I'm not a big star

Chapter 52 What is bad luck?

Chapter 52 What is bad luck?

PS: Thank you Floating Life Ruomeng Banshi Fu boss for your reward, but why do I feel that the boss wants to use money to make me surrender and let me add more?Am I that kind of person?Am I the kind of person who uses this kind of fancy way of adding updates to ask for tickets, and will add updates whenever a big boss threatens with a huge amount of tickets and smashes his face with a reward?Grass, I am a person who does not bend down for five buckets of rice!So... I'm going to add a new chapter today. If the morals are gone, it will be gone. I must serve the bosses well!

Jindian Brilliant Foot Bath Shop is the largest foot bath shop located around Nantah University. When Chu Qing first went to college, well, in his memory, when Chu Qing first went to college, he would always hear from his classmates how the consumption here is so high-end and the service is so good. Thoughtful, and how delicious the snacks are, in short, it is a lot of exaggeration inside and outside the Jindian Brilliant Foot Bath Shop, and even the lady who sweeps the floor is still charming and so on...

Of course, at that time, Chu Qing, who only had [-] allowances a month, only envied that classmate, and felt that she would enjoy the service there once and become a master after earning money from work. Feel.

Chu Qing never thought that this kind of experience would come so quickly. Of course, a few months ago, he never thought that he would become a rich man in a few months!

When walking into the foot bath shop, Chu Qing put down and saluted, then glanced at the girl at the front desk.

"Good evening, welcome." The girl at the front desk wore glasses and smiled politely. Of course, she glanced at Chu Qing from the corner of her eye, and then set her eyes on Chu Qing's suitcase. She has been working here for so long It was the first time I saw someone come here to serve with a salute, and of course she didn't say anything.

"Well, I want to wash my feet, is there any package here?"

"The package is here." The girl at the front desk pointed behind her.


Chu Qing looked at the sign behind the little girl.

Foot therapy 288, oil massage 388, kidney meridian massage 588, hazy night 1888...

Looking at it this way, Chu Qing immediately felt confident, but he was still a little shocked. He felt that the consumption level here was really not cheap. The service called Misty Night actually cost him the usual three months of living expenses...

I went to...

"Sir, you can go to the second floor for the specific service, and the technician will introduce it to you. This is your hand card. Do you need me to store it for you?"

"Well, okay, you can put it away for me."

"Okay sir." The girl at the front desk showed a polite smile again, then took Chu Qing's salute and carried it to the other side of the box to put it away.

And Chu Qing walked towards the second floor.

The girl at the front desk suddenly stared at Chu Qing's back the moment Chu Qing went upstairs. She felt that Chu Qing looked very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere...

Where have you seen it?

The little girl at the front desk couldn't remember, but at this moment, a lace message popped up on the webpage...

"Zhao Yinger's boyfriend is suspected to be a third-year student at Nanjing University!"

"Zhao Yinger?" Zhao Yinger is one of the most popular actresses at the moment, and the girl at the front desk still likes her TV series. After seeing Chu Qing's face, she was stunned.

The girl at the front desk searched for the word Chu Qing, and a series of news about Chu Qing popped up on the search engine.

Hongdou, Xiaochou, I will love these songs even if I die. The author of these songs, Zhao Yinger's rumored boyfriend, Chen Gensheng, the second male lead of "The Queen of the World"...

The person on the Internet is exactly the same as the person who walked up to the second floor just now, even the clothes are exactly the same.

"I'll go!" The girl at the front desk gasped, "Could it be this big star who came to wash his feet?"

The little girl at the front desk was shocked, and then suddenly caught a glimpse of a breaking news contact information under a lace news, and it said that as long as she could provide some useful breaking news, the newspaper office would reward the person concerned with 1000 yuan immediately!

1000 yuan!

All it takes is one message!
What a great opportunity this is!

The little girl at the front desk had her eyes bright, and quickly dialed the number that broke the news...


"Hi, hello, is this the Chaoyang Daily entertainment newspaper? This is the Jindian Foot Bath Shop, and I have urgent news to report!" The girl at the front desk took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"What revelation?"

"Zhao Yinger's boyfriend, the author of Red Bean, and the third male No. [-] Chu Qing of Concubine Qingshi, just washed her feet in my footwashing shop, and she is very likely to do service!"

"What! Doing services!" After hearing this voice on the other end of the phone, there was a surprise voice, and then asked quickly, "Where is your address..."

"Nantong, on the edge of Nantong University."

"Okay, we'll be there in half an hour!"

"What about...the breaking news bonus?"

"As long as the situation is true, the bonus will be transferred to your card immediately, and cash is also acceptable!"

"it is good!"


Of course Chu Qing didn't know that she seemed to be in a tragedy.

He never felt that he was a public figure, nor did he feel that he was any great person. He positioned himself as just a rich ordinary person, or an upstart.

In other words, he has never realized anything.

He first ordered a 288 item, pedicure...

How did you feel when you washed your feet for the first time?

To be honest, Chu Qing was a little nervous, and felt that her feet were being manipulated by the technician all the time, as if she was passive, but the technician's skills were good, at least Chu Qing was very comfortable when pressed.

Soaking feet has been able to relieve fatigue since ancient times. Chu Qing feels very comfortable soaking her feet in the foot washing bucket, and feels sleepy after being blown by the air conditioner.

He let out a long sigh of relief.


No wonder these people like to enjoy the service so much, the feeling of rich people is really comfortable.

Chu Qing had to admit that she was very comfortable.

"Boss, why don't you order a 388 service." The service girl looked at Chu Qing.

"Service? What service?" Although Chu Qing didn't quite understand what kind of service it was, after seeing the expression on the service girl's face, Chu Qing seemed to understand.

That classmate told Chu Qing...

Want to try it?
Chu Qing licked her lips, then shook her head again!

No, foot washing is okay, massage is okay, but other things are definitely not allowed!
This is a matter of human principle!

"Very comfortable, handsome."

"No, you can massage my feet and shoulders by the way. If you say anything else, I'll leave." Chu Qing refused again and again, seeing the tendency of the service girl to touch her, He sat up quickly.

"Okay, handsome guy, you lie down first..." The service girl shook her head a little depressed, she looked like a fat sheep, but it didn't seem to be oily.

This is the service girl's evaluation of Chu Qing.

When Chu Qing was lying down and was about to continue enjoying the massage from the serving girl, suddenly there was a burst of shouting and hurried footsteps in the corridor!
"The reporter is here, run away!"

"Run, follow me, run to the back door, hurry up!"

"Crack, click!"

"What reporter?" Hearing this, Chu Qing subconsciously shuddered. Could it be that someone from PIAO is here?Of course he then shook his head, he was just pinching his feet for a massage, not any other alternative service, this is considered legal...

Before Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly the door of the box opened!
"Crack, click, click..."


Three or four reporters swarmed in with their cameras on their shoulders, all with extremely excited expressions on their faces.

The flash light made Chu Qing unable to open her eyes.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded!

Yes, he was stunned, what the hell happened?


(End of this chapter)

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