I'm not a big star

Chapter 62 1 Moment of Change

Chapter 62

PS: Maybe, the author's book review section is the one with the most bad reviews for a newly opened book recently. Everyone thinks this book is abusive, and everyone thinks the protagonist is useless, disgusting, and unacceptable... The author himself reads these comments very seriously, and deletes dozens of comments every day. The author is very tired, really tired, and I don’t want to explain anything. Luo Buqingcai has his own love and can understand some things Yes, I hope to understand. If you don’t understand, the author has no choice. There is really no way, and I won’t explain any more. Sorry, this book disappointed you. The author is such a failure. However, the author I will not change anything, and the author will go all the way to the dark, and the protagonist will slowly grow into a responsible character. Many things need to grow and change. I think the character of a person is the same. Okay, let’s just say that Too much, if you want to spray, please lightly spray... Bow, thank you.

"What's wrong with being a star? You can walk under the spotlight to release yourself, and you can play one role after another. In the process of playing a role, you become one person after another... Experience twists and turns and bizarre stories again and again, and then, On the stage, you look at the people below who are cheering for you and shouting for you, don't you feel that you are their belief? I don't know why you are so disgusted with stars, and you seem to think I am dirty and keep avoiding me...I Let me tell you, I am not dirty, and the first kiss was for you..." Chaoyang was always so charming when she came out of the prison, and the clouds in the sky were just rising, and there was a hint of beauty like a new life, Zhao Yinger was very happy Seriously, and very seriously.

Zhao Yinger let go of Chu Qing's hand, and suddenly turned to face Chu Qing, with slight ripples in her eyes.

A gust of wind blew from the distant horizon, and the wind made Chu Qing feel a little uncomfortable, and made his facial skin a little dry.

Chu Qing was not very used to Zhao Yinger's enthusiasm. Chu Qing always felt that she was just an ordinary stone, which no one would see when thrown in the crowd.

"I don't think you are dirty." Chu Qing looked directly at Zhao Yinger for the first time, "I never thought anyone was dirty."

"Then what are you avoiding, or what are you subconsciously hiding?" Zhao Yinger smiled gently after seeing Chu Qing's expression, her voice was pleasant.

"Escape?" Chu Qing originally wanted to say that there was nothing to escape, but after saying these two words, he hesitated.

He has some flaws in character, a little timid, a little low self-esteem, and even a little too cautious, but none of these seem to be a reason to escape.

"Yes, I always remember how unrestrained and charming you were after drinking, as if you were an emperor on stage, but when you were sober, you changed again, becoming cautious and low-key towards everyone It’s incredible, even a little smile has become very humble, yes, it’s modest, I don’t think this is you, you have been suppressing your character, making yourself very humble and humble.” Zhao Yinger’s mind echoed the bar That night, Chu Qing drank, smashed the guitar and bass of the singer in the bar, and then screamed with the microphone.


Yes, maybe this is boiling. At that moment, Zhao Yinger realized that even if the emperor superstar came here, it would be nothing more than that.

This is a natural ability to control the field, a mysterious power that many professional singers do not possess.

Chu Qing couldn't describe what Zhao Yinger's eyes looked like now, but he looked at Zhao Yinger and kept looking at him, trying to persuade...

The wind blowing from afar was very cold, but Chu Qing's heart slowly warmed up, a thick barrier suddenly disappeared...

Chu Qing smiled innocently.

"why are you laughing?"

"I don't like gossip, and I don't like people pointing fingers at me." Chu Qing said suddenly.

Zhao Yinger was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding what Chu Qing meant by this sentence.

"I'm not disgusted with filming, I'm not disgusted with singing, and I don't discriminate against the entertainment industry, but..." Chu Qing paused, then looked into the distance, "You know what my dream is ?"

"Dream??" Zhao Yinger was taken aback, "I asked you before, don't you have no dreams?"

"I like freedom, so my dream is to marry an ordinary wife, have an ordinary child, and then take them to travel around the world happily and carefree, to see those Beautiful scenery, and then, buy a house by the sea, just like in that poem "I have a house, facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming..."

"Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming?" Zhao Yinger murmured to herself. She had never heard of this kind of poem, and she didn't have this poem in her memory. However, the artistic conception in this poem is very beautiful and makes people yearn for it.

"Of course, if you're free, it's also good to go to a foot bath shop to wash your feet and get a massage, or go to an Internet cafe to play League of Legends online..." Chu Qing added later.

"..." In the first sentence, Chu Qing looked tall, artistic, and desirable, but in the latter sentence...

Isn't there a sentence on the Internet that ruins a poem?And Chu Qing's last sentence is worse than ruining a poem with one sentence.

However, Zhao Yinger found herself speechless again.

Because, she knew that Chu Qing would go on.

"Dreams don't have to be lofty or perfect. Real dreams are what you dream of. Just like when I was a child, I dreamed that I would graduate, be free, and play freely without restraint."

Chu Qing was like a philosopher when he said these words, and he looked very deep. For a moment, Zhao Yinger felt slight ripples in her heart...

Chu Qing is definitely the most special one among the people she has ever met!
It is obvious that it can be very dazzling, and it can go straight to the sky, but it has chosen another path.

"Of course, there is another point, you are right..."

"What?" Zhao Yinger asked subconsciously.

"I am chasing freedom, thinking that as long as no one pays attention to me, I will be free in a low-key voice, but I find that this is not freedom. If a person hides his true nature because he is entangled in something, then he is The real lack of freedom... Besides, living is a bit useless." Chu Qing let out a long breath, in fact, when he reflected on everything he had done during this period, he found it a bit embarrassing.

Running away, running away, running away.

Why escape?

It is because of some fear and uneasiness about this strange world, and this kind of uneasiness allows him to hide his true nature.

But, is it possible to be free in this way?
No, this is definitely not freedom, at least not the freedom he imagined.

I care too much.

Sometimes there is no need to care too much about anything.

That's it.

"You seem to have figured it out? Epiphany?" Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing.

"Well, it's not that I figured it out, it's just that I corrected some wrong ideas." Chu Qing laughed, and the smile was a little silly, but there was a trace of emotion on the silly face.

People are constantly trying to correct themselves and make themselves perfect.

I care too much, I am too entangled, I am too in awe of some things, sometimes it is not beautiful.

Zhao Yinger felt that Chu Qing was a little different...

It seemed that the shadow that had shrouded Chu Qing for many years seemed to be less.

"Will you change it?" Zhao Yinger asked suddenly.

"It will change slowly. Of course, isn't there a saying like this? The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. No matter how you change it, I don't think it will change." Chu Qing said to herself.

"Then what is your nature?"


"That doesn't conflict with your suppressed personality."

"It's really not too conflicting... So, I figured it out..."

"Have you figured it out again?"

"I'm going to a footwashing shop, and I'm going to get a massage. Even if reporters come to interview me again, I don't care. I will do my own thing, continue to massage and wash my feet, and let them stay. You know, freedom is my ultimate goal. dream……"


Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing's originally naive smile and suddenly became a little lewd.

She really wanted to slap Chu Qing on the face...

Why is this person so stubborn?

Wash your feet?massage?

Zhao Yinger turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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