Chapter 50

"Xiao Zhao, Qingzi is not easy."

"not simple?"

"Don't think he's about the same age as you, and looks silly, but he hides a lot of things."

"Uncle Zhang, sister...Chu Qing has indeed hidden a lot of things, otherwise how could he write such a pompous song?" Zhao Yunxiang just wanted to blurt out the word "brother-in-law", but then stopped. too suitable.

"I don't mean that."

"Then you mean..."

"In the process of chatting with him, I can see that he takes fame and fortune very lightly."

"No, fame and fortune are very indifferent, so why did I hear that he was greedy for money?"

"You are confused by his appearance, do you think the potential of the two songs Pompeo and Hongdou is only worth [-]?"

"Huh?" Zhao Yunxiang was taken aback.

"If he asked you to spend 20 on that pompous song, would you buy it?"

"..." Zhao Yunxiang was silent again.

"Even if it costs 30 yuan, you will still buy this song." Zhang Shutong laughed suddenly, "And the songs he sang in the bar, every song, I can see the prospect of a big fire, he is indeed a very A very talented young man, I would love to sign him, you know what I mean?"

"Uncle Zhang? I don't quite understand. If you want to sign him, you can send someone to find him? I believe that as long as you reveal your identity, he will definitely..."

"No, even if I reveal my identity, he will not sign with me."


"I can see that his ambition is not here, or that he is still plotting something." Zhang Shutong looked out the window and muttered to himself, "Talented people usually have ambitions."


ambition?Doesn't exist, just want to make a fortune silently, is this ambition?

If Chu Qing knew Zhang Shutong's evaluation of him, he would never know what expression to face.

Six pm.

When Chu Qing stepped off the train, he had an extra business card in his hand.

"The manager of Tianyu, Zhang Shutong."

The words on the business card are very simple, but the material of the business card is different from any business card Chu Qing has ever seen. It is not cheap at first glance.

Chu Qing put away the business card carefully, remembering what Zhang Shutong said just now when he handed it to him with the business card in both hands.

"This is my contact information, and there is also my private email address. If you have a new song in the future, or if you want to release an album, I hope you can contact me, or if you encounter any problems, you can also contact me. I can help you solve it " Zhang Shutong was very sincere when he said this, and Chu Qing could tell that what Zhang Shutong said was true.

Chu Qing didn't know Zhang Shutong's identity in Tianyu Company, but since Zhang Shutong solemnly left his business card to himself, he would take it very carefully and carefully hide it.

It's a respect.

Some things are mutual, Chu Qing sees a kind of respect in Zhang Shutong, similarly, Chu Qing subconsciously feels that Zhang Shutong is also a person worthy of his respect, some things have nothing to do with identity, and have nothing to do with other things.

After walking out of the train station in Nantong, a chill hit Chu Qing, making Chu Qing shiver.

Chu Qing took out her mobile phone and found that it had been turned off.

When he was on the bullet train, the light on his cell phone was always flashing, and someone kept calling him, but Chu Qing turned the volume to mute and canceled the vibration, so he didn't know it.

For a few hours, the phone was naturally out of battery.

It doesn't matter if there is no electricity, at least the world can calm down a bit.

The station entrance in Nantong is very lively, there are motorcycle drivers who come to solicit customers with smiles and taxis parked on the side of the road.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference between this world and the world before rebirth, the place is still the same place, but the place names are slightly different.

Nantah University is located in the center of NT City, and it can be regarded as a well-known key university in NT City.

Chu Qing didn't head towards Nanda first, he had some things to do.

After finding a business hall, Chu Qing used her ID card to apply for another card, and then called her family, which meant that she had changed her number, which was the number she would always use, and then sent it to her family. More than [-] yuan was paid.

"Baby, have you really made money?" When Chu Qing said that he was going to send money, more than [-] yuan, the other end of the phone was obviously very surprised, and of course there was a trace of uneasiness in the surprise.

They don't quite believe it.

"Yeah Dad, I wrote some things, and then someone saw my stuff... Then I sold it to them, and I was cast in some roles by the director in Hengdian, the money added up to just over [-] .”

"Baby, we are not short of money, you should keep it for yourself."

"Dad, I still have a lot of money left. Have you always had bone hyperplasia? Besides, Mom's ears are not very good. Let her go and see it when she has time. There is no need to save the money. The medical treatment is important. Also, borrow money." Pay back the money from the second uncle first, the money is guaranteed to be clean!"

"Boy, have you really made money?" The other end of the phone was silent again, and finally asked again as if confirming.

"Yes." Chu Qing nodded.

"Okay, Dad trusts you, as long as the money is clean, it's fine."


"Baby, although you have made money, do you know that you need to study? You must study hard to really stand out from others!"

"Well, Dad, I know."

"Okay, don't call for so long, it's the money, hang up."


After Chu Qing hung up the phone, her nose suddenly became sore again.

He thought of the tuition fees that his parents had scraped together when he went to college, and the two elders who were not feeling well, but they both endured each other not to go to the hospital to support their work, and every time he asked them for money, they couldn't say anything. tell yourself.

Make sure they have a good time.

In the bitter cold wind, Chu Qing looked at the sky, and then reminded himself again.

After transferring the money to her parents' account through mobile banking, Chu Qing casually ordered some fried rice cakes for dinner on the nearby snack street.

At 10:[-] in the evening, Chu Qing arrived at the long-lost Nantong University by taxi...

In other words, it was Nantong University in his memory. He stopped at the gate of the university and suddenly felt a little emotional.

As for the movie "Mount Naihe"...

Chu Qing thought of Wang Ying, and he was inexplicably uncomfortable.

He shook his head.

forget it.

For the next period of time, I will take classes here in peace and stability, and get my diploma...

By the way, in more than ten days, "Zhu Xian" should have a publishing fee, right?And it seems that someone on Qgou has asked about the adaptation of "Zhu Xian", I don't know if it's done...

Well, I'm going to board the Q dog to have a look...

When Chu Qing boarded the Q dog on his mobile phone, he was stunned.


Thousands of messages rushed in...

The Q dog information exploded!

He looked at one of the messages, it was sent by Coke...

"Boss, are you here? Looking for something!"

"Are you there?"

"Aren't you here?"

"Boss, please send me a message if you are here!"

"Aren't you here? Did you change the Q dog number?"

"Climb on the Q dog, boss, it's very important!"



"Are you there? If you are, please reply, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Very important!"


(End of this chapter)

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