I'm not a big star

Chapter 192 What's the situation?

Chapter 192 What's the situation? (third change)

PS: There may be an outbreak today, maybe... there will be four more

Du Yunfei was very confused.

He left SH originally, but now he returned to SH by car. When he came to SH, he suddenly felt that he didn't dare to ask Qingzi for his autograph.

He is a very face-saving person, and he feels that he and Chu Qing are on the same stage for PK. If he thinks that he and Chu Qing should be of the same level in terms of status, even if they are not the same level, the gap will not be too far of.After all, everyone is a student under Jiang Feng, and they are in the entertainment industry. Although he is unknown now, maybe he will suddenly become popular?
Of course, these things are not important, the important thing is that before I left the stage, I gave Chu Qing a very proud look, that kind of momentum is quite like the protagonist mentality of 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, if you add a sentence , that is probably the counterattack line that today you ignore me, and tomorrow I will make you unable to climb up...

He felt that it was only a matter of time before he became popular, and after he became popular, Qingzi wanted to talk to him, so why wouldn't he bother with you?

It is precisely because he has always felt that he is an arrogant person and a person who can get angry, so he can't lower his head, and even if he lowers his head, will Chu Qing sign it for him?

If Chu Qing rejects him, wouldn't he be quite humiliated?
30 Years of Hedong 30 Years of Hexi Although he was very inspirational, he couldn't stand the humiliation at the beginning.

Because of the above reasons, he really didn't want to ask Qingzi for his autograph.

If you don't ask Qingzi for an autograph, is there anything you can do?

Isn't there an online store that sells autographs?

Why don't you go online and look for it.

With this in mind, he opened the Internet and searched for Qingzi's signature, and then his eyes widened when he saw the price on it.

Hey, one of Chu Qing's autographs has been hyped up to 1 yuan online, and you can't buy it at all for 1 yuan. In other words, even if you immediately take out 1 yuan, he can't tell what it is When the goods are available, the typical price is not available...

"Qingzi, your signature is worth a thousand dollars, right? The hype is too exaggerated?" Du Yunfei suppressed the shock in his heart, feeling uncomfortable, and wanted to imitate and simply get away with it, but he found that no matter how he wrote I can't even describe Chu Qing's taste.


It doesn't look like any imitation.

Chu Qing's signature looks as bad as a primary school student's handwriting, yes, it does look bad at first glance.

However, because he was trying to imitate Chu Qing's signature, Du Yunfei looked carefully.

Looking at it like this, Du Yunfei suddenly felt that something was wrong.


Du Yunfei felt as if he had seen a ghost. For some reason, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt it was incredible. In the end, he even realized that the signature was very stylish, and even had a somewhat artistic atmosphere.

"It seems that the writing... is really good, and the style is a bit close to Tang Ren's wild grass..." Du Yunfei was taken aback by his own terrible thoughts.

Du Yunfei felt that he was possessed by a demon. If he was not possessed, he was poisoned.

The word Chu Qing is so poisonous!
Du Yunfei finally couldn't help but succumbed after staying in SH for a few days and looking at Chu Qing's words for a few more days.

He planned to ask Chu Qing for his autograph without shame.

It is very satisfying to ask for one, quite exciting to ask for two, and as for three...

That must be high tide...

will refuse?
If it really doesn't work, why don't I save face and ask him to do it?He can't be so cruel.


I don't know if it was because of the harassing phone call yesterday, but Chu Qing got up a little later than usual this morning.

Normally, I go to the training room on time at eight o'clock, but today it was dragged until ten o'clock in the morning.

However, Chu Qing's mental state is still quite good.As usual, when Chu Qing was about to open the training room to start a new day of practice, Chu Qing suddenly found that Du Yunfei who had been eliminated was standing by the corner of the training room.

Yes, it was Du Yunfei.

"Hi... Hello, Qingzi." Du Yunfei's face was a little tangled, and his whole face looked a little bit haggard, and he couldn't see the high-spirited feeling when he was on the same stage as PK.

Could it be that he has been obsessed with staying up late watching TV dramas these days?Or feel bad about being eliminated?

Chu Qing was puzzled after seeing Du Yunfei's appearance.

"Okay, Yunfei, why are you still staying in SH? Uh, didn't I hear that you are planning to go back? Didn't you go back?" Chu Qing came to Du Yunfei's side and asked strangely.

"That... Qingzi... Actually, how should I put it? The weather is good today..." Du Yunfei felt a little embarrassed.

He had never felt so pressured to speak in front of Chu Qing.

"The weather is good?" Chu Qing looked out the window again strangely, it was raining lightly and windy outside today, no matter how you say it, it can't be connected with the good weather.

"Cough, cough, it's not important, Qingzi, it's no wonder that your singing skills have improved so fast. It turns out that you are practicing very hard by yourself. I really admire you, ha ha..." Du Yunfei looked at it with a smile that didn't make sense. With Chu Qing.

Still so entangled, with a little bit of embarrassment in the tangle.

"What's the matter? Do you have something to do?" Chu Qing then looked at Du Yunfei's appearance and felt that something must have happened to Du Yunfei and it was quite a big one.

"Qingzi, since we are on the same stage in the PK, can I beg you to make it happen?" Du Yunfei finally summoned up his courage a little bit and looked at Chu Qing.

"What's the matter? I will definitely help if I can, and if I can't, there's nothing I can do." Chu Qing said in his heart, "Sure enough."

Sure enough, he had something to do with him, but Chu Qing was not a fool, and he definitely couldn't agree to some things casually, so he only said that he would definitely help if he could help, and of course he wouldn't help if he couldn't help, nonsense.

"Yes, yes, yes, it must be a trivial matter for you, hehe..." Du Yunfei tried to squeeze out a smile, but the smile looked a little awkward, and then he carefully put his hand into the bag, and finally escaped took a photo.

"Eh..." Chu Qing looked at this photo, which seemed to be a photo of a girl.

Chu Qing also suddenly became tangled and embarrassed.

Are you going to introduce me to a girlfriend?
No, that's not how you pimp.

"Qingzi...this is my younger sister Du Xiaoju...Look, she is very innocent and cute." Du Yunfei smiled flatteringly, but in Chu Qing's eyes, she really looked like those selling dog skin plasters or pimps the pimp...

However, the girl in the photo looks really innocent, and she is really cute with her twin ponytails.

Well, it's not bad, but it's a little too young, not yet an adult, right?

"Yeah, it's quite cute, you are..." Chu Qing felt more and more that Du Yunfei's smile was a bit creepy.

oozing panic...

"Then what... can you sign here, yes, on the back of the photo?"

"Signature? What is the signature for?" Chu Qing was stunned when he heard the word "signature".

"That...my sister is your fan, and she wants your autograph even in her dreams, Qingzi, please, please sign me." Looking at Chu Qing's appearance, Du Yunfei immediately thought that Chu Qing would refuse, and became a little anxious.

Are you really going to reject me?
If I had known this earlier, I would have honestly asked for an autograph like those eliminated students, and I would never pretend to be B in the past 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

If I don't get my signature now, my sister will be angry with me for a long time...

If Du Yunfei was given another chance, Du Yunfei would definitely not pretend to be B.

"..." Chu Qing struggled, it was easy to sign, but he really didn't want to sign his ugly name again.

After all, as soon as you open the Qingzi bar, you can see your own ugly signature everywhere...

This feeling……


He still wants this old face.

"Qingzi, just sign one, just sign one, my sister really likes you, and the day after tomorrow is her birthday, her biggest wish is to have a signed photo of you..." Thinking of Chu Qing's current signature of 1 yuan can't be bought online, and Du Yunfei completely loses his last dignity and persistence.

What is pretending to be a counterattack, what is slapping face?He forgot all about it...

He even started to lie shamelessly.

Anyway, Chu Qing didn't know.

Seeing Du Yunfei's face about to cry, Chu Qing finally nodded speechlessly.


"Thank you, thank you, Qingzi, you are such a good person." Chu Qing's words of promise sounded like heavenly sounds to Du Yunfei. That bitter face instantly burst into bloom like a chrysanthemum...

"..." Chu Qing took the pen and signed on the back of the photo Du Yunfei gave.

"Well...Qingzi, why don't you sign me two more? I...my friend...yes, one of my friends is terminally ill, and his last hope is to ask for your autograph, or you... ..." You lied once, are you afraid of the second time?
Du Yunfei felt that his ability to lie was really one set after another, he admired himself a little, and he made up terminal illnesses by himself.

"Terminally ill?" Chu Qing looked at Du Yunfei's face with some doubts, he always felt that Du Yunfei was fooling himself.

"Yeah, it's a terminal illness, the kind of terminal illness that is about to sink into the ground, why don't you sign two... so that he can die with a smile..."

"All right……"

"Thank you, thank you, Qingzi, I won't disturb your practice anymore, you are busy first, you are busy first."

After Chu Qing signed Du Yunfei again, Du Yunfei's whole body was refreshed immediately, and he looked like a drug addict. He was afraid that Chu Qing would expose his lies and repent, so he would withdraw without saying a word. ...

Because he was so excited, he turned around and left the training room, his feet seemed to be floating.

Then, he bumped into Jiang Feng who pushed the door in.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


Jiang Feng looked at Chu Qing strangely when Du Yunfei lost his composure.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know what's wrong with him..." Chu Qing looked confused.

He still doesn't understand the situation.

It's a birthday and what's wrong with a terminally ill person?
(End of this chapter)

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