I'm not a big star

Chapter 203 Who the hell is this person!

Chapter 203 Who the hell is this person! (ask for some recommendations)

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This episode of Good Voice is a little different from Chu Qing's episode. This episode has a few more guest singers.

Of course, these guests are not famous figures in the music scene.Except for Lu Feng, who broke the contract midway and is still considered a hot singer, the others are all singers who used to be a little popular, but now they are basically out of date, rarely seen on major online platforms, and even have little news...

Several of them were exposed as residents in the bar some time ago, looking quite bleak.

Why are these singers invited?
Because these singers are very cost-effective, the appearance fees are not high, they are basically free cabbage prices, and they don’t have much ostentation like some young singers, but their strength and singing skills are much better than ordinary young singers. If you can't support a good sound stage, you won't win over many audiences, but it's no problem to help sing to improve the quality of the students.

After all, many things will be different with the help of veteran singers.

Bai Youxue is different from Jiang Feng, Bai Youxue is very popular among the instructors and has many students, even after two-two PK, there are still eight students left.

These eight students will conduct two-two PK again, but the treatment is different from the first batch of PK students, at least they will all be assigned a guest singer.

"Chen Peng's voice is still as deep and powerful as before. Unfortunately, if it weren't for the entanglement of the divorce incident, Chen Peng would not have been so miserable. I heard reports a few years ago that he actually sang in bars."


"Wow, Niu Gen has also come out. I haven't seen him for more than ten years. I didn't expect the handsome guy back then to be so old. I remember that I was still in elementary school when I listened to his songs. I didn't expect it to be more than 20 years in a flash. In more than 20 years, he Where did he go? There is no news, I thought he disappeared."

"Uh, I know this person very well. Could it be Shen Lin? Didn't Shen Lin quit the music scene to marry?"

"Uh, yes."

I have to say that memory killing is really a wonderful thing, and the master planner played the thief 6 with this glove.When the new issue of The Voice started, the audience in front of the TV saw so many old singers reappeared on the stage and sang the familiar songs, they all felt that they had fallen into memories and sighed with emotion...

"By the way, have you noticed that the songs everyone is singing in this issue are old songs!"

"It's me, I also found out, and basically they are singing the old songs of the singers. I guess the official voice of Haosheng and these singers should have reached some kind of agreement to help them promote it?"

"should be."

It's a good new song, the first time it sounded quite new, and it still brings back some memories, but after listening to it too much, it makes people feel a little tired. Although the voices of the students are not bad, the taste is not good. It's getting more and more wrong.

Although at the beginning these old singers kept appearing, they felt a sense of nostalgic experience, but they felt bored after watching too much.

These feelings of boredom have nothing to do with singing skills or singing styles. Although old songs are old, they are really not acceptable to some young people. After all, some songs really can’t keep up with the trend and the times, unless they are classics that have been sung forever. It is really difficult to get the audience in front of the TV to have a strong interest again.

An enduring classic?
If these singers had sung enduring classic old songs before, would they still be in such a bad situation?
"Why do I feel a little bored?"

"Well, I feel it too. If the good voice is always like this, I won't watch the next few episodes after watching this episode. I'll watch it after Qingzi comes out."

"Well, I think so too, when will Qingzi appear?"

"It seems to be during the PK time, probably less than a month away."

"There's still less than a month left."


"Hey, it's really boring."

When everyone felt that the show was a little boring and nothing new, a few people suddenly stared.

"Fuck, what's the matter with this man, why did he play with a mask on?"

"Uh, what did you say? Mask?"

"That's right, the monkey mask, are you kidding me? Which old singer is here to grandstand and dare not show up?"

"Hey, it seems that the song I sang is not an old song, but a new song, exaggerated!"

"Exaggerated? Fuck, such a difficult song, which old singer is going to die?"

"Maybe it's an up-and-coming singer?"

"Impossible. You can see that he walks very slowly and weakly. He must be an old singer, and he may be older than those present."

"If that's the case, it's really interesting."


Chu Qing was not used to wearing a monkey mask on the stage at first, but after walking on stage, Chu Qing felt a little different.

Putting on a mask and going on stage without the mask feels completely different.

Although it's just a mask, Chu Qing seems to be able to act as another person as he likes...

It seems that my acting skills can be fully displayed under the mask.

Exaggerated, this is a very crazy, extremely crazy, and extremely sad song.

And it's not a Chinese version, but a Cantonese version.

When picking up the microphone, Chu Qing unconsciously showed a smile, looking around at the judges and other people...

Then he remembered a plot in the book "Actor's Self-cultivation".

"A real actor, who knows how to enter and act, through makeup and acting, even the most familiar people don't know who you are..."

So, can I make you unable to guess who I am?

Thinking of this, Chu Qing felt that the pores all over her body began to relax.

Xu Wanying, who was standing beside her, looked at Chu Qing strangely. Why did this person appear on stage in such a shape?

But Xu Wanying's opponent, a wandering singer with a beard in his 40s, gave Chu Qing a cold look.


Dare to sing exaggerated?

Let me see how you end up singing broken notes on stage later.

I have sung this song for 20 years, even I will not challenge this song, just you?
"Wow, is this look a special Easter egg by the program crew?" Jiang Feng looked at the look and was suddenly very strange.

"It should be." Deng Peichuan nodded.

"It's interesting." Zhou Liming showed a somewhat interested smile.

"After all, this stage is a stage for listening to the sound, not a modeling show. If you can't sing well, it's useless to show off, and it's hard to exaggerate this song. Zhao Yunxiang has practiced several times in order to sing this song well. Only the voice of the moon dares to release an album, Xu Wanying and this masked person, he took a risk." Bai Youxue shook his head and stared at the monkey mask on the stage.

"Yes, after all, it is a stage for listening to sound."

"Although the song Exaggerated is popular, it's not easy to sing. Half of the old singers can't bear this heart-piercing tone. After all, with age, many things are different."

"Yes, but the singer who dared to challenge this song also shows that they are brave to some extent."


The instructors stared at the monkey mask singer one after another, and the audience also stared at the monkey mask singer.

The music sounded slowly.

Chu Qing grabbed the microphone.

The lights on the stage dimmed slightly.

Chu Qing coughed lightly, and then he closed his eyes, feeling the atmosphere of the stage gradually being enhanced.

This is my version of exaggeration, not Eason Chan, Lin Zhixuan, or Zhao Yunxiang.

different from them all.

I have worked so hard to practice the song for so long, and now it is the result of my trial.

I want to see how much I have improved and how much I still need to improve.

I can.

Then, Chu Qing opened his mouth.

"Someone asked me

i will speak
but no one came

i look forward to

to helpless

have something to say
not getting loaded

I feel like the lid of the bottle is being opened
But the mouth grows moss..."

Xu Wanying's eyes widened. The moment Chu Qing opened her mouth, she felt all the pores in her body open, and her whole body was surrounded by a huge and crazy sense of oppression, and she couldn't help shivering.

The singing skills are impeccable, the voice is impeccable, and the emotions are even unusually rich.


"The strong emotion reminds me of Qingzi from before, but I know he can't be Qingzi. Qingzi doesn't have such good singing skills as him, and his voice is also different!" Zhou Liming stared at the moment he heard the singing.

"Old singer, definitely an experienced old singer! Although he is an old singer, he should not be very old. There is only one person in the entertainment industry who can sing like this, but that one has gone abroad a few years ago. Could it be that The seat is back?" Deng Peichuan narrowed his eyes and commented.

"No, it can't be that person. Their voices are completely different. That person's voice is too obvious and easy to distinguish, but I can't tell him apart." Zhou Liming shook his head.

Jiang Feng stared at the monkey on the stage without saying a word. The monkey's voice was very suppressed, so suppressed that he felt an uncomfortable feeling of suffocation.

tell a story?
Yes, yet another singer combined singing with storytelling and started acting.

Terrible, really terrible, this is simply an incredible explosive force!

Who the hell is this person!

Jiang Xiaoyu clenched his hands into fists very excitedly and stood in the background looking at Chu Qing, his eyes were full of confusion.

Improved, improved, Chu Qing is completely different from when she first entered the Haosheng program.

In terms of singing skills, they were completely different, and for some reason, if Jiang Xiaoyu hadn't seen Chu Qing walking up with a mask with her own eyes, she wouldn't even dare to judge that this person was Chu Qing.

It's an amazing ability to perform, to completely act out yourself as someone else...

Qingzi is definitely a future international superstar, and he is the kind that is invincible.

If you add your own abilities, how far will Qingzi go in the future?
Jiang Xiaoyu didn't know!

But what Jiang Xiaoyu knew was that the man on stage was his male god!


"Inside the crowd

become more

to surprise yourself

like singing suddenly
Anywhere is like a four-sided table

wearing the flashiest shirt

pretend to be very emotional

someone to take pictures

Remember to put pockets..."

Although Xu Wanying was shocked, she was also infected by Chu Qing's almost depressing performance, and she performed at a level that was usually impossible.

Yes, an infection.

Just like acting, Chu Qing not only got into the play herself, she even brought Xu Wanying into the play!

"Fuck, who the hell is this person!"

"Monster, it's a monster!"

"My heart trembled when I heard it."

"Nimma... There are such deep feelings hidden in the song. I thought of Qingzi before, but although I don't want to admit it, this person's singing skills are indeed much better than Qingzi's."


The online live broadcast platform was full of shocks!
(End of this chapter)

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