I'm not a big star

Chapter 51 Adaptation and Platinum Contracts

Chapter 51 Adaptation and Platinum Contracts

PS: Thank you, Mr. Shuiyuanshan, for your reward... Well... Today, I am announcing something... I am very happy, so I want to add more... Of course, I did not add more for rewards , I didn’t add changes just to ask for votes. I am not this kind of person.hum, hum!snort!Tsundere face!

It was within Chu Qing's expectation that the novel "Zhu Xian" became popular and occupied all the ranking lists of the entire Tiandi Chinese website, and he thought that it could be adapted into games, comics, and TV dramas in the future...

However, he never thought that some things came so fast, and they came so swiftly.

The fruit that has been planted for three months is finally about to start harvesting!

"Here I am."

"Big brother, you finally replied to the message..." The editor-in-charge saw that Chu Qing finally replied to a message, and he, who was about to collapse, felt hope in an instant. After all, as an editor who had just joined Tiandi Chinese. It was like a dream that Li could bring out such a heaven-defying novel. He had already foreseen his year-end bonus, and he also predicted that he would finally be able to pick up a car during the Chinese New Year.

"Hehe, I haven't been on QQ these days, what's the matter?" Chu Qing still wonders why Coke sent him so many messages.

"Boss, your copyright is sold, and you are currently the highest-paid author on Tiandi Chinese Website!"

"The highest? How much is it?" Chu Qing was a little unclear.

"Guess?" Coke looked at Chu Qing's question and immediately put it off.

"Um... 100 million?" Chu Qing was silent for a while, and then replied with an amount.

"100 million? Add ten times more, and it's 1000 million!"

"What, 1000 million?" When Chu Qing saw this number, his hands trembled and he almost lost his grip on the phone. He felt that he was dreaming.

A book can be sold for 1000 million yuan by selling copyright alone. Isn't that developed?

How much is 1000 million?

At this time, Chu Qing, who was sitting on the bus back to NTU, was completely blinded by Qian Huang.
"It's published adaptations and game adaptations. Of course, TV series and movie adaptations are not included..." Coke excitedly posted three exclamation points on the Q dog message...

"When will the money arrive?"

"Wait until NO.15 calls next month." Coke quickly replied to him.

He feels that he has developed, as long as he hugs Chu Qing's thighs tightly, he will become developed...

What, you say kneeling and licking?

If you can make a lot of money, why are you afraid of kneeling and licking or not kneeling and licking!
Chu Qing originally just wanted to post an oh on Qgou to express his indifference to material money, but when he actually typed, he only typed thank you, and thank you with an exclamation.

1000 million, after tax deduction, he can get more than 700 million. In a few months, he has earned more than 700 million. What kind of concept is this?
Chu Qing reminded herself again to keep a low profile and calm down, but Chu Qing's body was trembling, and her heart had an indescribable and uncontrollable beating!

At this moment, he wanted to jump out of the car and howl fiercely like a madman.

Developed, developed!
Of course, he still refrained from doing so, because he felt that he had to hold back and calm down.

"I should be the one to say thank you, boss. I must sign any new books in the future! Please, boss!" Coke sent this message to Chu Qing, and attached a greedy smiley face to the end of the message.


Sitting on the bus, Chu Qing's face was a little flushed, he exhaled hard three times and finally suppressed the huge excitement.

The bus stopped on the road, Chu Qing got off the bus with a salute, the cold wind was blowing, but at this moment Chu Qing couldn't feel the cold...

Tiandi Chinese website clicks, recommends, rewards, and favorites rank first?

Website fire, Internet fire?Overwhelmed by comments?

These are not attractive to Chu Qing, even Chu Qing will not take a second look, but only real money is the real hard truth!
Standing in the bus booth at night when no one was there, Chu Qing took another long breath and clenched her fists tightly, clenching her teeth.

"Big Daddy, did you play the Q dog? Don't play the Q dog, there is something else to do!"



"Boss, are you replying to the message? You won't download Q dog again? Don't abandon me!"

Chu Qing's Q dog kept ringing again.

Chu Qing opened the Q dog again, and then saw Coke's message, and a series of pitiful expressions...

"What's wrong?" Chu Qing was surprised.

Didn't we talk about it?What's the matter?
"Also, the original contract should be of no use to you, I think, can you spare some time to come to Shihai Headquarters, and we can change to a platinum contract?"

"Platinum contract?"

"Well, Tiandi Chinese Network has a total of nine Platinums. If you sign the Platinum contract, then you will be the tenth!" Coke threw an olive branch at Chu Qing, "Platinum is different from other great authors and minor authors. The remuneration is very generous, including the resource channels are very generous, and it is also a symbol of honor? Do you think about it?"

Coke was asking, but Chu Qing could feel his uneasiness...

He was a little scared.

What are you afraid of?
Of course he was afraid that Chu Qing would refuse.

He was afraid that other editors had already been in contact with Chu Qing, and that would be too tragic.

Chu Qing hesitated for a while, then narrowed his eyes.

Platinum writer, this is the highest honor in online literature.

"Well, good, but I have to read the contract first."

"Okay, I'll let someone pass the contract to you now!"

He replied these two words.

When Coke saw that Chu Qing agreed, his hand that touched the mouse was trembling excitedly!
He, a new editor who has just joined the job not long ago, is about to witness the birth of a platinum, and it was born under his hands!
What a glorious thing this is for the future editing career!
Just when Chu Qing saw the Platinum contract uploaded on the mobile phone Q dog, Chu Qing turned off the mobile phone and closed her eyes.

A gust of cold wind finally blows away the excitement in Chu Qing's heart.

He opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the campus of Nantah University still stands tall, and the bell tower next to it is still so quaint. The Nantah University in my memory is a very beautiful place.

In the second half of next year, Chu Qing will graduate from this university and formally receive her graduation certificate.

Are you going back to the dormitory?

No, tonight Chu Qing suddenly didn't want to go back to the dormitory of Nantah University, and he really didn't want to go back. Even if he went back to the dormitory, he couldn't sleep.

Since I couldn't sleep, I simply didn't sleep all night!

He turned around resolutely, and then walked towards the foot-washing city next to him with his salute in hand...

Now that you have made a lot of money, you must enjoy it!
Yes, enjoy!
Enjoy all the things you had no money to enjoy when you were poor.

The first thing to do is to wash your feet well, and then massage...


Chu Qing is just so worthless.

At this time, he is still thinking about...

Wash your feet, massage...

(End of this chapter)

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