Chapter 59

PS: There are two updates today, um, normal update level, normal update level, no one should scold you, right?
Sometimes in a person's life, he will experience many choices, and if he makes a wrong choice, he will fall into a situation beyond redemption.

Chu Qing was deeply convinced of this.

She didn't feel cold when she was running, and she didn't feel cold when there was sunshine, but after the sunset slowly set, when the cold wind blew, Chu Qing shivered suddenly, and only then did she feel that her whole body was completely cold.

He suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known that the weather in Nantong was so cold, he would not have applied for Nantong. He would have applied for Yun'an Province instead. Yun'an Province is the province of YN where Chu Qing was reborn. It has been below zero, commonly known as Spring City, and it is also a tourist attraction.

One year of heaven and one thought of hell, so the choice is very important.

However, it is useless to regret now, after all, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

"Little handsome boy, do you want to come in and play?"

"Little handsome boy, come here, come here..."

"Hey, I'm still shy. Come on, I see you are in a hurry, you need to relax, come on, my service is very good."

The small alleys in Nantong are a very stylish place. Chu Qing really couldn't understand the professional women standing at the entrance of the alley with revealing clothes and heavy makeup.

These women wear so little in the winter, aren't they cold?Are these women born with genes to withstand the cold?
Chu Qing naturally rejected the "enthusiasm" of these professional women without even thinking about it, and she refused very decisively!

He is not this kind of person, even if he has more money in the future, no matter how much he spends, no matter how beautiful the professional women are, no matter how high-end Chu Qing is, he will not spend a penny on them.It's not that Chu Qing thinks they are dirty, nor does she think they are discriminatory, but that Chu Qing is born with the feeling that certain things need feelings, and only when feelings come to fruition...

Although men are animals that think from the lower body, and Chu Qing in adolescence often has unrealistic fantasies, but in the end, Chu Qing is still able to hold on, and he is still a good man.

He can wash his feet, he can have a massage, and he can even get someone to push the oil, but he never allows strangers to touch where he shouldn't.

He has an inexplicable cleanliness.

Well, in other words, Chu Qing is very conservative, more conservative than the average man.

Chu Qing walked out of the alley, originally thinking of spending a few hours at the foot bath shop a few days ago, but when he came to the foot bath shop, he discovered that the foot bath shop was closed. Not only was it closed, but a seal was pasted on the door... …

"Hey, it's really sealed. It's a pity." A car stopped at the door of the foot bath shop, and a middle-aged man stepped out of the car. The middle-aged man looked at the seal and was a little speechless.

"What's the pity?" Chu Qing asked.

"You said that this foot bath shop is open well, why did a group of unreasonable reporters come here suddenly? And abruptly quarreled with the foot bath owner, and one of the reporters had some connections, so he directly reported that this shop had special Service... Hey, this boss is really stupid, no matter how powerful he is, he can't offend these desperate reporters..."


"You don't even know such a big thing, do you?" The middle-aged man looked at Chu Qing with a blank face, so he was a little strange.

"I don't know..." Chu Qing shook her head.

"You should check it online. This incident was quite famous a few days ago... Hey, why do you look familiar to me? You can't be Chu Qing, right?" The middle-aged man didn't feel anything wrong at first. , but then the more I looked at Chu Qing, the more something was wrong...

"No, I'm not Chu Qing. I have something else to do. I'll go first." Seeing the strange eyes of the middle-aged man, Chu Qing subconsciously shook her head in denial, turned around and ran away in despair...

"Not Chu Qing?" The middle-aged man was a little surprised, then took out his mobile phone and searched for the news from a few days ago.

I saw the news above said...

"A certain male star left behind his popular celebrity girlfriend in the industry, and was photographed visiting a foot bath shop as a service. The scene was messy..."


After leaving the foot massage shop far away, and walking in the bustling city, Chu Qing's face became a bit bitter.

He naturally found this piece of news, although it was replaced by XX, but the photo below betrayed Chu Qing.

Although it is just a side face, those who are familiar with Chu Qing must know that the person in this picture is Chu Qing...

The text in this piece of news is also very interesting. The four words "messy" are really imaginative.

Chu Qing continued to read the comments below.

Chu Qing flipped through the comments, and found that a large section of the comments below were full of scolding Chu Qing's scumbag, leaving such a good girlfriend alone, and going to this kind of place to provide services, and the technicians they hired were so ugly, so disgusting... …

In short, the following will make a mess of Chu Qing's aesthetics, thinking that Chu Qing only likes the ugly and not the beautiful, and even criticizes Chu Qing for committing suicide, leaving a good entertainment star inappropriate, and doing some messy things.

This news was very popular and many people knew about it, but it didn't make the headlines. After all, there were a lot of positive and negative news in Chu Qing's front-end scandal, and this one was not bad. Compared with the previous ones, this one It is light.

"What I'm paralyzed about is just washing his feet. Is it as sinful as they say?"

When Chu Qing saw the top ten crimes listed by netizens for Chu Qing, Chu Qing almost threw away her phone...

Ten crimes, such as failing his girlfriend, failing his fans, failing the director, failing the future flowers of the motherland, and even failing the entire entertainment circle...

Netizens also said that if these ten crimes of Chu Qing were placed in ancient times, they would be soaked in a pig cage or executed by Ling Chi...

Is it such an exaggeration or is my popularity already outrageous?

Chu Qing really couldn't figure it out, she just washed her feet, and washing her feet was not very smooth or unlucky, so could it be that he committed such a heinous crime?

Well, since this is the case, I won’t wash my feet, so I should go to an Internet cafe to play League of Legends, right?
League of Legends is a game that Chu Qing likes to play very much. Of course, he was also brought up by his unscrupulous roommates. He likes the harmony of this kind of teamwork...

In the vast night, and so cold, Chu Qing felt that he didn't want to go back to Nantah, so he made a decision.

Let's just leave the Internet cafe all night today.

However, he took out his pocket and found that he did not bring his ID card. Chu Qing changed into a pair of trousers in the morning, and the ID card was put in the changed trousers.

This is a bit embarrassing. Generally, regular Internet cafes cannot access the Internet without an ID card.

Am I going back now?

"Forget it, some black Internet cafes should be able to surf the Internet without an ID card, just open a temporary card..."

Of course Chu Qing didn't want to go back.


"Captain, what is today's task?"

"Received the order from the superior, this time we will raid the black Internet cafes in our city, and reporter Xiaoqin will follow up and report the whole process, you have to dress neatly, you know?"

"Reporter Xiaoqin? The daughter of the deputy director?"

"Well, this time, Reporter Xiaoqin specifically asked the deputy bureau to transfer over to cooperate with us. If it does a good job this time, our bureau will follow suit. The last time the news was definitely confirmed, oh, by the way, not recently Are you an outstanding police officer? This time is an opportunity, you have to seize it, and if you are selected as an outstanding police officer this time, the deputy bureau will personally present the award, which will be very useful for your future promotion."

"Well, okay, I promise to complete the task!"

"Be careful, don't let anyone know? Well, some minors are older, don't be fooled, even if they are older, if they don't have an ID card, they will be checked carefully. Well, reporter Xiaoqin should be careful. Do you know, you must not let any fish slip through the net!"


A few hours later, outside the Inspur Hei Internet Cafe, a police car stopped quietly...

Afterwards, a girl with a video camera and a group of menacing men in green clothes walked towards the Inspur Internet Cafe...

(End of this chapter)

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