I'm not a big star

Chapter 275 I lost the chain at a critical moment...

Chapter 275 I lost the chain at a critical moment...

"Qingzi, hello, I'm actor Chen Xiaofan, nice to meet you..."

"Hello Qingzi, I've always liked listening to your songs. I don't know when your new album will be released, is it at the end of November? Huh, I will definitely support it when the time comes, hehe, come on Qingzi!"

"Qingzi, long time no see, does he still remember me? We talked about the Golden Melody Awards back then, and I was so happy to see you at the Golden Horse Awards... I remember you won a lot of trophies at the Golden Melody Awards, this time , do you want to brush up your "Mount Naier" too?"


"Hello, Qingzi."

Chu Qing ran to the toilet and vomited for a while, throwing up everything she had eaten at noon today.

He originally thought that he would be able to get over this disgusting feeling of vomiting if he endured it. As long as no one disturbed him, he should be able to endure until the end of the Golden Horse Awards, but when Chu Qing sat down again, Chu Qing realized that all this was just a nightmare just the beginning.

Many celebrities that Chu Qing knew or didn't know would come to chat with Chu Qing when they passed by Chu Qing's seat intentionally or unintentionally, and chatted with Chu Qing about compliments and inquiries.Male celebrities are not bad, after all, they don’t know how to wear perfume, but when female celebrities come to chat with Chu Qing, nine times out of ten, they wear SP series perfume on their bodies. It is a cruel torture.

Yes, torture.

Chu Qing suddenly regretted coming to the Golden Horse Awards.

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, I remember you, but excuse me now, there are some small things."

Chu Qing has gone to the toilet three times in a row, and these three times, Chu Qing vomited spasmodically. In the end, she could only vomit acid water from her stomach, and it was the uncomfortable kind.

This feeling was quite bad for Chu Qing, and Chu Qing was so dizzy that she began to doubt her life. In the end, Chu Qing simply stayed in the toilet and could not come out...

The toilets at the Golden Horse Awards venue are generally more upscale than ordinary public toilets. You can’t feel any smell when you stay inside, and the environment outside the toilets is also good. There is a row of very user-friendly waiting chairs on the sink. A TV was hung in front of the chair, and a movie "Battlefield", which was nominated for the Golden Horse Awards, was playing on the TV.

Chu Qing sat on a chair and stared at the TV.

The uncomfortable smell of SP was raging outside, Chu Qing thought it would be better to sit on the waiting chair outside the toilet and watch a movie.

Although it was a little strange, Chu Qing felt that this was the only refuge in the hardest-hit area in the Golden Horse Awards.

Half an hour later, there are only a few minutes left before the start of this year's Golden Horse Awards, Shan Shan looks at the empty chairs next to her, suddenly she feels a little strange.

"What's the matter with Qingzi, why did he go to the toilet for so long, he probably won't have diarrhea, the awards ceremony is about to start, he can't be out of the chain at a critical moment and have an accident, we all count on him to get the awards." Shan Shan Seeing that the place where Qingzi was sitting was empty, it was a little strange.

"Maybe, I know why." Luo Da actually knew what happened to Chu Qing after seeing Chu Qing's suppressed expression before, Luo Da shook his head helplessly and said with emotion.

"what happened?"

"Do you remember the first time you met Qingzi?"

"I remember...it wasn't very pleasant at the time, after all, I was painted...wait, you mean..." Shanshan suddenly realized that she subconsciously looked around and smelled it with her nose...

"Yes." Rhoda nodded.

Chu Qing is allergic to the SP series of perfumes.

Although this perfume is an extremely noble one, the king of welcome in the perfume, but to Chu Qing, it is no different from the most poisonous gas in the world.

Thinking of the scene when Chu Qing dealt with various celebrities just now, Luo Da gloated and laughed inexplicably.

It's really embarrassing that just now Chu Qing endured the feeling of vomiting and dealt with these people with a smile.

Just now, Chu Qing must have had a hard time.


The Golden Horse Awards officially started after a burst of singing shows.

A series of movie posters such as "Battlefield", "Changshan Zhao Zilong", "Naihe Mountain", "Crazy Stupid Cow" and so on flashed by the big screen on the stage. A man and a woman host walked onto the stage and looked around at everyone below. Yes, with a standard smile.

Chu Qing heard that the ceremony had begun, and finally walked over from the toilet. Smelling the smell of SP perfume, she endured a stomach ache and finally came to sit on the seat.

Normally, he might still enjoy listening to music with great interest, but now...

He really didn't have the slightest interest in the songs he sang on stage, the funny jokes he performed.

At this moment, his complexion was a little pale, and his spirit seemed a little sluggish, but he still showed a trademark silly smile.

Yes, Chu Qing could only smile silly.

The smell of SP perfume still ravaged Chu Qing's nose from time to time, making Chu Qing feel a little suffocated.

"Mount Naihe" was selected for the Golden Horse Award, and it is very likely to win the award. It should be very happy, but Chu Qing can't be happy...

Of course, these suffocation feelings are not the most painful. If you suffocate for a while, Chu Qing can bear it, but what makes Chu Qing feel the most painful is that he wants to vomit again.

Must endure!

Endure it hard!
It takes patience to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!
Chu Qing knew that this was a very solemn and formal occasion, and she must not vomit. If she vomited here, she would be ashamed and thrown at her grandma's house. No matter how thick-skinned Chu Qing was, she couldn't bear to suddenly The aftermath of vomiting...

Therefore, Chu Qing simply closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down, tried her best not to think about what happened next, and prayed that nothing would happen next...


"I remember someone once asked me what kind of award the Golden Horse Award was, and whether it was worth much... At that time, I was asked stupidly and didn't know how to answer it. If the Golden Horse Award trophy was sold as a souvenir, how much would it be worth? Thousands of dollars, of course, if some bigwigs feel that these thousands of dollars are really worthless, it is not right, at least these celebrities sitting in the audience worth hundreds of millions, Mr. Xiong Zhengqing, Mr. Li Shaoming... these One would absolutely love to spend hours sitting down there while the audience waits..."

"Of course, in addition to these evergreens who are well-known in the circle, there are also some regular guests of the Golden Horse Awards such as Shen Hua, and the recent cutting-edge popularity Wang Chuqing who is so popular because of his small fortune. I think they are far away. The purpose of coming to the Golden Horse Awards is not to be a spectator..."

On the stage, the host wearing white-rimmed glasses looked around and teased these people in a very humorous way.

The host's actions made all the audience below laugh out loud, diluting the tension in the atmosphere of the venue.

Of course, every time the host said that a star shot would be shot on that star...

Xiong Zhengqing and Li Shaoming all showed very skilled and gentle smiles like old drivers on their faces, while Shen Hua was full of confidence and had a vigorous expression, but when the camera caught Chu Qing...

I don't know if it's everyone's illusion, they always feel that Chu Qing's silly smile is a little stiff, his face is a little pale, and the whole expression seems to be holding back something, which makes people feel very weird. Of course, if someone looks carefully, it will definitely Noticing that Chu Qing seemed to be throwing up mentally, it was really not right.

Of course, fortunately, the camera just flashed by and did not give other people a chance to observe carefully, so Chu Qing was prevented from maintaining an awkward smile all the time.

After all, maintaining an embarrassing smile is also a very difficult thing, isn't it?
"So these can only show one thing. The value of the Golden Horse Awards is really not measured by money. I personally think that this award is the highest medal in the film industry. , you are all heroes..." The host ended the opening remarks with a smile...

Afterwards, the host held the microphone and pointed to the big screen. At this moment, familiar figures flashed on the big screen.

From the first Golden Horse Awards to the latest...

Every actor has a different expression, but the smiles on their faces are all unified and very excited.

Among these people, there are top actors who are still active in the film and television industry, some have retired and become legendary classic actors, and some actors have left this world and can no longer act...

Every time an actor is released, the venue will burst into cheers...

Under the background of these pictures, the atmosphere of the audience gradually rose to the highest point!

So people stare at these people enviously, they know that this is the highest palace of film art.

Yes, the highest hall.

Chu Qing was also staring at the big screen. Of course, Chu Qing had no envy or yearning for it.

All he knew was that his stomach turned upside down again...

Then, Chu Qing finally couldn't take it anymore.

In the end, he walked towards the toilet in a bit of embarrassment.

This is the fifth time Chu Qing has gone to the bathroom today!

After going to the toilet, Chu Qing didn't do anything else, but continued to vomit for a while.

Of course, at this time, except for a few people who followed Chu Qing and noticed Chu Qing, everyone was staring at the stage.

Because, the awards are coming!
When Chu Qing came back from vomiting and continued to pretend to be serious, the Golden Horse Awards had already announced the first award, the Best Costume Design Award.

This award was awarded to a local film from Taiwan, and it is also a low-budget literary film "Buying and Selling Skin"...

When Chu Qing just sat back in her seat, the acceptance speech for "Buying and Selling Skin" had just finished.

Chu Qing felt that her stomach was much better.

Maybe, I can't spit out anything anymore.

Next came the Best Supporting Actress Award, which was awarded to Chen Hong in "Little Lion"...

An old actor who has been in the film industry for many years stood up and walked onto the stage very excitedly. Although it was not the first time she won an award, it was an award after all...

And our Chu Qing continued to go to the toilet again while announcing the awards...

When the time was about a third of the time, the host suddenly announced the best newcomer award.

Then four movies appeared on the screen, "Mount Naihe", "No.30 Seven Lovers", "Moon Night", "Shen Honglou"...

At this moment, Luo Da and Shan Shan became excited.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast online was also excited!

In their hearts, Chu Qing's performance in "Mount Naihe" was so insane, the Best Newcomer Award was still safe.

Chu Qing was not happy.

Because, he had another feeling of nausea.

Damn, what the hell am I...

Are you really going to lose the chain at a critical moment?


(End of this chapter)

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