I'm not a big star

Chapter 191 What?Who is Emily?Don't Know

Chapter 191 What?Who is Emily?I don't know (Second update)
"Big news, big news, Ms. Emily, the head of the world's top clothing Huaxia region who has never found a spokesperson in China, arrived at Yanjing Airport at 03:30 yesterday afternoon. According to reliable sources, this time Emily came to China. In order to finalize the image spokesperson of Baleno Huaxia."

Netizens discovered a very strange thing this morning.

This makes them a little uncomfortable.

Maybe this matter is very common to other people, but for some melon-eating netizens watching the excitement on the Internet, the headlines in the entertainment industry today surprised them...

The headline news was not about how Chu Qing behaved or what he did in Good Voice.

And not only the headline is not, the second and third article are not Chu Qing, Chu Qing's report did not appear until the fourth article, but the report on Chu Qing said that Chu Qing crushed Du Yunfei , Those who successfully advanced did not mention much, and then they disappeared without a trace, and they suddenly became popular like before.

Even the two songs that Chu Qing sang, one "Ordinary Road" and "Just Met You" are like monsters on the list, directly crushing similar new songs to the top of the list, and the number of hits and downloads on Qgou Music There are no other news reports for directly breaking the record of a new song...

All the headlines became Benny Road's spokesperson overnight.

What brand is Baleno?
If you ask this question on the Internet, you will definitely be despised by many people, and even think that you are really tasteless, and you don’t even know the most luxurious and high-end clothing brands. You still say that you are in the Internet circle?
Country bumpkin.

Among the world's clothing brands, Baleno ranks first.

Baleno ranks first in terms of clothing sales prices in the world.

Among the world's top [-] companies, Baleno ranks eighth.

Moreover, Baleno has been one of the top ten luxury clothing brands in the world for 20 consecutive years, either the first or the second.

Ordinary people can't get in touch with this brand. After all, a coat can cover their salary for almost five years without food. Will they have the opportunity to get in touch with this brand?But even though they can't get in touch with this kind of brand, when the word Baleno is mentioned, a kind of noble and luxurious condition will naturally appear in their minds...

Yes, it is noble and luxurious. In their minds, only rich people, big bosses, celebrities or big stars wear clothes.

"Fuck... Baleno has never chosen an image spokesperson in China since he founded his clothing brand 100 years ago. This time he made an exception? Is this news true or false?"

"Yeah, I was also shocked. When I opened the headlines of the entertainment circle today, I found out that the headlines were not Qingzi, but the brand ambassador for the Baleno brand. Damn, I was shocked..."

"Maybe it's a piece of fake news? Just kidding you?"

"It can't be fake news, it's the headlines, and Qgou News headlines, Sodu News headlines...these well-known news headlines are the news that Benny Road has chosen the spokesperson, how can this be fake news?"

"Fuck, if Baleno chooses the image spokesperson, who will he choose?"

"It's hard to say, but they must be the most famous and experienced people in the entertainment industry."

"I heard that Lu Feng from Yixing, Wu Kexing from Tianyu, and Zhao Junjie from Hollywood... These people seem to be popular candidates, and the search Baleno Bar has already begun to place bets on these artists."

"Who has a higher probability?"

"Zhao Junjie, after all, Zhao Junjie is a bit higher in China's popularity and international background, but Wu Kexing is an artist who has spent a lot of money on Tianyu in the past few years, and it is probably possible. As for Lu Feng, it is not certain. After all, I heard that Yixing is ahead. Baiji is pushing Lufeng to come out and take the international route, if he can win the spokesperson this time, it will be the first step for Yixing Entertainment..."

"These are the hottest people right now?"

"Yeah, these are the most popular people."

"You seem to have forgotten that there is another person in the entertainment circle, right?"


"I am a young man."

"Big Qingzi? Don't make trouble. Although Qingzi said that his popularity is terrifying, and he contracted the minds of the entertainment industry to become a brainwashing leader, he is really far away from a big international brand like Baleno. Moreover, Qingzi only became popular in the past few years. In terms of background Very insufficient, the most important point is also fatal, whether it is Wu Kexing or Lu Feng, they all have their own contracted companies and management teams, but what about Qingzi? The company Qingzi signed seems to have some problems with the release of Naihe Mountain Catonton... Do you think there is hope? Just kidding."

"That's right...it's a pity, if Qingzi signed with Tianyu or Yixing, there is still a little hope that he can participate in the competition for this endorsement, but now...the difference is not even a star, and he can be ruled out without even thinking about it... "


There was a lot of quarrels about the spokesperson on the Internet, and the search Baleno post bar was very hot, and it rushed to the search post bar homepage.

Everyone was discussing Wu Kexing, Lu Feng, or Zhao Junjie. All of a sudden, these three stars were very popular. Whether it was fan posts, Weibo discussions, or Q dog groups, everyone was guessing who would get Baleno’s endorsement. Home.

As for Chu Qing?

This time, no one discussed Chu Qing, even the fans in the search bar for Qingzi would not associate their Da Qingzi with Baleno.

How can you think about something that is too far away?
Not even a joke.

It's good that Qingzi is talented, but the gap with the endorsement is still too big.


Chu Qing felt very peaceful these days.

It seems that the noisy and noisy days have gradually gone away. Every day Chu Qing does very simple and monotonous things. During the day, he goes to the training room to practice singing, and at night he spends a few hours in the hotel writing "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". After the novel, Chu Qing fell asleep on the bed...

He is very satisfied, because the "New Legend of the White Snake" that he invested in filming will receive information about the shooting progress and some stills every day, and the results are very good.

The promotion of "Naihe Mountain" has gradually laid the groundwork, and the theaters have almost been contacted. It is estimated that the filming will start in a month.

"Zhu Xian" will pay hundreds of thousands of royalties one after another.

Mr. Zhao is also thinking about writing the script of "Those Flowers, Those Things", and Mr. Zhao has signed a contract with Chu Qing's company.

Everything is on track.

The quality of Chu Qing's sleep these days has been very good, and he often dreams that he is lying on a pile of money, laughing very vulgarly, and then his gentle and virtuous wife is serving him tea and water, showing a loving adoring look Watching her, rubbing his shoulders and legs for him from time to time...

There are mansions, villas, servants, pet dogs, and a very large swimming pool in the distance.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Qing laughs in her dreams. As for whether the laughter is obscene or not, whether she has an image or not is not very important.

Anyway, he feels that he has reached the pinnacle of his life, and his dreams are not far away...

What do you mean by foot massage shop?

In Chu Qing's subconscious mind, it seems that she doesn't dare to dream of a foot bath shop...

I feel a little psychological...

"Beep beep, beep beep."

It was another night of sweet dreams, Chu Qing's cell phone rang, and Chu Qing picked it up in a daze.


"What? What did you say? WHAT? I don't understand."

"Huh? Baleno? What is Baleno?"

"Emily? Who's Emily? You've got the wrong number."

Chu Qing, who was interrupted in her dreams, was naturally a little annoyed, and there was a series of very excited English on the other end of the phone. Chu Qing felt that the foreigners on the phone were bullying her for her poor English, as if she wanted to crush herself from the English.

Nima, Chu Qing was quite upset and immediately hung up the phone.

I just hung up the phone, but the fucking phone rang again.

"Fuck, why are there so many harassing calls recently? Pretending to be my agent is not enough, and now you are pretending to be my international friend, international friend? Where the hell do I get international friends? This scam call is too low-level." Chu Qing hangs up the phone a little annoyed.

He now feels that he is also a wealthy person, and his IQ has always been online.

Pretend to be an international friend and try to cheat me with a few fluent English words?
How is it possible, am I such an easily fooled person?

The phone continued to ring without giving up, as if Chu Qing didn't answer it, and the phone didn't stop.

"Why are you still calling? Forget it, just block it, this person is sick." Chu Qing hung up the phone, and immediately blocked the strange number. After blocking, Chu Qing felt that the whole world was clean .

What time is it now?
Chu Qing looked at the time, and saw that it happened to be around four o'clock in the morning.

"Forget it, let's catch up on getting back to sleep, and I will continue to practice singing tomorrow... I was woken up by the phone when I was halfway through my dream of traveling abroad. Hey, what a disappointment..." Chu Qing looked at the phone that prompted a message , and then I saw that the number was sent again, and it turned out to be pure English...

Chu Qing was upset, so angry that he simply turned off his mobile phone, and then lay down on the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

Sweet dreams matter, even if the sky falls.


"What? What did you say? WHAT? I don't understand."

"Huh? Baleno? What is Baleno?"

"Emily? Who's Emily? You've got the wrong number."

Emily had a bright smile on her face before she picked up the phone and was about to call Chu Qing. She wanted to surprise her only Chinese friend.

However, after making the phone call, Emily's smile gradually disappeared...

Not only is it gone, but it is even very wronged.

She handed over her contact information to Chu Qing, and it was fine if Chu Qing never called her. Now that she found out Chu Qing's real name registration number, she happily called Chu Qing, but she didn't expect Chu Qing to call her directly. Simply and rudely refused...

Yes it was rejected.

Simple, brutal.

He even said that he didn't know himself or the brand of Baleno.

And when I called again, the other party not only refused to answer, but also turned off the phone.

"Did I offend Chu Qing? Why did you treat me like this." It was the first time Emily was treated like this since she was a child. She felt very sad, and her beautiful pupils were a little moist.

Why does Chu Qing hate me so much?

"No, I have to ask... I'll find you tomorrow." Emily wiped her tears, then looked at Chu Qing's phone number with her phone...

(End of this chapter)

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