Chapter 23
Zhao Yunxiang never thought that the first song of his debut would be written by an unknown person who looked ordinary from top to bottom, even in his dreams.

How can such an ordinary person write a good song?
How can he compare to Qin Han?

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Yinger glanced at Zhao Yunxiang, her beautiful eyes were full of indifference.

"In this album of mine, Qin Han helped me write three songs, and each of them has the potential to be a big hit. I didn't decide on the title song because I didn't know which of the three songs would be the title song. It's not a lack of songs... Besides, are you sure that the songs he wrote can be included in my album? My album doesn't accept those messy songs!" Zhao Yunxiang looked at Zhao Yinger speechlessly, who has always had a very high IQ and is very serious in her work My cousin, why are you acting so nonsense at this time?
Chu Qing also looked puzzled. He thought Zhao Yinger was simply taking him to dinner, but he didn't expect to ask him to write songs.

"I don't think Chu Qing's talent is inferior to Qin Han's." Seeing Zhao Yunxiang's questioning expression, Zhao Yinger felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Sister, can you be more realistic? Although I don't know what talent Chu Qing has, it is definitely not as good as Qin Han's. The two are not at the same level at all." Zhao Yunxiang shook his head, thinking that today Zhao Yinger is crazy.

"Yunxiang, don't you believe my vision?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but that you are crazy!" Zhao Yunxiang stood up and stared at Zhao Yinger, at this moment he wanted to leave with a wave of his sleeves.

Isn't this bullshit?

Let such a person write songs for himself?Is it true that the only person in this world who can write songs is Chinese cabbage?
Chu Qingan quietly ordered a cup of coffee and a few pieces of steak and was eating. After all, no matter what happened, he was as good as iron and steel, and everything was easy to say when his stomach was full.

For Zhao Yunxiang's contempt, he didn't even have the slightest disturbance in his heart.

Although it was impolite for Zhao Yunxiang to say that in front of his own face, replacing Zhao Yunxiang with Chu Qing himself probably had the same attitude when he encountered this situation.

The two siblings quarreled at the table. One didn't believe that Chu Qing had any talent, and the other felt very uncomfortable because he didn't believe it.

But watching the quarrel between siblings is quite interesting.

After Chu Qing ate a few pieces of steak during their quarrel, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The steak is still pretty good, um, I want to eat a few more.

"Okay, since you must say that he is very good, let him write a song now. If he can write it, he is said to be 100, and I will give him [-] million. If he can't write it, you let him write it. Let him get out as soon as possible, so he doesn't get in the way here, okay?" Maybe it was because he was holding his breath for some reason, Zhao Yunxiang pointed at Chu Qing with an angry expression on his face.

"Write it out now? Do you think he is a god?"

"Don't you know that Qin Han once wrote a song in just half an hour! If you compare him to Qin Han, then I will give him an hour and let him write it. I really don't believe that he has such talent. In my opinion, he is a liar, a liar who has fooled you around!" Zhao Yunxiang pointed at Chu Qing, and his voice became a little more serious.

"Zhao Yunxiang, do you know that you are too deceitful! I was kind enough to help you, but you dare to say that about him in front of him, you..."

"I said, is it meaningful for you to argue about this thing? Isn't it just a song, what's the big deal if you can't write it?"

After Chu Qing ate a few more steaks, he touched his round belly.

Very comfortable.

After eating and drinking enough, Chu Qing didn't want to save face, or pretend to slap Zhao Yunxiang in the face. He felt that these things were really meaningless.

"What's the big deal? Well, since you said that, Chu Qing, as long as you can write a song, how about I give you 20 if someone else gives you [-]!" Hearing Chu Qing's nonchalant voice, Zhao Yunxiang felt strange harsh.

My siblings are arguing, and he, the person involved, hangs up as if it has nothing to do with him!

If he is a liar, then he is also a very scheming liar!
Zhao Yunxiang stared at Chu Qing fiercely. Although it was a bit heartbreaking to take out 20 yuan, he still said so for this breath and to suppress Chu Qing!

"20?" After hearing the word 20, Chu Qing, who was originally calm, was moved.

"Yes, 20!" Zhao Yunxiang nodded again.

"Cash or bank card transfer?" After seeing Zhao Yunxiang's expression, Chu Qing didn't feel any discomfort, but instead showed a bright smile. This kind of smile seemed to be about to earn a deal.

He doesn't hold grudges, and he doesn't feel that Zhao Yunxiang's words just now look insulting, or that he has no personality or is too useless if he doesn't fight back...

Chu Qing's state of mind is naturally very good, and somewhat peaceful.

Of course, this is not to say that he can't be angry, in fact, he will be angry, but there is no need to be angry about these things.

Put yourself in the shoes of others, what would you think if you stood in his position?
You will also get angry, you will feel uncomfortable, you will be angry, right?

He understands very well.

Moreover, when he saw Zhao Yunxiang's eyes that seemed to swallow him up, he felt very comfortable, it was all money!

"It's all right!" Zhao Yunxiang looked at Chu Qing's smile and felt even more uncomfortable for some reason.

"Chu Qing, let's go, don't talk nonsense with this kind of blind thing...wasting time, let's go!" Zhao Yinger stood up angrily, trying to pull Chu Qing's hand away.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qing shook her head.

"Then transfer the money, pay the money with one hand, and deliver the goods with the other hand. Also, I have to draw up the contract myself." Chu Qing still smiled brighter and brighter.

"Okay, as long as you can write it, and it is not inferior to the songs written by Qin Han, you can say whatever you want." Zhao Yunxiang looked at Chu Qing's expression and was full of anger in his heart, but there was no place to vent his anger for a while.

After you can't write it, let's see how you end up, hum!

"That's easy, um, well, since it's 20, then I'll compose a song and two lyrics for you." Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yunxiang's dazzling red hair, and nodded as if thinking of something.

"Chu Qing, you..."

Seeing Chu Qing's smile and expression, Zhao Yinger felt inexplicably more at ease.

With Chu Qing's expression, it means that she has something in her stomach.

"Don't blow the cowhide, I'll give you an hour, and I'll wait here to watch you." Zhao Yunxiang stared at Chu Qing.

"What? One hour?" Chu Qing was taken aback.

"It's only one hour. You have to know that Qin Han only took half an hour to write the song. My sister compared you to Qin Han, so I'll see if you can write it in one hour."

"I still have to film tomorrow, so I have to go back to bed early at night. An hour is too long, um, how about it, is there a pen and paper here? I'll write to you now, and of course you have to prepare your money."

"What?" Zhao Yunxiang seemed unable to believe his ears, "What did you say? A few minutes?"

He felt he had heard wrong.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Okay, I'd like to see what classic masterpieces you can write in a few minutes!" Zhao Yunxiang deliberately added an accent to the end of the classic masterpieces, then he beckoned and asked the waiter to bring paper and pens.

When Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing and talked for a few minutes at first, she was still a little worried, but after seeing Chu Qing's nonchalant expression, she was less worried.

Chu Qing should have a bottom line, right?

"Let me tell you in advance, I'm a music student, and I'm very picky about songs!"

"En." Chu Qing picked up the pen and paper, hummed without raising her head, and began to write on the paper.


Zhao Yunxiang looked at these two words and sneered.

Are you going to call me pompous with songs?

This word is also written too ugly, it is like a primary school student...

Can such a person be talented?

Is my cousin blind to see you...


Zhao Yunxiang is even more disdainful...

However, after Chu Qing wrote a few lines of lyrics, Zhao Yunxiang's expression gradually became serious, and he even became a little shocked...

(End of this chapter)

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