I'm not a big star

Chapter 164 Is Chu Qing Crazy?

Chapter 164 Is Chu Qing Crazy? (Third update, ask for everything!)

(PS: Subscription results are not bad, well, of course, it is not as sudden as described in third-rate novels, normal level. Of course, there is still a distance from the high-quality goods, the goal is high-quality goods, so I still beg to subscribe, thank you guys. )
Chu Qing didn't watch the messy news on the IP tablet anymore.

He thought there must be something behind this incident.

Although his EQ is not high, at least his IQ is still at a medium level...

No matter how bad it is, there are middle and lower levels. There is still a distance from mental retardation, right?

He thought for a while, and finally sorted out the ins and outs of all this.

The source of all this is because of the "over-beautification" and "excessive force" of the little cousin on TV.

It's fine for the little cousin to brag, it's fine for him to be on TV, it's not important, most people would take it as a joke after dinner, right?
However, some things were really not what Chu Qing thought.

The key is that netizens still believe it.

Yes, it's bragging for anyone to hear, but netizens are so stupid to believe it.

What do you do after you believe me?

After I believed it, maybe they were influenced by those third-rate detective TV dramas, they were very self-righteous to carry forward their detective spirit, and even looked for books that met the conditions that the little cousin said in Chu Qing's high school, and then they really let me know. They found two books, "Ming Dynasty", and "Those Flowers, Those Things", which Jiang Changwen kept asking Chu Qing about the copyright...

Then I don't know which netizen brought the rhythm for the first time, and then it got out of hand. The sales of these two books increased at a rapid rate in just a few days...

The hype on the Internet is even more hyped.

Of course, netizens' evaluation of "Ming Dynasty" is very average, but their evaluation of "Those Flowers, Those Things" is very high.

Since everyone rated it so highly, Chu Qing was a little curious about this book.

"The novel "Those Flowers. Those Things" is not bad, really not bad." Chu Qing also bought the book herself, and spent a whole day reading it honestly. After reading it, Chu Qing couldn't help but nodded and said that this book is definitely a good book.

It is indeed a bestseller.

Although this book is about adolescence, the writing power, description methods, and narrative in the book don't look like an ordinary high school student can write it no matter how you look at it.

Of course, it's not that Chu Qing thinks that high school students are not talented. On the contrary, there are many talented high school students who can write some good novels, but the experience is different from the lines.

After all, age represents experience. A high school student can have gorgeous writing and deep thoughts, but unless he is a reborn person, it is impossible to reveal the traces of time between the lines.

Chu Qing flipped through the book again, and finally understood why some people are optimistic about the film adaptation copyright of this book.

The content in this book is very realistic, thoughtful and in-depth, and it fits some campus feelings better. It can be adapted into the most popular youth-themed movie nowadays. Of course, as long as the filming is not too bad, the box office will not be too bad. At least not May lose money.

Chu Qing put down the book and stood up, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

At this time, he inadvertently saw rows of entertainment company cars and some entertainment company managers poking around outside the community in front of the window.

The managers of these entertainment companies are still unwilling to give up and want to sign themselves. In addition to these entertainment companies, there are also a few homeless singers who carry guitars from time to time.

Entertainment companies want to sign themselves, and these singers want to help them write songs, and hope to impress themselves with sincerity.

Chu Qing suddenly closed her eyes, remembering some of her current situation.

Now I am on the street, as long as I don't wear a mask and hat, I will be surrounded by people asking for autographs when I go on the street.

I am already a star, even though I don't want to admit it, I am already.

Chu Qing suddenly found that he seemed to have fallen into the quagmire of the entertainment industry, and his desire to make money silently was getting further and further away.

What was your original intention before you were reborn into this world?
Marrying an ordinary wife and making a fortune silently, even Chu Qing thought about moving some of the original ideas from that world to this world to make a fucking fortune in order to make money.

and many more!

These seem to be business opportunities.

Some songs, some tunes, some novels, TV drama plots in my mind...

It is a fortune!
What is the purpose of writing novels, writing songs, making TV series, and making movies by myself?
On the one hand, it is human affection, and on the other hand, it is because of making money.

make money……

Since it is to make money, why not the entertainment company?
Write songs and sell them to make money?
To make money, however, can only make a small amount of money.

Is it enough to make a little money?

At this time, Chu Qing found that she suddenly developed a little bit of ambition.

He doesn't think it's enough!
At this time, Chu Qing suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Ying's number without even knowing why.

"Qingzi?" As soon as Chu Qing dialed the number, Wang Ying answered the phone immediately, and the voice was extremely pleasant after answering the phone.

Yes, very pleasantly surprised.

If she remembered correctly, this was the first time Chu Qing called her.

"Is the entertainment company good at making money?" Chu Qing hesitated and then suddenly asked this question.

"You...entertainment companies are of course very profitable! The entertainment industry has always been a very profitable industry!" Wang Ying's voice trembled a little, as if seeing a source of water in the desert with a hint of disbelief.

Is it!

Did Chu Qing figure it out?

Is it...

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, if the entertainment company makes money, I want to try the entertainment company, but..." Chu Qing hesitated and shook his head.

"But what?" Wang Ying's heart skipped a beat.

Words with twists and turns always feel unsettling.

"I want to start my own entertainment company."

"What!" Wang Ying froze when she heard the voice from the other end of the phone.

She originally thought that Chu Qing had already considered signing his own company after saying these words, after all, the terms he offered were very generous, but he never thought that Chu Qing would say that he would start a company by himself.

Wang Ying was startled by Chu Qing's words.

"Entertainment companies need resources and contacts. What do you want to do?" Wang Ying's voice trembled, and it was more of disbelief.

Is Qingzi crazy?

"Yinghui is still the original Yinghui, but I hold 50.00% of the shares, and you hold 40.00%[-]. In addition, I will add some investment one after another. If the money is enough, I don't think it will be a problem in terms of staffing and other things. .” Chu Qing took a deep breath, and finally said everything she had said.

"Then this company has become yours?" Wang Ying hesitated for a few minutes. Although it is only [-]% of the shares, it means that the company has changed hands. Yinghui Media can even be said to be decided by Chu Qing up...

At best she became the second in command.

"You can't say it's mine. You have the dominant position in the company's internal operations. You have the final say. When it comes to some major decisions, I have the final say. If you can agree to this, I will sign the contract."

"Is there any point in signing the contract? The company is yours now." Wang Ying shook her head and her voice gradually became suspicious.

"You also know that I'm the kind of person who doesn't like messy things..."

"I see. You want to keep the affairs of the company's shareholders a secret. Is that what you mean by being behind the scenes while I'm in front of the stage?" Wang Ying was very smart, and she knew what Chu Qing was thinking after hearing Chu Qing's voice.

"Well, that's what it means." Chu Qing nodded.

He's a bit of a freedom seeker.

Signing someone else's company is not as good as signing your own company.

Wang Ying on the other end of the phone was silent.

It was so silent that Chu Qing was ready to hang up.

"How else can I think about it? You have already pushed me to this point. What else can I say? Mr. Chu, when will you be free to sign the contract?" After a while of silence on the other end of the phone, Wang Ying Youyou replied.

I don't know if it was Chu Qing's delusion, Chu Qing felt that the dignified breath in Wang Ying's voice suddenly relaxed, and even the trace of fatigue eased a little.

It seems to be relieved.

"I'm fine."

"Okay, then I'll come over now, I've already drawn up the contract."

"Now? It's getting late now. It's not good for you to come here as a girl."

"It's not too late. I'm giving you the company and my people. You're not satisfied after buying one and getting one free. Do you despise me?"

"Eh..." Chu Qing didn't know how to answer for a while...

He really couldn't answer.

He only took Wang Ying's words as a joke.


"What? What did you say? Chu Qing actually signed with a company called Yinghui?"


"Nimma, what kind of company is Yinghui?"

"Firefly Media, the total registered capital is only 500 million?"

"Chu Qing is crazy, to sign such a broken company?"

"He's just trying to die!"

"Damn it, either Chu Qing is crazy or I am crazy, your sister!"

"Depend on!"

The next day, when the news spread that Chu Qing had signed with Yinghui, the entire entertainment circle seemed to be shocked.

Crazy, crazy, Chu Qing is completely crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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