I'm not a big star

Chapter 4 Hard days

Chapter 4 Hard days
The next morning, before dawn, Chu Qing received a call from Wang Ying. Wang Ying told Chu Qing in a very indifferent language that the plot was about to start work, and asked him to come to the Taohuayuan in the corner of Hengdian in half an hour to gather and distribute Work.

It was the season of autumn and winter, and the bed was very warm in this season, and Chu Qing was very reluctant to get up in his heart.

Nested in the quilt to sleep well, how cool is it to sleep until dawn?It's really sad to get up before dawn...

He told Wang Ying on the phone that he wanted to go back on his word and that he didn't want the 10 yuan. He simply gave the song to Director Xia for free, and only asked Director Xia Baoyang to let him survive. He had nothing else to ask for.

Besides, I have a lot of brains and a lot of ways to get rich, not bad for this song...

Is his request low enough?

"For this kind of thing, you can ask the legal counsel of our crew. Of course, the premise is that you have to prepare 100 million liquidated damages, otherwise we can sue you."

"Prosecute? As for?"

"Come here now, or not, you decide for yourself."

After saying all this, Wang Ying hung up the phone, and her voice sounded like a domineering president, refusing to give Chu Qing any chance.

Chu Qing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, get up, a million?There will definitely be in the future, but even if you sell me now, it won't be 100 million!
Half an hour later, Chu Qing reluctantly ran to the production crew, and together with the staff of the production crew moved the action and set up the venue under Wang Ying's command, and Wang Ying seemed to see Chu Qing was particularly upset, after all the other staff had moved When resting, she specially assigned Chu Qing to the nearby supermarket to transport mineral water...

"How do I transport it? I move it alone? There are thousands of people in this crew, you... aren't you embarrassing me?"

"I have transportation here."

"But I don't have a driver's license."

"No driver's license required."

"what is that?"

"Go and see for yourself." Wang Ying pointed to the front with a cold face.

Chu Qing looked ahead, and then looked at Wang Ying's back as she walked away, her already bitter face became even more bitter.

A tricycle, and it's not the kind of electric tricycle, but a pedal human tricycle...

Alright, Qingzi, let’s get through it, after three months you will be able to bear the pain...

At that time, there will be money, beautiful women, and everything.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

"The Queen of the World" is still in full swing. The big star Zhao Yinger is still the most eye-catching star in the crew. From a distance, she is still so tall. The actor who plays the corpse is still an actor. Batch after batch, they are like dust in the wind, and no one will remember them at all.

Maybe some of them will become famous in the future, maybe they will be lucky, but how high is this probability?
very low……

"Xiao Chu, my shoulder is a little sore, can you rub it for me?"

"Xiao Chu, there's no water, bring me a bottle of water."

"Xiao Chu, quickly move this thing away, this thing is in the way here and affects the shooting."

"Xiao Chu, why are you still here? Quickly change into your clothes and act as a dead body. Hurry up, what are you still doing?"

"Little Chu..."

"Little Chu..."

As a time traveler, as a time travel rebirth, Chu Qing felt that she was definitely the worst one among them.

He felt that he had become the most tragic slave in the crew, being commanded to work exhaustedly, and he couldn't rest.

There is no way to live this day, absolutely no way!

In the past two days, the crew, photographers, transporters, etc. have noticed that this is hard work, and they are also willing to direct Chu Qing. After all, Wang Ying has greeted the relevant personnel of the crew. It's a "special person" who does dirty work, just ask him to do it, the key is that you don't have to pay anything...


Chu Qing kept swearing in her heart that if she got rich one day, she would definitely grab Wang Ying's braid and slap her several times.

You said good men don't hit women?
Are you sure Chu Qing is a good man?
You must know that no matter how good a man is, he has a temper, and he will be angry if he is tossed like this.

Gradually, some second- and third-tier stars in the crew also noticed Chu Qing. Of course, these stars are not bad, but they just direct Chu Qing, ask Chu Qing to help squeeze her shoulders, help with shopping, and send box lunches. The rest of the work was done by Chu Qing, and these third-tier stars didn't have much pretensions. The plots in novels like looking at people with their nostrils didn't appear, and Chu Qing also asked for the signatures of many third-tier stars. Wait three months later Now that I am free, I can show off these autographs. Perhaps this is the only comfort that Chu Qing feels in this hard life.

But what to show off?
Showing off that you have pinched someone's shoulders and bought mineral water?
Of course, what if one of these third-tier stars suddenly develops and becomes a big star?

It's an honor for ordinary people to pinch their shoulders and buy mineral water, right?
cough cough...

In this way, it lasted for another week. During this week, Chu Qing also gradually adapted to the life of the crew. Apart from being busy and tired, she didn't feel anything else.

Three months should be soon, right?

Counting the days, Chu Qing felt that she had seen some hope.

There are still two more months, um, after more than two months, I will be free, and I have received 10 yuan, which is not a loss...

In this way, Chu Qing comforted herself and hypnotized herself every day, but gradually accepted the current life, and felt that this was actually quite fulfilling and good.

As for director Xia Baoyang?
After giving Chu Qing 10 yuan and buying Chu Qing's songs, Chu Qing never saw Xia Baoyang again.

It's good if you don't see him, so as not to be tricked by Xia Baoyang again.

One week later in the morning, Chu Qing was awakened by the sound of the phone again.

"Hey, don't rush, I'm already up..." Chu Qing picked up the phone and pressed the answer button in a daze.

"it's me."


"Xia Baoyang."

"Old Xia?" Chu Qing was sober after hearing this familiar voice.

"Come over to the audition room later, I'll give this role a try."

"Role? Oh, good." Chu Qing nodded and got up from the bed.

In this week, he has acted nearly ten times as a dead body, or as a small character who appeared several times. He felt that the characters Xia Baoyang talked about were either dead bodies or dragons holding a sword. How mighty, how ugly, how humble...

This kind of performance is called a human flesh background...

When Chu Qing came to the crew and was about to go to the audition room, Chu Qing felt that something was wrong.

Do you want to audition for a side role?

This old Xia is too strict...

The audition room was arranged in a hotel about one kilometer away from the crew. Of course, Chu Qing had never been to that hotel.

When Chu Qing came to the hotel and saw a big dragon lined up outside the hotel, the corners of Chu Qing's mouth twitched.

Damn it, now you have to be so solemn when you're playing a part-timer?

"Hey, Brother Li, what's going on today, why are there so many people lining up here to try a trick?"

Brother Li is Xia Baoyang's bodyguard. He looks rough, mighty and domineering. It is said that he has stayed in Shaolin Temple for several years, and he is an authentic practitioner.Although Chu Qing complained about his hard life, he was more serious about his work when he was actually working, so he was quite popular in the crew, at least he had no problem finding someone to talk to so that he would not be left out in the cold.

"I don't know too well, don't talk nonsense later, you know? I heard that a big shot is coming." Brother Li quietly pulled Chu Qing aside and told him.

"Big man?"


"Oh, I understand."

What kind of person is a great person?
In short, Chu Qing feels that in this crew, everyone is a big shot...

In fact, Chu Qing has no concept of the word "big shot", anyway, now that he and Xia Baoyang have signed a damn contract of prostitution, as long as they don't sell their physical integrity, they can do whatever they want...

Chu Qingan stood steadily in the long queue and lined up.

(End of this chapter)

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