I'm not a big star

Chapter 22 Let me write songs again?

Chapter 22 Let me write songs again?
(Recommend a novel written by an entertainment tycoon, I am really an actor... a novel that is currently very popular)
The entertainment industry is a strange place.

If you rely on pure popularity, some newspapers or other entertainment companies will try their best to discredit you, pull you down from the altar, and demote you to nothing.

Originally, the gossip about Zhao Yinger chasing after Chu Qing was nothing more than rumors. After all, everyone was just disappointed that the goddess in their hearts was blind and fell in love with such a thing. However, when this news was posted on the top trending headlines, the entire Internet exploded stand up.

Zhao Yinger's post bar is full of scolding Zhao Yinger for pretending to be innocent, but behind the scenes, it is actually a rebellion...


Chu Qing watched helplessly as Zhao Yinger, who had her eyes closed, dropped her mobile phone to the ground and trampled it into pieces.

Chu Qing lowered his head and stared at his mobile phone in pain. He seemed to see a pile of wasted money flowing away...

The whole room was terribly silent, even Chu Qing could hear her own heartbeat.

"Sorry, I broke the phone, I will pay you one."

Originally, when Zhao Yinger opened her eyes, Chu Qing's beautiful pupils would be filled with anger, and her voice would be very cold, even hysterical, but Chu Qing realized that she was wrong.Zhao Yinger's voice was very gentle, and her eyes were full of tranquility. She was like a graceful woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, smiling happily, and Zhao Yinger stuck out her tongue at Chu Qing.

The more Zhao Yinger showed this expression, the more Chu Qing felt her heart beating inexplicably...

"No...no need, mobile phones are very cheap now, I just buy one." Chu Qing subconsciously shook her head.

"You can buy whatever you want. If you want to buy it, you can buy a better one. Don't worry, I'll pay for it." Zhao Yinger even gave Chu Qing a white look in her eyes, just like the nine-tailed fox fairy in a novel Same.

"This, it's not very good." Chu Qing swallowed, and he found that his heart started beating again at this moment.

"What's wrong, don't you despise me?"


"That's good. Be good. Be good. Come down with me now. I'll take you to dinner, takeaway or something, forget it." Zhao Yinger smiled softly at Chu Qing again, and then gently took out her mask and sunglasses to wear. with a hat on, and a doorknob in the other hand.

Chu Qing glanced at the shattered mobile phone on the ground and Zhao Yinger who was holding the doorknob. In the end, instead of singing against Zhao Yinger, she followed Zhao Yinger out.


Just as the door was closing, there was only a crisp sound, and the doorknob fell to the ground as if it couldn't bear the force...

After hearing the sound of the doorknob falling, Chu Qing, who was following Zhao Yinger, felt a bit broken...


It was still raining outside the hotel, but light rain.

Zhao Yinger didn't drive her fancy Lamborghini today, but took a taxi to Chu Qing's hotel.

When they walked outside, Chu Qing was holding an umbrella, and Zhao Yinger and Chu Qing were naturally under the same umbrella, and the two walked towards the roadside stall.

To be honest, Chu Qing doesn't like rain, the rain will always wet his shoes, once the shoes get wet, he has to wash them...

Well, Chu Qing is a lazy person. In the final analysis, the reason is that she is lazy and doesn't like washing clothes and shoes.

"You have to be immune to these gossips. No matter what others say or write, you have to ignore it and not be moved by it, so that you can grow up." Zhao Yinger suddenly said this to Chu Qing, and this The words are very earnest.

"Yes." Chu Qing agrees, but he can only agree with one word "um".

"Congratulations, you have changed from a walk-on to the third male lead, and then from the third male lead to the leading actor. Your progress is very fast." Zhao Yinger looked at the fog ahead due to the rain, and said suddenly .

"Actually, I never thought about developing in this direction." Chu Qing shook her head. "Compared to showing my face in TV and movies, I'm more interested in making money silently."

"I realize that you really look down on our actors or celebrities?" Zhao Yinger stopped and looked at Chu Qing seriously.

"No, everyone has everyone's hobbies, doesn't they?"

"Do you only have money in your eyes?" Zhao Yinger was a little displeased with Chu Qing's half-dead attitude.

"You rich and small families have no concept of money, but I am different. I have been poor since I was a child..." Chu Qing didn't say how holy he was, nor did he say how powerful he was, he just said from the bottom of my heart.

"In this world, apart from money, there are actually many things that are very meaningful. For example, I like filming, because I can play many people with different identities, and I can study how they think psychologically. The perfect interpretation them."

"So you choose to be a star?" Chu Qing asked.

"Yeah, I am very happy to be a star, so you have to take the status of a star as a kind of fun, and play it happily..." Zhao Yinger said to Chu Qing very firmly.

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded numbly while holding the umbrella.

"What about you? You should have a dream, right?"

"Make money and marry a wife."

"Make money, marry a wife?" Zhao Yinger stared at her beautiful eyes with a dazed look on her face, as if hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"Yeah, if there is still a dream, it is probably traveling."

"Being a star can also make money, marry a wife and travel."

"It's different, I want to be an ordinary person..." Chu Qing shook her head, feeling quite literary at the moment.

Zhao Yinger and Chu Qing did not continue to chat on this topic.

In Zhao Yinger's mind, Chu Qing is a very strange and very different person. He is obviously very talented and talented in acting, but he chooses to keep a low profile and be an ordinary person.

She felt very at ease by his side, which made her feel at home.

Zhao Yinger took Chu Qing to the corner of Hengdian Street, a coffee shop called Memories, but the door of the coffee shop said close, after Zhao Yinger knocked on the door twice, the door of the coffee shop opened.

The two walked into the coffee shop, and the door was closed again by the waiter.

The overall decoration style of the coffee shop is cozy and warm, and the lighting is dim, but it does not affect the overall lighting, but has a faint charm.

Chu Qing glanced briefly, and found that the overall decoration of the coffee shop looked simple, but it was actually very luxurious. It seemed that the owner of the coffee shop spent a lot of money on the decoration.

After arriving at the coffee shop, Zhao Yinger took off her hat, mask and glasses, handed them to the waiter and walked upstairs to the box.

When the waiter saw Zhao Yinger, he didn't show a fanatical expression like the other idiot fans, but just nodded at Zhao Yinger and stood aside respectfully. Obviously, Zhao Yinger came to this coffee shop not once or twice.

"Sister, are you here?" A very handsome young man with red hair dyed stood up.

"En." Zhao Yinger nodded after looking at the young man.

"This is... your rumored boyfriend?"

"Chu Qing." Zhao Yinger pointed to Chu Qing and nodded, without denying it, she said twice.

"Chu Qing? Looks like a very ordinary person..." The red-haired young man circled around Chu Qing, then shook his head self-consciously.

"Hello." Chu Qing is not used to being scrutinized by a person, and this person is a man...

Chu Qing could only reply in embarrassment.

"Oh, I should have called you brother-in-law, but when I saw your ordinary appearance, I really couldn't say it. You are so different from the brother-in-law in my heart. Zhao Yunxiang, sister Yinger's Cousin." Zhao Yunxiang held out his hand to Chu Qing.

"Oh, don't call me brother-in-law, Zhao Yinger and I are very innocent, just ordinary friends." Chu Qing didn't feel disgusted when he heard Zhao Yunxiang's words, but instead developed some good feelings.

At least Zhao Yunxiang is very honest and seems to have no intentions.

Zhao Yinger frowned slightly after hearing Chu Qing's words, but then relaxed.

"Yunxiang is about to make his debut, and the new album lacks a title song. If you write a song for him, of course there is no problem with money."

"What? Writing songs again?"

"What, let him write songs for me?"

Chu Qing and Zhao Yunxiang were taken aback at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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