I'm not a big star

Chapter 61 In the Bureau...

Chapter 61 In the Bureau...

In the early morning, Chu Qing came out of the bureau, and walked out under the envious and jealous eyes of all the staff.

Of course, his hand was held by Zhao Yinger, and there was a bitter feeling, even if he smiled, it was a bitter smile. In short, the atmosphere was not harmonious.

There are some things and certain moods in this world that cannot be described in words, at least for Chu Qing.

He did not receive other messy treatment in the police station. In fact, after finding out that Chu Qing was neither a car thief nor a minor, and was a good student of NTU, Chu Qing should have been released a long time ago...

However, Qin Ting, the reporter, did not let Chu Qing go. She seemed to have a grudge against Chu Qing and kept Chu Qing in the bureau, and no matter what Chu Qing said, no one could let Chu Qing go...

Chu Qing was a little angry when she thought of this, and then became a little helpless after being angry.

He remembered what happened a few hours ago...

When Chu Qing found out that Qing Qingbai had no black spots, Qin Ting still didn't let Chu Qing go.

"I suspect that you are related to a theft case." After Qin Ting left this sentence, she turned and left very arrogantly.

And Chu Qing walked into the lounge bitterly.

And just at this moment, Chu Qing's cell phone rang, and Chu Qing answered the phone subconsciously, and Chu Qing's familiar voice rang through the phone.

It's Zhao Yinger...


"Haha, you also have such a day! You hide, you hide again, do you think you can hide to the ends of the earth?" Zhao Yinger suddenly laughed on the phone when Chu Qing answered the phone, and she was very unmannered lol.

I don't know if it was Chu Qing's delusion, but Chu Qing heard that damn reporter Qin Ting was also laughing loudly, as if her voice was very smug.

Chu Qing has a dark face, he is an honest man, he has always kept a low profile, and he never thought of offending anyone.

However, today he felt that he was being played by someone.

Chu Qing hung up the computer and closed her eyes.

The phone rang again.

Then Chu Qing hung up the phone again.

After several times in a row, his cell phone finally stopped.

In fact, the facilities in the room are pretty good. There are computers, wireless, and some snacks and other things. It’s not a crime for Chu Qing to stay here. The depression and anger in my heart are less.

Just when Chu Qing was about to turn up the air conditioner and spend the night here, the door suddenly opened.

Zhao Yinger walked in.

After Chu Qing saw Zhao Yinger, her face turned cold.

Zhao Yinger was still smiling, looking like a spring breeze, she came to sit next to Chu Qing.

"What, are you angry?"

"I don't know if I should say I'm unlucky, or I didn't read the almanac when I went out?" Chu Qing actually didn't dislike Zhao Yinger, at least compared to Wang Ying, Chu Qing had a little liking for her.However, Chu Qing felt that she was being played by someone. It felt like a game set up by a big man, and she, a little man, got into it.

This feeling made him really uncomfortable.

"Qing...don't be like this." Zhao Yinger saw Chu Qing's helpless expression and suddenly felt that Chu Qing was very cute, so cute that she wanted to hug him and kiss him.

Emotions are such a strange thing.

Zhao Yinger, who has been a girl of the heavens since she was a child, felt that she had no way to have a good impression of Chu Qing, but during the time that the crew got along with each other, in that song of "Sorrowful", in that song of "Red Bean", in that song of exaggeration...

She found that she really had a crush on Chu Qing, and for some reason, she especially liked Chu Qing's helpless and unable to get angry expression.

Chu Qing is such a miraculous person, very wild after drinking, and so low-key and calm before drinking, but whether it is the wild Chu Qing or the low-key and calm Chu Qing, they can give Zhao Yinger a feeling of peace of mind.

Ever since she was a child, even her parents couldn't give Zhao Yinger this feeling.

Of course, An felt moved in his heart.

Anyway, it's complicated.

"Zhao Yinger... can you stop being so intimate, I have goosebumps, and... I really don't want to have any scandals with you anymore, okay... We really have nothing to do with each other." Chu Qing found herself I am getting farther and farther away from the ordinary, and I feel speechless for no reason. Of course, besides these, there is still freedom.

If no one knows him, is it okay for him to wash his feet?If no one knows him, even if he goes online, even if he does not have an ID card, even if he is a black Internet cafe, he must have been released by now...

What is not available is the most precious.

"Anyway, it's been rumored about us on the Internet, and even rumored that I'm pregnant. I'm not afraid of a girl. What are you afraid of?" Zhao Yinger not only didn't pay attention, but also put her arms around Chu Qing's shoulders, like two brothers look like.

"Zhao Yinger, what exactly do you want?" In fact, to be honest, Zhao Yinger smells good, she has a good figure, and her looks are nothing to talk about.Chu Qing was also a little distracted in her heart, and some wanted to push the boat along with the flow...

However, when Chu Qing felt that he was about to fall, he suddenly remembered his original intention.

Muffled, get rich!
So he firmly kept a distance from Zhao Yinger...

"Chu Qing, why did you run away from me? Why did you throw away my card? If I hadn't seen the gossip, I wouldn't know where you were. Did I do something wrong?" Zhao Yinger looked at the nearby Chu Qing, who was so close, felt a little aggrieved in her heart, and her mood was indeed not calm during this time.

She feels abandoned.

She doesn't like this feeling very much, only she abandons people, not others abandon her.

It was the first time Chu Qing saw Zhao Yinger's expression like this.

Chu Qing has a big head, in fact, what he can't bear the most is the attack of grievances, after all, his heart is relatively soft...

He is a very tangled and contradictory person. He hates trouble, but sometimes he can't get rid of trouble.

"No." Chu Qing finally shook his head and said these two words.

Zhao Yinger is very good, there is nothing wrong with her, if she says something wrong, it is herself.

"You, do you really hate me, or do you like Wang Ying, a scheming girl?" Zhao Yinger was silent for a while, and then said suddenly, "I was originally the heroine of Naihe Mountain, but I was suddenly told a month ago The heroine was temporarily replaced, and an unknown newcomer was replaced, which made me very uncomfortable. Although the contract was not signed, there is indeed a problem with their approach."

"I really don't like anyone." Chu Qing was very speechless to Zhao Yinger.

Wang Ying thinks she likes Zhao Yinger, and Zhao Yinger thinks she likes Wang Ying.

What's going on with these women, are they mentally ill?
Nima, please let me go, I don't like you both.

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Yinger's beautiful eyes flashed with joy!
"It's more real than real gold!" Chu Qing nodded.

"Naiheshan's heroine, I must get it!" Zhao Yinger said suddenly.


A girl's heart is always like a needle under the sea.

But Chu Qing didn't take Zhao Yinger's words seriously.

I won't play Naihe Mountain anymore, whoever the heroine loves to play has nothing to do with me...

(End of this chapter)

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