"This book was written by a high school a few years ago. We must keep it secret. However, I remember that the high school student did have Qing in his name, but it wasn't Chu Qing, so I don't know."

"Contact him? Sorry, he often changes his mobile phone number, and now I don't know what number he uses. Of course, if he wants to contact us, he will contact us. If he contacts us, we will give you a call as soon as possible. On the phone."

Just because the publishing house was so vague and gave other answers, Jiang Changwen became more and more certain that Chu Qing's book was definitely written by Chu Qing. The reason why Chu Qing denied that he wrote it was definitely because he refused.


"Qingzi, do me a favor. You can sell the copyright of this adaptation. After all, it's useless if you keep it, isn't it? And the other party's bid will definitely not be too low and won't humiliate your book. You can do that." Don't worry."

"Director Jiang, it's really not that I don't want to sell it, but that the copyright of that book really doesn't belong to me."

"Qingzi, don't deny it, you can check the Internet yourself, there are all kinds of revelations about you writing this book on the Internet, and I asked someone to ask the publishing house, and the publishing house almost admitted that you wrote it. .”

"I wrote it? On the Internet?"

"Yeah, you can think about it, but don't think about it for too long. Don't worry, I will direct this adapted movie myself. I promise it won't be too bad. It's fine if I ask you to write the script..."

Chu Qing sometimes felt very baffled.

When the hell did I write this book?In my memory, when he was in high school, he honestly hovered in the middle of the school. His Chinese composition scores were always average and his academic performance was not outstanding, and if it wasn’t for the sudden explosion during the college entrance examination, he might not even take the undergraduate exam. not on.

How can such a person write novels in high school and publish them?

This is also a bit nonsense.


What evidence is there?
Chu Qing felt that this blame was wronged, and what was even more inexplicable was that these people on the Internet were able to find evidence.

Isn't this really awesome?Can you find evidence for things that don't exist?

Chu Qing, who was staying on the balcony at home, was about to surf the Internet, but found that her little cousin ran out of the room in shock.

"Brother Qingzi!"

"what happened?"

"You're crazy."

"what happened?"

"Look at Qingziba's posts and the news about you online."


Chu Qing took the little cousin's IP tablet and took a look, only to see several news items displayed on the IP tablet.

"Let's break the news. I'm Chu Qing's high school classmate. I have some serious news to break out. Everyone come in and have a look. I can guarantee that what I said is true, otherwise I will be struck by lightning!"

Chu Qing subconsciously looked into this post, and immediately wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"When Qingzi was in high school, he was a very shy literary youth. Yes, he was a literary youth. His temperament was different from others. Others liked to play games and chat, but Qingzi liked to write articles. Oh, yes Yes, Qingzi has published several articles in our school's periodicals, which have won unanimous praise from the school leaders. It is said that they want to focus on cultivating Qingzi, but Qingzi rejected it."

"We were very surprised at the time. The school leaders focused on training, which was equivalent to stepping into the threshold of a key university. Why did Chu Qing refuse? Later, after Qingzi's novel was published, we all knew why Qingzi refused, because Literary and artistic youth naturally have the way of literary and artistic youth to go..."

The content of this post is very long, about [-] words. This book clearly explains Chu Qing's character, background, and even some living habits in detail. Hua'er, those things" The creation process of this youth literary novel is introduced in a clear and orderly way, as if seeing Chu Qing's creation with his own eyes. Of course, if it wasn't for Chu Qing's rebirth by merging memories, Chu Qing would really doubt that in this world, he would be born again in high school. Is he really a literary youth, and is the so-called "Those Flowers, Those Things" really written by himself.

"Brother Qingzi, was that book really written in high school? I went to the Internet to look it up, and found that it was really well written, but the ending was a bit uncomfortable." The little cousin looked up at Chu Qing, even at this moment. He began to doubt Chu Qing.

The corner of Chu Qing's mouth twitched and he didn't answer the little cousin's words, but clicked on another message...

Another piece of news is even more bullshit than this one.

The person who posted the other message, like a detective, actually learned from the creation time of this book and Chu Qing's summer vacation time, conception, and background, and even specifically consulted the school's school leaders, and the school's school leaders also admitted that the school There is indeed such a powerful character in the movie, and he said that he wanted to keep it a secret, but he didn't expect to be known by people in the end...

When seeing this, Chu Qing was shocked.

He felt a chill directly from his body to his forehead.

There are always scumbags trying to harm me!
Oh no!

What's wrong with this world?
He suddenly had this idea...

"Brother Qingzi, brother Qingzi?"

"Is it rumored that I wrote this book?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, brother Qingzi? Did you really write it?" the little cousin asked again.

"I now wonder if I wrote this book..." Chu Qing opened Qing Ziba with widened eyes.

As for Qingzi, the pot exploded, and everyone was discussing whether the creator of this book was Qingzi.

This is so...


(End of this chapter)

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