I'm not a big star

Chapter 204 Sorry, You Guessed Wrong

Chapter 204 Sorry, You Guessed Wrong (Second)

(PS: The second update is delivered, I feel cute)
Xu Wanying's singing skills are not bad, and her voice is also very good. At least she can control ordinary songs with her singing skills and voice.

However, exaggeration is not an ordinary song. It is one thing to test singing skills and voice, but another is to integrate emotions.

Basically, most of the singers can sing, there is no problem with their vocal skills, and their skills are perfectly integrated, but it is difficult to integrate their emotions.

After all, singing skills can be practiced, skills can be practiced, but emotional integration is difficult to practice.

In fact, when choosing this song, Xu Wanying was not sure that she could sing it well, but she had a kind of hope that she could break through herself, hoping that she could explode all her potential under the great pressure of this song and then break through herself. Chosen this song.

She originally thought it would be difficult to break through, at least she could only sing this song well after she was fully integrated into the relationship.

So, she tried to brew emotions.

However, as soon as this mysterious person came on stage and began to sing, Xu Wanying felt that she had made a breakthrough.

Instant breakthrough.

But this is not a breakthrough after I struggled to brew feelings, but a breakthrough directly brought about by the infectious force brought by the mysterious person.

This mysterious man, amazing, was able to take her with him.

As long as I follow the mysterious man and sing in the direction he leads, then I can sing this song completely and perfectly.

Xu Wanying suddenly had this idea.

However, it is obvious that this mysterious person is his assistant singer, and he is the lead singer!

However, the moment this idea appeared, Xu Wanying didn't think about it anymore, because she was infected by the mysterious man's powerful feelings.

Then, she felt that she had reached the critical point of breaking out, but she also felt an unprecedented joy. At the same time, the mysterious man next to her opened his mouth again.

"That year eighteen

alma mater prom
standing like a minion

At that time

I am in tears

swear everybody
must see me

There are too many ordinary and ordinary roads in the world

Which housing estate do you live in..."

When Chu Qing sang, he felt that he had broken free from his shackles. Although his body was very weak, Chu Qing felt that there was a power inside his body, and he could explode this power very well, to the extreme.

But now, instead of erupting, he is suppressing this eruption.

He's accumulating, yes, accumulating this outburst.

He sang the lyrics very depressingly, perfectly integrating the helplessness, pain, struggle, and even unwillingness of the little people.

Under the mask, he couldn't see any expression, but everyone could feel his expression.

That expression should be unwilling, it should be the deepest level of despair, like an abyss.

Chu Qing originally had this kind of talent to exaggerate the atmosphere, control the aura, etc., and integrated this talent into singing, and then added the singing skills that have improved a lot, and finally made this song start to become a little strange. same.

It's an incredible metamorphosis.

But at this moment, Xu Wanying has forgotten everything and is involved in it...

The moment Chu Qing paused, she opened her mouth in a tacit understanding.

"I have received too much neglect in love and work.
Self-esteem has plummeted

Pay attention to curing hunger
never obtained

know why

big moves a lot

make these mistakes

people look at me

Is it sick?"

Xu Wanying started to sing with a wave of her hands, her voice was full but with a gradual burst.

Yes, Chu Qing hasn't erupted yet, she is still suppressing her emotions, trying her best to prevent the eruption, but Xu Wanying erupted!

Xu Wanying got so carried away, she was so surrounded by Chu Qing that she almost forgot that she was on the stage...

She was brought into the play, and she felt that she was such an underappreciated person, so she was angry and exaggerated...

Or, that's the only way to vent.

Chu Qing closed her eyes, preparing for the final explosion, and tried her best!
Yes, for the second burst, he will use all his strength to perform a song about what is really exaggerated.

"You think I'm exaggerating
Exaggeration because I'm afraid

like wood

words like stone

get noticed

Fear of being forgotten
Let's zoom in and play..."

When Chu Qing opened his eyes, Chu Qing looked at everyone, his voice was full of sarcasm, full of disapproval of the world, full of anger and struggle, full of self-interpretation of the little people.

This is my pomposity, and my pompousness is totally different from your pompousness!

To be angry is to be completely angry, to be undisguisedly angry, to be insane, to be completely insane, to drain the last trace of strength, and to vent all the power...

No matter how you look at it...

Anyway, Chu Qing is crazy.

The audience below also went crazy, a few even stood up and started singing...

The sound is quite penetrating, the sound, the mysterious sound power actually enveloped the entire venue.


"Fuck, this..."

"Paralysis, why do I feel that he has already surpassed Zhao Tianxiang?"

"Damn it, why do I feel that he is more suitable for singing this song than Zhao Tianxiang? If Qingzi wrote this song for him in the first place, how about it?"

"very scary!"

"If the song Qingzi wrote was for this mysterious person, then I'm sure this person will be very popular, maybe even as popular as Bai Youxue..."

"It's a pity that there are not so many ifs in this world, and he doesn't have such a good life. His sister is not Zhao Yinger, and she didn't walk with Qingzi. Hey, I can only feel that Zhao Yunxiang is so lucky to have such a sister." , but anyway, I remember this mysterious man."

"I didn't expect such a strong person to exist among the veteran singers. Who is he?"

In the live webcast, Pompous was singing, still a little crazy.

When this exaggerated song began to sing to the end, all the audience watching the webcast, including the audience at the scene, felt incredible when it was about to end.

The song swept their hearts like a storm, and then went too fast and too short.

They want to listen to it more, but the song is not long after all...

Good songs are always short.

It's almost the end.

They suddenly wanted to suspend all this and enjoy the baptism from the spirit this time.


"stare at me
stop looking at the smallpox
I'm not your cup of tea

drink to your heart's content

don't forget someone is there
Shout out to you.

what! ”

The last line of the lyrics was sung by Chu Qing and Xu Wanying...

Both sang to their knees.

Chu Qing was even more exaggerated, directly bending over and lowering her head, trembling slightly as if she had vented her last strength.

All emotion, all strength is gone at this moment.

After the last note was sung, Chu Qing let out a long breath, feeling a little dizzy. After all, it was incredible that such power could erupt after a short period of diarrhea...

Even he himself felt admiration for himself.

However, after the outbreak, Chu Qing became even weaker, and now it is not bad to be able to barely stand on the stage without holding things up.

After the music ended, there was thunderous applause, and several instructors stood up at the same time, including even Bai Youxue.

In an instant, countless screams also rang out.

Even, a few audience members who were making trouble in the back shouted loudly for another song.

"We lost." Xu Wanying's opponent, Zhou Chuangong, heaved a long sigh and didn't say anything, and the singer who was standing next to Xu Wanying also shook his head dejectedly.

How to win?
Can't win.

Xu Wanying's singing assistant guest was really terrifying. This kind of horror penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it was directly crushing, and even directly brought Xu Wanying to a breakthrough.

Do you still use it?

No need to compare.

No comparison.

In the song, in the singing rhythm, in the emotion, in the atmosphere of the scene...

Nothing can compare.

"Now, the instructors, please announce the result...Will Xu Wanying win with our Mr. Monkey, or Zhou Chuangong and veteran singer Deng Liping, the control is in your hands..." The host looked at the four instructors and smiled.

"Host, can I get this Mr. Monkey to take off his mask?" Deng Peichuan suddenly interrupted the host and asked.

"No, unless you can guess who he is after the results come out, he won't take off his mask." The host shook his head. "The instructors, please announce the results of the competition!"

"Zhou Chuangong and Deng Liping are both good, but...sorry." Jiang Feng directly chose Xu Wanying.

"Xu Wanying." Bai Youxue nodded to Xu Wanying without saying a word.

"Xu Wanying." Zhou Liming.

"Come on, Zhou Chuangong, don't worry about insignificant success or failure, the next game is your starting point, and your life will be another wonderful one." Deng Peichuan shook his head.

In the end, there was no suspense, Zhou Chuangong and Deng Liping were directly eliminated.

Although Zhou Chuangong was a little unwilling, but when he thought of the game just now, and the song sung by Xu Wanying and the song he sang, he immediately knew that it was inevitable that he would lose.

An old song that others are tired of listening to, and a new song that is now on fire.

Can you compare?
Moreover, the atmosphere on the court was very enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that he felt scared...

He had never felt this kind of atmosphere before, and this was the first time.

Therefore, Zhou Chuangong didn't have any resentment in his heart.

After the two left, the mentors turned their attention to the monkey mask man on the stage.

"The next part is to guess the monkey's identity. Each instructor can ask a question. If the monkey's identity is guessed, he will leave the stage. If none of the instructors guess their identity after four questions, then, The monkey will follow everyone into the finals, that is to say, your future competitors in the final round will be randomly assigned to this monkey."

Four questions, guess one?

"Did you ever go to Paris in 10 years?" Zhou Liming looked at Chu Qing and asked suddenly at this time.


"Are you single now, or are you still single! If not, is your spouse an insider?" Deng Peichuan asked.

"How should I put it? It shouldn't be considered single. As for whether she is an insider or not, let's forget it." When Chu Qing heard this, Zhao Yinger suddenly thought of her.

Yes, it's Zhao Yinger.

After that kiss, although neither of them said anything at the end, they shouldn't be single, right?
"Okay, then I know 60.00% who you are!" Deng Peichuan laughed and subconsciously glanced at Jiang Feng.

"You, do you know how to write songs and make movies?" Jiang Feng asked suddenly, understanding.

"Well, yes, I have written songs and made movies..."

"Okay..." Jiang Feng looked at Bai Youxue.

Bai Youxue always felt that she should be familiar with this person, but she really couldn't remember it.

Seemingly subconsciously, she ignored Chu Qing.

"You, have you ever written a bestseller?" Bai Youxue suddenly stared at her and asked.

"Yes." Chu Qing nodded.

At the same time, I felt a little depressed.

Could it be that he was going to be guessed?

I thought I had good acting skills, but most people couldn't guess it...

He almost forgot that he was Chu Qing, wouldn't that work?
"Xu Hong!"

The four instructors looked at each other, and then looked at Chu Qing in unison.

Xu Hong?

? ?
Chu Qing was taken aback, why the hell am I Xu Hong?
Who is Xu Hong?

"Sorry, I'm not Xu Hong, you guessed wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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