I'm not a big star

Chapter 44 Get Free!

Chapter 44 Get Free!

(Kneel, please, recommend votes! I know that this book may not be liked by many people, and many people think that the protagonist is an idiot, but... Anyway, I still hope that the big guys can count the votes. In addition, thank you guys I am very happy for the rewards from you guys! Very happy, bow, thank you!)

Liu Ruoxi looked at Chu Qing again.

An ordinary face, an ordinary height, even the smile when she smiles is ordinary, of course, there is also some shyness.

However, when the song "Qing Shi Tian Xia" echoed in her ears again, she woke up like a dream. Chu Qing's song is the perfect theme song of "Qing Shi Huang Concubine", and Chu Qing is also the theme song of "Qing Shi Huang Concubine". Chen Gensheng in The Imperial Concubine...

It seemed that this person and this song were born entirely because of "The Concubine Qingshi".

Some people's voices sound nice and distinctive, but after listening to them a few times, you will feel that the voice of this song is nothing more than that.

But Chu Qing's song is just the opposite. This song has no special features except for the ancient style of lyrics and singing, but after you listen to it once, the scene of the whole book will emerge in your mind, and then You just want to listen to it a second time, a third time, and each time it feels different to you...

It's hard to imagine that ordinary voices, ordinary people, and even ordinary singing methods can sing this song to the fullest.

"You are amazing! You are better than many professional singers, no, you are better than many singers who have practiced singing since they were young!" After listening to it twice, Liu Ruoxi suddenly pushed her glasses and stared at Chu Qing. All praises.

"I don't know if it's severe or not, but this is the best I've sung so far." Chu Qing was not used to being stared at by Liu Ruoxi like this, and replied with a light cough.

"I believe this is a kind of fate. Director Xia can find you, and let you act in this play, and even sing the theme song of this song. This is the best gift from heaven to "The Empress". Are you free? I want to treat you to a cup of coffee." Liu Ruoxi took the initiative to send out an invitation to Chu Qing, the more she looked at Chu Qing, the more she felt that Chu Qing was the candidate for the protagonist of her next book, and she was still hesitating about what to write in her next book , but after seeing Chu Qing, she found that her heart had settled at some point.

"Khan, I'm afraid I don't have much time this afternoon..." Chu Qing shook her head and refused.

"This drama is about to wrap up, so it shouldn't matter to you, right?" Liu Ruoxi didn't expect Chu Qing to refuse, she frowned.

"Eh... Although the crew may not have anything to do with me, I still have some things to deal with..." Chu Qing looked away subconsciously.

"From a psychological point of view, when a man lies to a woman, he will not dare to look into the woman's eyes or deliberately look away..."

"..." Chu Qing was a little embarrassed when he heard this voice, he was indeed lying.

"Forget it, if you really don't want to drink coffee with me, that's fine. Ying Er told me that you are such a weird person." Although Liu Ruoxi exposed Chu Qing's words, she shook her head instead of being aggressive.

"Eh... Now that the song is recorded, can I go? The crew shouldn't have anything to do with me, right?" Chu Qing was not good at words and couldn't say anything nice, so he simply looked at Xia Baoyang.

"Well, are you leaving?" Xia Baoyang asked.

In the past few days, Chu Qing has become a little silent in the crew, and she looks a little different from before.

Seems to have matured a lot.

"I want to leave the day after tomorrow." Chu Qing replied.

"The day after tomorrow? Then you will come over tomorrow night for the wrap-up wine. I hope you can come." Xia Baoyang has a very good feeling for Chu Qing. He is talented, but very humble, and a hard-working person.

"Well, but I don't know how to drink."

"It's okay, as long as you can come."

"it is good."

Chu Qing agreed, then turned and left the recording studio...


The filming of the TV series "The Empress of the Qing Dynasty" was finally finished, and the song was recorded, and he finally had nothing to do with Chu Qing in Hengdian.

After walking out of the recording studio, Chu Qing only felt that the pressure in her whole body was relieved, and her steps began to become very light...

The sun was bright and warm, and the ice on the street was beginning to melt. Although the wind was blowing from time to time, it didn't seem to be like a knife on the face like in the morning.

"Where are you going?" Chu Qing stopped a taxi, and the taxi driver stopped and looked at Chu Qing.

"Go to Qingming Shanghetu!" Chu Qing said this sentence very confidently, and with a sense of longing, he has stayed in Hengdian for almost three months. The words are always lingering in Chu Qing's mind, but he has never been to that place.

Now, he was finally going to that place.

After traveling on the river map during the Qingming Festival, go to Dream Valley, and then go to the bathing city when it closes at ten o'clock in the evening, squeeze your shoulders, massage your back and enjoy it, and then take a taxi back to the hotel at one o'clock in the morning for a good night's sleep Sleep!
Perfect, very perfect!

If Liu Ruoxi knew that what Chu Qing was talking about was these things, she would probably vomit three liters of blood, right?
The taxi stopped at the gate of Shanghetu during the Qingming Festival. Chu Qing bought a ticket for 100 yuan and walked in with longing and joy.

The Qingming Festival on the River did not disappoint Chu Qing. Chu Qing visited several scenic spots in succession and took a lot of photos. When he walked towards the big boat, Chu Qing suddenly saw a team of film crew surrounded by lines...

"Wow, it's Zhao Xiang'er!"

"Wow, it's Sun Boran, wait, what are they filming?"

"It seems to be shooting Gongsuo Tianxiang!"

"Wow, I'm so lucky! I was lucky enough to see them filming!"


A group of tourists stopped and stared in the direction of the big ship, with longing in their eyes, and after the protagonists came out, there was another burst of exclamation and admiration from below.

Beside the fence is a group of muscular bodyguards staring at them very seriously.

Chu Qing didn't stand by the bridge next to the big boat and watch them like the group of brain-dead fans, but turned around and walked towards the direction where there were fewer people.

Sometimes the places with many people are not necessarily good-looking, and the places with few people are not necessarily bad...

Just when Chu Qing took a detour to a garden, suddenly a fat man came out of the nearby public toilet...

"Hey, Qingzi, why are you here?" The fatty looked a little pleased when he saw Chu Qing.

"Uh, brother Liu, I'm traveling here, and you are traveling here too?" Chu Qing also showed a pleasant smile when she saw the fat man.

This fat man named Brother Liu was an important supporting role in the crew of "The Empress of the World", but a month ago because Fatty's drama was completed, Fatty also left the crew early. Chu Qing originally thought that Fatty was I went back to my hometown in Nanhe, but I didn't expect to meet him here.

"Travel? Tsk tsk, do you think I'm traveling here? Let me tell you, my brother is now the assistant director assistant in Gongsuo Tianxiang!"

"Assistant director, so good? Congratulations!" Chu Qing could not help but sincerely congratulate Fatty when he saw the fat man raised his head, looking like I am not an ordinary person now.

"Tsk tsk, congratulations are unnecessary, do you want to play a guest role in my crew?"

"Guest role? Forget it." Chu Qing shook her head when she heard the word guest role.

PS: Recommend a friend's book "Rebirth: Entertainment Winner"

(End of this chapter)

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