I'm not a big star

Chapter 2 I'm not a liar...

Chapter 2 I'm not a liar...

A group of actors who played dead bodies with Chu Qing were scrambling to move the equipment in the crew very hard, and when they passed by some third-line actors or assistant actors, they all held their heads high, showing that they thought they were in the best condition, trying to impress the assistant director. Make a good impression, if you are spotted by the director's assistant or a third-tier star and then recommend to the director a character that can stand out, then you will earn money.


The idea of ​​becoming famous in the first battle, becoming a star, and marrying Bai Fumei to reach the pinnacle of life always exists in the hearts of these actors.

They work very hard to express themselves, and they don't miss any chance to be famous.

After all who doesn't want to be famous?
Chu Qing was very inconspicuous among these people.

He thinks these people are very sad. Where is the entertainment circle?It was a place where fish and dragons were mixed, unspoken rules prevailed, and there were all kinds of people.

Can the director take a fancy to playing a few side roles that don't show their faces at all?If you help move some things, you can be spotted by the director?Can you become famous without putting in effort?
Do not be silly.

It's better to accept the reality earlier, finish moving things and go back to sleep earlier, the last word is to have a good rest.

Chu Qing is a very realistic person, he also knows what he wants, he never had the idea of ​​becoming a big star.

So when all the extras were performing their own efforts to move props and display their acting skills, Chu Qing was slowly mixing in the crowd without showing any signs of dew.

In the temporary shed on the other side.

"What do you think of this song?" Assistant director Chen Wei'an looked at Xia Baoyang.

"This one? No way." Xia Baoyang looked at the score and lyrics, then shook his head in denial.

"What about this one? This one is written by Wang Lao and composed by Qin Han. I have listened to it live, and the style and rhythm of this song are quite good."

"It has a little taste, but in the end it's almost...Let's look at it again." Xia Baoyang hesitated for a while, then shook his head again, and continued to look at the next sheet music.

"Could it be that among so many things, there isn't a song that suits your taste? Can you accept the reality a little bit! My great director, Mr. Xia Baoyang!" Chen Wei'an looked at her husband with a serious face, and her expression was not good.

My husband is good in other aspects, but sometimes he is too perfectionist.

How can there be anything perfect in this world?

In the past few years, although Xia Baoyang is a well-known director, he missed many opportunities to direct many big productions because of his perfect personality.

In the past few years, many potential directors have emerged, and several directors of the older generation and Xia Baoyang's generation have already won the best director award, and some directors are even preparing to sharpen their swords and rush to Hollywood.

And what about myself?

He is still doing his own thing and is not in a hurry with perfectionism, but as his wife, Chen Wei'an is very anxious to see it, and can't wait to pick up a song immediately and forget it!

"What I produce must be perfect. If I am not satisfied, how can the audience be satisfied?"

"Okay, you are amazing. Even the well-known combination of Lao Wang and Qin Han can't catch your eyes. How do you end the theme song when I see it? Look at Liu Yu and Zhang Renmou who are in the same period as you. Which one is not as good now? Hello?"


Seeing that his wife started nagging again, Xia Baoyang felt extremely irritable, so he let out a muffled grunt, turned around and left the temporary shed, he was going to sit by the small lake next to Hengdian.

In fact, in a sense, these few songs are not bad, but he always felt that they lacked some taste.


Yes, that's the taste...

Where is the flavor I'm looking for?
When I came to the small lake, it was just when the moon had just risen. From a distance, the waves on the lake were swaying with the wind, which seemed a bit sensational.

Very peaceful.

Yes, Xia Baoyang liked this kind of peaceful feeling, and he felt that his restless heart was slowly relaxing.

"The sound of knives and halberds is hoarse with silk and bamboo

Who will show you the fighting outside the city
Sevenfold gauze blood splashed on the white gauze
The soldiers approach the city, the six armies do not send out
Who knows that goodbye is life and death! "

At this moment, Xia Baoyang was taken aback.

He seemed to hear a person singing a song he had never heard by the lake.

"At that time, the red thread was wrapped a thousand times

marrying as a human

Whose old scar is that scar?

Can drink tea quietly
Crush this flourishing fireworks"

It sounds like it has a little taste, but the sound seems to be a little tender, it would be nice if it had some vicissitudes.

"The painting of the blood-stained country

How can I beat a little cinnabar between your eyebrows

Overwhelm the world
always a bustling

blue blood stained peach blossom
I just want to see you crying like rain

Listen to the sword dumb

Tall buildings are dying to collapse"

The style of words is also good!
When Xia Baoyang was listening carefully, the singing stopped suddenly.

This made Xia Baoyang a little uncomfortable, he quickly got up and walked towards the source of the sound...

"Did you sing the song just now?" Xia Baoyang asked with a frown when he saw a young man squatting by the lake washing his hands after walking about ten meters.

"Song?" The young man turned to look at Xia Baoyang, "I sang it, what's wrong?"

"What's the name of the song?"

"All the world, what's wrong?" The young man gave Xia Baoyang a strange look.

"It's nothing, this song is very good, but your singing is not good enough." Xia Baoyang nodded expressionlessly, but his heart gradually became hot.

"Huohou? You're not a professional singer after all." Chu Qing stood up after washing her hands, glanced at Xia Baoyang and shook her head.

"Who is the original singer of this song?"

"Original singer? It's the river..." Just as he was about to say the word Hetu, Chu Qing stopped suddenly.

River map?

Where is the river map in this world?
At this time, he remembered that this world did not exhaust the world, not only did it not exhaust the world, but also there was no river map...

"River what?"

"Uh...it's nothing, this song doesn't have the original song." Chu Qing felt a little guilty, and then looked away.

"There is no original song? What do you mean..." Xia Baoyang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked incredulously, "Could it be that this song was originally created by you?"

"It's my original creation." Chu Qing could only admit it with a cheeky face. In fact, he had no choice but to admit it. After all, where in this world can we find the author of this song?He can't make one up...

"What's your name? There should be a second half of this song, please continue singing for me."

"Continue to sing?" Chu Qing looked Xia Baoyang up and down, and shook his head speechlessly, "I will sing if you ask me to sing? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

"..." Xia Baoyang looked at Chu Qing's expression, and was a little dumbfounded, "You don't know me?"

"You?" Chu Qing looked at Xia Baoyang again, then shook his head.

"Well, a TV series called "The Empress of the World" is being filmed here, you should know about it, right?" Xia Baoyang was a little speechless.

"Eh? I don't know." Chu Qing shook her head again.

In fact, he was reborn in this world in less than three days, and he didn't know many things at all.

"..." After Xia Baoyang saw that Chu Qing's expression did not seem to be fake, he was a little speechless.

Could it be that I have been silent in the world for the past few years, and there is no news of me in the world?
I have such a failure?


"Let me introduce myself. My name is Xia Baoyang, and I am the director of this crew. Now, I want to hear you sing the next song!" Xia Baoyang had no choice but to say it in another way.

"Director?" Chu Qing looked at Xia Baoyang again, "I have no money..."

"Money? How did it involve money?" Xia Baoyang was a little puzzled at first, but after seeing Chu Qing's expression as if he saw a liar, he suddenly understood "I'm not a liar..."

"How can a liar say that he is a liar..." Chu Qing looked at Xia Baoyang with distrust in his voice.

There are scammers in Hengdian who pretend to be directors to cheat fools who want to become famous overnight. Chu Qing feels that no matter how he looks at himself, he doesn't look like a fool.


If I can meet the director by singing a song casually, then I am out of luck.

"You really..." Xia Baoyang was a little annoyed, and even a little dumbfounded.

Well, the representative director of the famous five generations will be mistaken for a liar by a rookie...

If it is found out by other colleagues, then the fun will be great...

"Forget it, you don't look like a liar, but let me tell you, the lyrics and melody of this song are all original by me. If you copy me after listening to it, I will sue you for copyright infringement." ..." Chu Qing reckoned that this guy was dressed like a dog, and his body was a little rich, so he had nothing to do with a liar, so he continued.

"Okay! I'll sign a contract with you, okay... Well, the contract is not brought, it's in the temporary shed, why don't you go get it with me?" Xia Baoyang subconsciously wanted to dig out something, but then found that his briefcase was not there Did not bring.

"Contract? Forget it, I believe you, okay, I'll just sing the next part." Chu Qing looked at the sky, saw that it was a little late, and planned to stop after getting up early tomorrow for a trip. Get entangled with these things, don't let these things disturb your mood, right?
So he cleared his throat...

(End of this chapter)

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