I'm not a big star

Chapter 3 was pitted

Chapter 3 was pitted

When Chu Qing was about to leave early and go to the hotel to sleep after singing, he realized that the slightly rich middle-aged man in front of him had a wrong eye.

It should be said that the eyes are a little bright!


Damn, what's going on, does this guy have rabbit tendencies?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing's scalp became numb for a while, and he immediately turned around and wanted to run, but unexpectedly, as soon as he lifted his foot, his hand was grabbed by a stronger hand!



Nima, am I going to lose my integrity as a reborn person?
Depend on,
Thinking of this, Chu Qing struggled, but she didn't expect this rich middle-aged man to be surprisingly powerful...

"What are you doing, let me go!...I don't like that!"

"You..." Xia Baoyang's face was as tight as a monkey's ass, "I don't like that!"

He who has always been polite, now the word "Lao Tzu" came out of his mouth.

"Then what do you want, I'm going back!" Chu Qing was still on guard.

"Can you sell this song?"

"Not for sale!" Chu Qing felt that the fat man was a little tricky, and she really wanted to lie to her song!
"You! How are you willing to sell!" Xia Baoyang glared at Chu Qing.

"Unless you give me money now!"

"how much is it?"

"One hundred thousand, don't even think about buying it without a hundred thousand!" Chu Qing decided to open his mouth in order to get out early!
"Okay! But I don't have cash with me now. You follow me to the set, and I'll let you transfer it to you."

"The crew?" Chu Qing looked Xia Baoyang up and down again.

"I'm really not a liar. I'm the director of Concubine Qingshi. Why don't you believe it? Okay, you follow me now! I can prove that I am a director and not a liar."

"it is good!"

Two lines that should not have intersected at this moment unexpectedly intersect...

Perhaps, this world is like this?
Of course, Chu Qing never expected that her life would be completely changed at this moment...


As night fell, the bars outside Hengdian City resounded with cheerful and loud riots.

In the Nine Five Hotel, Chu Qing picked up the contract and looked at it very carefully, for fear that she might miss a word.

After reading the contract for about half an hour, Chu Qing finally stood up.

"Can I take this contract back to read?"

"No." Xia Baoyang shook his head.

"Then...shall I come over tomorrow?"

"If you sign the contract now, I'll transfer you [-] immediately." Xia Baoyang put on black-rimmed glasses, his eyes were a little dark.

"Okay, I'll sign." Chu Qing never thought that someone would agree to his big mouth, and he had read the contract carefully. The contract was indeed a contract for selling songs and had no other meaning. Chu Qing didn't understand the things, but Chu Qing felt that Xia Baoyang was a great director, and there were some things that would not deceive him.

If you want money but don't have money, if you want to be handsome or not, and you don't have any background, what's wrong with you?
Of course, he is very excited at this moment. After all, a song is worth a hundred thousand, damn, what is this concept?
Chu Qing felt that happiness came too suddenly, and he felt that he was going to get rich.

Well, for 10 yuan, first you need to buy a car within [-] yuan, then buy a computer with a higher configuration, and then...

What is it?
Just a good meal!
Picking up the paper, Chu Qing signed the contract with his own name, and handed it to Xia Baoyang.

Xia Baoyang glanced at Chu Qing's signature and was speechless.

"The writing is so ugly, did you graduate from primary school?" Xia Baoyang looked at it for a while and finally recognized the word Chu Qing.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Chu Qing was a little embarrassed. He was pretty good at other things since he was a child, but the writing of this word is really unsightly...

"Young people are unstable and rough." Xia Baoyang shook his head and signed his name.

"Do you have a bank card?"

"Bank card? Yes." Chu Qing nodded, and then took out her Agricultural Bank of China.

"En." Xia Baoyang took out his mobile phone, and pressed a number, "Xiao Wang, come to my hotel."

After saying this sentence, Xia Baoyang hung up the phone and accepted the contract.

"Have my assistant call me my money?" Chu Qing asked after hesitation.

"Well, let the assistant call you." Xia Baoyang nodded, then looked Chu Qing up and down, and nodded inexplicably.

Chu Qing felt a little scared, subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Don't stand so far away, come closer to me and let me take a good look at you."

"Cough, cough, it's better to stand farther away, better to stand farther away." Chu Qing waved his hands again and again, his face gradually became a little awkward, and his heart was extremely entangled.

"Do you want to be a star?" At this moment, Xia Baoyang suddenly stood up and stared at Chu Qing.

"No!" Chu Qing denied without thinking.


As a reborn person, he has other ways to make money, so why should he be a star, surrounded by people like monkeys?

"I happen to have a role here that suits you, think about it." Xia Baoyang stared at Chu Qing again, and then nodded with some satisfaction.

"That...director, when will my 10 yuan arrive?" Chu Qing felt that it was not good to stay here.

"Why are you thinking about the 10 yuan? Look at your future." Xia Baoyang gave Chu Qing angrily.

"..." Chu Qing turned her head and looked away.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Chu Qing ran towards the door and opened it as if she had been pardoned.

Wang Ying glanced at Chu Qing strangely, then stepped back to look at the house number, and looked at Chu Qing again after seeing that the house number was correct.

"You are Xiao Wang?" Chu Qing looked at the short-haired girl, feeling a little familiar.

"Yes." Wang Ying walked into the room...

More than ten minutes later, when Chu Qing's mobile phone reminded her that she had received 10 yuan, Chu Qing felt that she could no longer bear the excitement in her heart.

Developed, developed.

"Okay, now that you have received the money, come to the crew to report on time at seven o'clock tomorrow."

"Seven o'clock? Come to the crew to report on time?" Chu Qing, who was about to leave, was taken aback.

"Look at the notes below the contract. The end date of the contract is the day when the filming of "The Empress Dowager" is finished. Before the filming day, there are no special circumstances. I will obey all orders from my superiors for the members of the crew. If I violate the contract, I am willing to pay ten times. Liquidated damages, that is to say, in the next three months, you can do what the crew asks you to do, and you can act whatever you are asked to do. Even if you are asked to act as a dead body for three months, you have to act. Moreover, the crew You don't have to pay anything."


Chu Qing stared at the small print on the contract, and then looked at the director Xia Baoyang who had a calm face, as if he had a winning ticket, and suddenly his eyes went dark.

got duped...

"Young man, you are still too young. Do you think money is so easy to earn? One hundred thousand a song? A lion is not as big as you." Xia Baoyang laughed.


I bought a watch last year...

(End of this chapter)

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