I'm not a big star

Chapter 60 Overwhelming Others' Headlines Again...

Chapter 60 Overwhelming Others' Headlines Again...

(PS: Well, after much deliberation, let’s update it...)
You will always encounter such strange phenomena in life. For example, after you are unlucky once, there will be successive unlucky things one after another, and the successive unlucky things often leave you with nothing to say. A typical dumb person suffers from eating coptis can't say...

Although it is called a black Internet cafe, the computer configuration and other things inside are not bad, and they are all okay.

Chu Qing opened a temporary card, and sat in an air-conditioned box in an Inspur Internet cafe, turned on the computer, opened the game, entered the Q dog account, and logged into the League of Legends.

And tonight Chu Qing's hand feeling is also good. He played a few games, and almost every game was a massacre, and he was an MVP super god. I can get diamonds...

Well, from brass to diamond, it's only a matter of minutes, ha ha.

Well, that's right, just when Chu Qing started another round, suddenly there was a mess in the entire Internet cafe...

"The police are here, run, hurry, get out through the back door!"

"Run now!"

The voice of the network administrator came over...


When Chu Qing heard these two words, she was a little disapproving. The police usually check for minors when they go to Internet cafes, but for someone like Chu Qing who has grown up for a long time, even if the police come to interrogate Chu Qing, there is nothing to worry about...

I look like an adult, right?As long as you are not blind, you will not find me here.

Although he heard the voice of the network administrator, Chu Qing still went his own way, and he still opened the alliance to continue to have fun.

A few underage children next to them saw that Chu Qing was surfing the Internet here without an ID card like them, and they didn't know why they felt more at ease, and the game was just in the intense part, and if they escaped, they would be severely punished, so they also suspected Played a fluke mentality...

However, sometimes bad luck, no one can help...

If Chu Qing had bad luck, there would be no one else.

Just when Chu Qing had just chosen a hero and was about to get excited, the curtain of the box was suddenly pulled open, and then several people rushed in...

"Comrade, take out your ID card and have a look."

"ID card?" Chu Qing was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head, at this moment she just saw the ready camera and a group of people in green clothes...

Moreover, the camera is lit with infrared rays, and one can tell that it is live broadcast, live broadcast?

Chu Qing suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.


If God gave Chu Qing another chance, Chu Qing would not run away after seeing Zhao Yinger, and would not run to the black Internet cafe to prepare for the night again.

He will stay in school obediently, and then obediently wait for everything to happen.

There is nothing worse and more hateful than this time.

However, Chu Qing's misfortune made another person go crazy.

That person is the well-known rock singer, Wang Qin.

When Wang Qin sharpened his sword and pulled out the family scandal again, preparing to hit the headlines this time, the scourge Chu Qing stomped on his face again, suppressing his news go down.And this time Chu Qing did not send out one or two pieces of information, but more than ten pieces at once.

There's nothing like this doggy.

And this time Chu Qing was on a well-known legal program on the Internet, which was very popular.

"Friends from the audience, this issue is the second issue of the administrative law enforcement column No. 30. I am Xiao Qin. This time we have received news that there are minors surfing the Internet in several black Internet cafes in our city. This time, we raid Unannounced visits, following the live broadcast all the way..."

"I am really an adult, I am a student of Nantah University, yes, I am a student of Nantah University!"

"No, I lost my ID card in the dormitory, I'm really an adult..."

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, can you not shoot this part, I'm really...an adult..."

"Don't take pictures, don't take pictures, my name is Chu Qing, I'm 22 years old, my ID card is 331023... I'm not a minor, I really am not, don't take pictures, really don't take pictures..."

"You can check it, you really can check it!"

"Don't, don't take me away, I... I'm really different from them, I'm really not underage..."

"Assist in the investigation? Comrade, I'm really a good citizen. I really didn't participate in the electric cars being stolen around me. I'm not short of this money..."

"I'm really not a thief."


Live broadcasting is sometimes very tricky, at least there is no way to edit it out after live broadcasting, everything is very real without any PS traces...

Wang Qin was very confident in hitting the headlines this time, and bought several well-known newspapers and channels, but when he stayed in the villa, he accidentally saw familiar words, familiar people, and familiar voices on the TV news. , He was so angry that he smashed several ashtrays at home.

The scene was very tragic and the atmosphere was very dignified!
Chu Qing!

Your sister, did I eat your rice in my last life, or did I dig your ancestral grave?Do you have to fight me again and again!

Could it be that I can't make headlines again?
Impossible, it is impossible for Chu Qing to radiate so much!
With his last hope in mind, Wang Qin clicked on the headlines on the Internet...

When he saw the shocking words, he almost fainted and nearly vomited blood...

"A celebrity Internet cafe does not bring an ID card to the Internet, and has been detained by the police for being suspected of teaching children badly..."

The headlines are indeed the scourge!
What about the second?

"Zhao Yinger personally asked for someone from the bureau. It is rumored that Zhao Yinger and Xiao Qin from the legal column are classmates?"

What about Article [-]?

"Chu Qing, the number one scumbag in the entertainment industry, who made Zhao Yinger's belly bigger and ran away without wiping his mouth? How? The cycle of cause and effect, retribution is not good!"

Article [-]...

"Chu Qing...Chu Qing, Chu Qing!"

The more Wang Qin turned to the end, the more uncomfortable his heart became, and the more he turned to the end, the more he wanted to tear Chu Qing into pieces!

Almost all ten of them belonged to Chu Qing.

No.11 is his...

He fainted.


"Haha, there are so many games. A few days ago, Chu Qing was photographed in the foot bath shop, and now she has been photographed online, haha!"

"Happy people, happy people, this scourge, I see how long he will be proud!"

"I seem to see Chu Qing playing League? Hey, I saw his name. What's his name? It's called a low-key sports car? What rank? I'm stupid, brass three? What kind of league is playing at this level... Haha, too It's funny, there are only brass three!"

"Damn, why does Zhao Yinger fall in love with this kind of guy!"

"Haha, it's so interesting, it's so interesting, I, Daqing, was detained because I didn't bring my ID card when I went online? Please parents? It's so interesting..."

"Haha, in the video, it is suspected that Chu Qing stole the electric car, haha, interesting!"

"Eh? Who is Chu Qing you are discussing?"

"You bumpkin, you don't even know who Chu Qing is, go to Baidu Encyclopedia by yourself..."


"Wow, so Chu Qing is so famous?"

"Chu Qing, who has dominated the headlines for so long, is of course famous! In the past few months, I have been brainwashed by the word Chu Qing..."


"It's interesting. Chu Qing is unlucky to be able to go on TV even on the Internet."

"What's even more interesting is that the parents invited Zhao Yinger. Haha, it's so interesting! Chu Qing's parent is Zhao Yinger? Haha, will he be called wife or mother? That's a question..."

In a well-known forum.

It exploded, and netizens ridiculed everywhere...

Chu Qing, it's hot again!
(End of this chapter)

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