I'm not a big star

Chapter 274 Deep malice!

Chapter 274 Deep malice! (third change)

(The third one is delivered!)
The Golden Horse Awards is crowded with people. Countless reporters stand at the entrance of the Golden Horse Awards and stare at the luxury cars driving in the distance. Every time a luxury car stops, there will always be a burst of screams, rising and falling like waves.

"Come here, brother Zilong from "Changshan Zhao Zilong", Shen Hua is here!"

"Wow, Shen Hua is here!"

"hurry up."

"Take more pictures!"

"Crack, clap, clap..."

"Crack, crack."

Shen Hua is a popular artist under Tianyu. If Wu Kexing is the key singer trained under Tianyu, then Shen Hua is a potential actor that Tianyu focuses on training. Even Tianyu plans to spend a lot of money in the future to build Shen Hua , strive to let Shen Hua take back the throne of a best actor in the past few years, so that Shen Hua can move closer to the world.

Shen Hua is a frequent visitor to the Golden Horse Awards, and he receives invitations to the Golden Horse Awards every year.

But every year I come to the Golden Horse Awards full of confidence, but every year I come back empty-handed very disappointed. The only time I win the Golden Horse Awards is just some insignificant consolation awards like Best Supporting Actor...

These awards may be nice and exciting to others, but they are really just consolation prizes to him.

Since Shen Hua participated in the Golden Horse Awards for the first time eight years ago, Shen Hua has fallen into a vicious cycle of participating in the awards every year and accompanying him every year, and even this situation is like a curse that makes him breathless.

"Crack, Kick!"

"Shen Hua, what do you think of this year's Golden Horse Awards? Are you confident of winning the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor this year?"

"Shen Hua, what do you think of this year's Golden Horse Awards?"

"Shen Hua, you have been running with me for so many years, do you think this year will break the curse of running with you?"

"Hello, Shen Hua, there seems to be no strong opponents this year. After all, it is impossible for a film like "Battlefield" to be awarded the best actor... Qingzi from "Naihe Mountain" is only a newcomer in the film industry, and he is also fighting for the best actor. For the Rookie Award, "No.30 Lovers Seven Times" I personally think it's not too hot, it's not a threat to you..."

"Shen Hua, I think you will definitely win the best actor award this time. What do you think? Do you have anything to tell us?"

Although the movie "Changshan Zhao Zilong" was smashed by "Naihe Mountain" and ranked No.3 in the box office competition, but this Golden Horse Award is very beautiful for Shen Hua. Even in Shen Hua's heart, he felt [-]% that he would win the Best Actor.

After all, there is no one who can fight, right?

Of course, although he thinks so in his heart, Shen Hua knows that he can't show too complacent now, and should be a little more low-key and humble...

"Not necessarily. After all, Xu Xiaodong in "No.30 Lovers Seven Times" also performed well, and Lu Lin in "Crazy Stupid Cow" is also very good. Many things are unknown. Of course, if I get the best actor by chance, I will be very happy, thank you for your support and attention, and I will work harder!" Shen Hua tried his best to be low-key and humble, but the smile on his face betrayed his heart.

He didn't mention "Mount Naihe". Best Actor, if you want to compete, you must also compete for the Best Newcomer Award. It is useless to say that the two are not at the same level at all.

After accepting the interview, Shen Hua walked towards the venue in high spirits.

He had a premonition that this year's Golden Horse Awards himself would definitely break the curse. After breaking the curse, he would make a big news by the way!

Eight years!
After eight years, I finally don't have to run with me anymore!


Chu Qing and others also came to the Golden Horse Awards, but...

"Qingzi, how many awards do you think you can win for "Naihe Mountain"?"

"Qingzi... what do you think of this year's Golden Horse Awards?"

"Qingzi? Will you make something happen at this year's Golden Horse Awards?"

"Qingzi, you shouldn't fall asleep at this year's Golden Horse Awards venue, right? You won't secretly yawn and be photographed?"

"Brother Qing... How much money have you received from advertisers for this year's Golden Horse Awards? Will you frantically run a wave of advertisements on stage?"

"Qingzi... do you think there will be something coming out this year?"

When Chu Qing and his group came to the Golden Horse Awards site, the scene was very lively, even more enthusiastic than any celebrity passing by, and the entire scene was surrounded by water.

The entertainment industry has always been a world where fame is king. If you are famous and have strength, you are the strong, and you will enjoy the supreme honor.

Obviously, Chu Qing is such a lucky one.

Rhoda and Shan Shan are a little depressed.

In fact, when they were on the plane, they had fantasized about what questions these reporters would ask themselves, and how they would answer in order to be well-mannered and make headlines like Chu Qing, and the two even had a special discussion about it. For more than 20 minutes, all possible questions were discussed and studied.

But when they actually got out of the car, they found that their previous outfits and previous discussions were completely useless.

The reporters simply treated them as air, instead they stuffed cameras, interviews, and microphones on Chu Qing, and asked Chu Qing like crazy.

They looked at Chu Qing with a helpless face, and they always had a feeling in their hearts that they tried hard to throw a punch to shock people, but in the end, they didn't play with you at all.

The person involved, Chu Qing, didn't feel complacent about being so popular, but instead had a black line on his face.

Yes, Chu Qing did have black lines on his face.

It was normal for the reporters to ask me these questions before, but later...

What does it mean to ask why the advertising money is collected, what the venue is sleeping, and what is causing trouble?
I feel that these reporters are not interviewing me well, but are breaking the news about my dark history, or simply exposing my scars.

Of course, Chu Qing is no longer the Chu Qing who only knew how to answer without comment. At least Chu Qing will endure black lines and depression to answer a few questions from reporters. Dongxi Chuqing would not answer...

What the hell do you ask him to answer?

He smiled foolishly, but with a typical grin on his face, his heart was full of criticism...

"Qingzi, I decided to participate in this kind of activities in the future and I will never go with you!" Luo Da was a pain in the ass. In fact, he finally participated in a Golden Horse Award, and finally got a majestic once. Just about to get high, but found that All of my limelight has been robbed...

Chu Qing took the limelight and didn't say anything, but the two of them felt like Chu Qing's little followers.

This Nima is really too bullying.

Can we still have fun?

"...I don't want to be like this..." After entering the venue, Chu Qing held back a bitter face for a long time before she could say, "Do you think I am willing to be surrounded by these reporters to blackmail history?"

"Qingzi...you...Although I don't know why I didn't mean to sympathize with you, but I wanted to laugh, but don't pay too much attention to it, this is also a kind of popularity in you...Actually, we are really jealous of you, I'd rather be exposed to my black history, haha..." Shan Shan suppressed her laughter, although she said so, she didn't feel depressed about being robbed of the limelight by Chu Qing, instead she felt a little gloating.

"I suddenly felt the same." Luo Da took a look at Shan Shan's expression, and then stared at Chu Qing very seriously, "Seriously, did you tell my brother that you received advertising fees last time? Did you also receive advertising fees this time?"


What else can Chu Qing say?

Chu Qing herself was also in despair.

What the hell, why do you all feel that I charge advertising fees?

Am I the kind of person who advertises indiscriminately?

How could I be so unscrupulous?

Chu Qing originally thought that he was fully prepared to participate in the Golden Horse Awards this time, and it was unlikely that he would lose his composure or make a joke, but after actually entering the arena and sitting in his seat, Chu Qing realized that he was finished.

Yes, it's over.

The entire Golden Horse Award was filled with the smell of SP perfume, and this perfume was very strong. Chu Qing felt as if she had fallen into the ocean of SP perfume and struggled to extricate herself...

Chu Qing regretted it.

Chu Qing felt the deep malice from the Golden Horse Awards, and this malice made Chu Qing physically and mentally exhausted.

"Qingzi, hello, let's get to know each other. I'm Li Minghua, the director of "The 37th Lover". I don't know what you think of youth films? There is a role in my next film that is very suitable for you... I wonder if we have a chance to cooperate? "Li Minghua is a mature and beautiful director in her 30s.

The beautiful director noticed Chu Qing when Chu Qing first entered the venue, and came over to meet Chu Qing as soon as Chu Qing sat down.

Chu Qing's acting skills in "Mount Naihe" were too dazzling, so dazzling that Li Minghua couldn't help but pay attention to Chu Qing.

So, she decided to meet Chu Qing in person.

"Hello, Director Li..." Chu Qing quickly stood up when he heard that it was Li Minghua. He had watched Li Minghua's "No. 30 Lovers Seven Times" in the cinema.

What does this movie say?

Although I don't know what other people think of it, Chu Qing enjoys watching it and thinks it's a rare urban romance movie.

Well, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a work of conscience.

Chu Qing also specifically searched for Li Minghua's information before.

Li Minghua has a strong record. She has directed more than a dozen films, and each of them has participated in the Golden Horse Awards, and each of them will win at least one award...

Well, Chu Qing thought Li Minghua was awesome.

"Well, Qingzi, what about my proposal just now? Do you want to read the script first, my next movie will mainly be about..." Li Minghua was talking about the plot of the movie beside Chu Qing, and Chu Qing wanted to listen carefully to Li Minghua go on.

However, Chu Qing's face became paler and more uncomfortable, and even his stomach kept rolling.

No reason, just because the perfume on Li Minghua's body is SP perfume...

"Oh, oh... sorry, Director Li, I'm not feeling well, I'll go to the toilet first..." Finally, Chu Qing couldn't bear it and ran towards the toilet with her mouth covered in disbelief under Li Minghua's disbelieving gaze.

Li Minghua was stunned.

Is my next movie really that gross?
Nauseous enough to make you want to throw up?
Such a ridiculous idea suddenly flashed into Li Minghua's mind.


How can it be!

(End of this chapter)

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