I'm not a big star

Chapter 63 The wailing request of the literary man

Chapter 63 The wailing request of the literary man

PS: Today is still the third watch, the author doesn’t know how much longer it will be... In short, one day is one day.

Back at school and lying in the dormitory, Chu Qing rubbed her waist depressedly.

The waist is a little bruised and purple. Of course, it’s not that Chu Qing has any problem, or has a skin disease. Whoever is caught by the "dragon claw hand" grabs the soft flesh around the waist, and then pinches it hard. It takes a long time to put it down and it will become like this.

Well, the color is lilac.

Chu Qing couldn't figure out why Zhao Yinger was so strong, and why she was so ruthless when she was smiling and seemed gentle.

He swore that he longed for freedom, did he say something wrong?
"Actually, I also know how to wash feet and massage. Do you want me to help you some other day?"

When Zhao Yinger and Chu Qing parted, Zhao Yinger was still smiling and very gentle, just like the gentleness of a woman in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. The scenery next to it is not bad, beside the largest artificial lake next to Nantah University.The sun is shining and the air is still warm...

However, Chu Qing still shook his head, he felt that he was not blessed.

He dared not agree, otherwise he felt that he would die.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Don't always turn off your phone or hang up on me when you call from now on. Even if we're not a couple, we can still be friends, right? Unless, you are very cold and reject me as a friend..." Zhao Yinger left this After saying a few words, he walked towards the direction of the manager, Sister Xing, who was in the distance.

And Chu Qing touched the soft flesh around her waist, feeling a burst of pain in the flesh.

Well, it is indeed a pain in the flesh.

"You friend, it really hurts enough." Chu Qing sighed helplessly facing Zhao Yinger's back.

"Haha." Zhao Yinger laughed, not as gentle as before, very natural and happy.

in the dormitory.

"Qingzi, Zhao Yinger's figure, appearance, and temperament, I really don't know how many wooden fishes you smashed in your previous life in exchange for such good luck, why don't you hurry up and cherish it!" Sleeping in Chu Qing's lower bunk His buddy is Zhang Tieqiao, an otaku, and has some hobbies, that is, he especially likes beautiful women on the Internet, and even joined a group called "School Flower List" in Nantah University.

Every university has top-notch beauties, and some beauties are much prettier than those stars on the Internet, and South China Nature is no exception. However, whether it is the school beauties of Nantah University or the beauties that Zhang Tieqiao has seen in his life for more than 20 years , can't compare to Zhao Yinger...

Perhaps, in Nantah University's beauty list, Liu Feifei's appearance is not inferior to Zhao Yinger's, but she is not comparable in temperament. In a sense, Liu Feifei has a literary temperament, and she looks like a scholarly family.

Temperament is something that is inborn. For example, Chu Qing is born with an affinity to get along with many people, which can be regarded as a kind of temperament.

"Are you envious?" Chu Qing answered Zhang Tieqiao speechlessly, "That's because you are not familiar with Zhao Yinger. If you were familiar with Zhao Yinger, then you would definitely not say that."

"Qingzi, don't be ignorant of your blessings. If Zhao Yinger can say a word to me, I would be willing to lose ten years of my life!" Zhang Tieqiao stood up and looked at Chu Qing who was lying on the bed reading a book, his eyes almost They were able to kill Chu Qing.

"Then your life is really worthless..." Chu Qing looked at the enthusiasm in Zhang Tieqiao's eyes, and shook her head immediately, feeling that Zhang Tieqiao had really admired him a little.

Zhao Yinger is indeed very beautiful, and her personality, how should I put it?It can't be considered less, nor is it good, at least not the object of mate selection in Chu Qing's mind.

"Qingzi, you act so embarrassingly that I've committed cancer...I really wish I could be you..." Zhang Tieqiao was very envious.

He felt that Chu Qing was a fucking successful person!
"..." Chu Qing simply closed her eyes and continued to lie down, ignoring Zhang Tieqiao.

Zhang Tieqiao didn't understand himself.

Since you don't know yourself, let's talk about it.

"Qingzi, can I ask you something?" Zhang Tieqiao hesitated again and again, but finally said to Chu Qing as if he had made up his mind.

"What's the matter? If you want Zhao Yinger's autograph, then forget it." Chu Qing immediately refused. This guy has been nagging in front of him almost every day these days, saying that if one day he can get Zhao Yinger's autograph, he will be prosperous. , It means the happiest person in Nantah University.

Chu Qing's ears almost grew calluses.

In this regard, Chu Qing was decisive and refused without saying a word.

Definitely refuse!

"No, not a signature."

"what is that?"

"That's why our art club wants to hold a performance..."

"What's none of my business?" Chu Qing was speechless, he was a little allergic to the word performance, and it was a literary club...

The literature and art club gave Chu Qing the feeling that it was literary and rigid, and he didn't know how to adapt.

"It's nothing to do with you at first, but I told the president that you are my good buddy, and I bragged to him that as long as I talk, I can invite you... and I am the only one in Nantah University Please touch you..." Zhang Tieqiao looked at Chu Qing cautiously.

"Brother, you are a literary club, what did I do in the literary club...and you are a performance of the literary club...you are a literary youth, I am not a literary youth, I am at best an ordinary youth, okay?" Chu Qing Shaking his head, he refused without thinking.

"Ah, don't...Qingzi, Brother Qing, Boss Qing, I kneel down for you, a man has gold under his knees, so don't even kneel down for you, big brother! Do me a favor, can you help me?" Chu Qing was startled by a sudden burst of tragic wailing from the originally quiet dormitory.

Chu Qing got up quickly, and saw that Zhang Tieqiao didn't even want his dignity, and really knelt down towards him.


The voice of kneeling was very clear. Zhang Tieqiao's face was as bitter as a bitter melon. It looked pitiful and aggrieved. It was the listener who was crying when he was sad?

"You..." Chu Qing felt dizzy for a moment.

Nima is too shameless, right?

"Brother Qing, just help me, if you want chrysanthemums, I'll go to the bathroom and wash them right away..." Zhang Tieqiao looked at Chu Qing's expression, and immediately pleaded louder and more exaggerated.

What?You mean morals?

For someone like Zhang Tieqiao, what kind of morals do you need, just don't want anything at all...

"Get up first..." Chu Qing was speechless.

"If you don't agree, I won't wake up to death!" Zhang Tieqiao played a rogue at Chu Qing.

"You... why don't I agree to you, shit!" Chu Qing felt that this dialogue was very familiar, and the plot of apprenticeship in some very stupid third-rate novels is like this.

Chu Qing was very disgusted with this coercive method, but he had to admit that this routine was very effective.

Nima, a man kneeling in front of you with a sad look, who can bear it.

"Wow, Boss Qing, thank you, huh!" Zhang Tieqiao stood up, smiling like a flower, as if he had accomplished something extraordinary.

"However, let me tell you in advance that I really don't know how to do things in your literary club, such as idioms and solitaire. I probably made a fool of myself in the past, um..."

"No, no, no, there is absolutely no idiom Solitaire or anything like that. It's just asking you to recite the articles in our textbooks. You just need to deal with it casually. Just recite it."

"Oh, so simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple, I promise I won't lie to you." Zhang Tieqiao nodded hastily.

"Why do I always feel that you have another purpose?"

"Because, Liu Feifei, the beauty of our school, will also go there..."

"She used to have half a dime relationship with you... I have a fart relationship!" Chu Qing didn't bother to talk to Zhang Tieqiao.

"At least when I'm with you, I have a lot of face. The big stars are my buddies, so I have a lot of face."


(End of this chapter)

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