I'm not a big star

Chapter 43 Recording Success

Chapter 43 Recording Success
(Well, choose update anyway!)
The time for finalization is getting closer and closer. Some of the reshoots that should be shot have been almost finished, and the post-production is almost the same. The only thing that needs to be adjusted is the theme song and some details.

In the early morning, under the eaves next to the street, there are icicles with barbed downwards, and the gutters on both sides are also covered with crystal clear ice. At a glance, it is not dazzling as the sun rises. reflective.

Chu Qing entered the recording studio again. Of course, this time he was not alone. Xia Baoyang, Wang Ying, and the author Liu Ruoxi who just arrived yesterday followed him. Of course, the heroine Zhao Yinger did not come. Since that time After the conversation, Zhao Yinger never looked for Chu Qing again, and she was not even seen in the crew. According to the people in the crew, Zhao Yinger had already left Hengdian to shoot a commercial in Hainan...

Chu Qing didn't completely resist Zhao Yinger, nor was he disgusted. After Zhao Yinger left, he felt a little empty for no reason.

People are contradictory animals. Sometimes when Chu Qing thinks about herself, she always feels a bit cheap...

"How did you sing?" Liu Ruoxi and Chu Qing met for the second time, and she still had a good impression of this ordinary young man. Of course, this kind of affection was not an affection between men and women, but a pure feeling of Chu Qing. It's pretty reliable...

"It should be okay." Standing at the door of the recording studio, Chu Qing heaved a long sigh of relief. In the past few days, he deliberately read the original work of "The Empress of the World", and I have to say that the "Concubine of the World" The emotions of the novel are very delicate, and there are several turning points that can make readers want to watch, feel pitiful for the protagonist, and feel sorry for Chen Gensheng...

Chu Qing is not an emotional person, but when he reads the scene of Chen Gensheng blocking those men in black and dying, he will still be inexplicably moved. If he is asked to film this scene again this time, he will improve a little bit , Of course, this kind of progress is an emotional progress, which other people cannot feel.

"Then I'll wait for you." Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, Liu Ruoxi didn't say anything else, she just watched Chu Qing enter the recording studio.

Opening the recording studio, finding a familiar feeling, sitting in a familiar position, Chu Qing closed her eyes...

He is brewing feelings, this time the recording, he must be perfect, must be more perfect than the previous few times!
In the eyes of ordinary people, singing is a very easy thing, as long as you open your voice and start singing, and you don’t get out of tune or make mistakes, but in Chu Qing’s view, it takes a lot of effort to really sing a song perfectly. thing.

"The sound of knives and halberds is as hoarse as silk and bamboo. Who will show you the fight outside the city? Seven layers of gauze, blood splattered on the white gauze..."

It's not Hetu, Hetu's voice is very distinctive, and it's faster and slightly archaic, while Chu Qing's voice is relatively dignified and rough...

The touching scenes in "The Empress of the World" echoed over and over again.

The scene when I first joined the crew, the scene during filming, Wang Ying who was cold outside but hot inside, and Zhao Yinger who is indescribable...

In a blink of an eye, the three months have expired.

In fact, Chu Qing knew for a long time that the contract Xia Baoyang and Zhao Yinger told him to sign with Tianyu was fake, and even if they signed it, it would not have any legal effect. one of the...

Deep in his heart, as a reborn person, he was actually very lonely, and he was very wary of this strange world at first.

Then, he integrated into the crew, feeling that everything in the crew has become a part of ordinary life...

In the past three months, the loneliness in his heart has gradually disappeared, and he gradually knows what kind of world this is.

"Soldiers are approaching the city, and the Sixth Army will not send out..."

This song is the first song that Chu Qing came to this world and was favored by Xia Baoyang. No matter what, this song is very commemorative, so he must sing it perfectly. At least, he must use all his Power sing well...

When Chen Bin heard the song slowly playing, he was stunned for an instant, staring at Chu Qing as if he had seen a ghost.

what happened?

It is obviously a very common song, with a very common voice and tone, and the singing skills are almost the same as before. However, this time when Chu Qing opened his voice, he unconsciously appeared in his mind. Create a beautiful world like a picture scroll.

In this song, there is joy, anger and sorrow.

In this song, there are joys and sorrows.

He opened his mouth, even when he was adjusting the equipment at this moment, he was very quiet, for fear of disturbing the song with a little noise, which made the song flawed...

The tuner next to him also had a similar expression to his, but there was still a trace of doubt in his shocked eyes.

It's obviously an ordinary song, and there's no skill at all, but why does he feel a sense of sadness and want to cry?

This song might be on fire!
This is his idea...

When Chu Qing sang the middle pitch, she paused, then opened her eyes...

If the first stanza was sung with the emotion of memories, then the second stanza Chu Qing changed again, and began to bring a touch of longing...

He can't say that his singing skills have surpassed Hetu, he can only say that each has its own merits...

However, his feelings are fully integrated into this song.

Make money, buy a house, let the family live better, and make them carefree. If there is more money, a road should be built in the village, so that the muddy road with potholes will not block the traffic, and the people in the city will feel that The place is backcountry...


He has too many wishes, too many wishes!

However, he is just an ordinary person, not smart, not high in EQ, and he feels rustic. He is destined not to become a superstar, a business tycoon in an instant like the reborn person in the novel...

Some things need to come slowly.

All of this will come true, and it will come true with my efforts!

"Looking side by side, the world is vast..."

After the last note was sung, Chu Qing let out a long breath, with a smile on his face, but his whole body seemed to be exhausted...


He noticed that Chen Bin and another guy stayed on the spot stupidly, and asked...


Chen Bin shook his head, then handed the recording to Chu Qing as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were extremely complicated.

He still remembered that he said behind his back a few days ago that Chu Qing's singing skills were mediocre, and that people without talent could not sing at all...

But now, he regretted it, and now he wanted to slap himself hard!

"Listen to yourself."


Chu Qing took the recording and listened to it again...


At least, in his opinion, he has nothing to be picky about.

"It's not only okay, it's way too much beyond expectations. Although the singing skills are quite satisfactory, but this song will be a hit, it will definitely be, and it's better than any song sung by any singer!" Chen Bin murmured Soliloquy.

"Better than any singer? I want to listen to it." At this moment, Liu Ruoxi pushed open the door, and Xia Baoyang and the others walked in.

The song "All Over the World" was played again...

Liu Ruoxi and Xia Baoyang were silent after listening.

"This song is going to be popular, and the TV series is going to be popular!"

Xia Baoyang murmured suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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