I'm not a big star

Chapter 64 Little Conspiracy?

Chapter 64 Little Conspiracy?
Where is the literary club?In Chu Qing's impression, it is a gathering place for some self-proclaimed literary and artistic youths who always pretend to be romantic, who are obviously modern people, but always pretend to be the same as the ancients.

Of course, Chu Qing is not disgusted with this kind of place. After all, the things they play are very high-end things, and it sounds like a high-end place. How can this make Chu Qing disgusted?

However, this kind of place is not very attractive to people like Chu Qing who always want to make money in silence, go to Internet cafes, go to foot bath shops, and enjoy a massage at massage parlors...

Well, besides, Chu Qing really can't talk about it, and she really lacks interest.

Just because she had no interest, Chu Qing followed Zhang Tieqiao in silence and walked towards the performance place of the Art Club, a small theater next to Nantah University.

Just don't talk much, just hang out honestly.

This is Chu Qing's reminder to herself.

"Ugh, Tie Qiao, you really brought a big star here!"

"That's not it, Brother Hu, let me tell you, Chu Qing is my best buddy, and he will definitely accompany me on such an important day!" Zhang Tieqiao embraced Chu Qing's shoulders without blushing, with a serious look on his face. We seem to have a good relationship.

"Oh, oh, oh, I thought you were bragging, but I didn't expect it to be, haha, Qingzi, a big star! I've seen you on TV a lot lately, and I've been in love with you for a long time, but it's just that I don't have a way to know you. Your presence makes our place flourish, what a distinguished guest, honored guest!" The president of the Literature and Art Club is named Li Xudong, a tall, thin man wearing glasses, and he looked at Chu Qing with a surprised smile on his face.

"Oh, oh... where, this, I'm here to study, cough, cough... Also, I'm not a big star... don't call me a big star, sweat." Chu Qing hurriedly shook hands with Li Xudong, who is it? Anyone can be offended, just like this kind of elegant young man with a smile on his face can't be offended. If you offend other people, he will at most scold you and beat you, but if you offend this kind of elegant young man, He can scold you in 1000 million ways without repetition, and if you have a lower IQ after scolding you, you may not be able to hear it...

Take advantage of it?
That's the type I'm talking about.

"Haha, go and sit down." Li Xudong saw that Chu Qing was not as unapproachable as others said, and he looked like an honest person, and his clothes were far worse than his own. The bright spot, so he felt so superior that he couldn't help laughing and beckoning Chu Qing and Zhang Tieqiao to the front row.

Zhang Tieqiao specially wore a gown bought online this evening, and put on a hat. He looked like a dog, and he walked with his hands behind his back step by step, giving him the feeling of an ancient literati and poet.

On the other hand, Chu Qing is very casual. She wears very cheap casual clothes and jeans. She looks so ordinary and low-key. The total amount of clothes is a little over 500 yuan, and the shoes are included. It's really a bit of a loss.

Zhang Tieqiao is very concerned about face, and feels that today is a very beautiful moment in his life.

But Chu Qing didn't care about these, he knew the price of Zhang Tieqiao's outfit.

It's more than 2000 yuan, and it's more than 2000 yuan for a suit of clothes and simple matching. This is really a bit big and wasteful.

Although Chu Qing was rich, she didn't really like to spend money on these things.

"Qingzi, you just sit here, and I'll send someone to send you the script for the recitation later, hehe, you can click whatever you want, and just go up and recite it when you are called."

"Well, okay, thank you." Chu Qing nodded, sitting on the seat, slightly closing her eyes to look a little low-key.

But Zhang Tieqiao was overjoyed, and took out his mobile phone to take pictures here and there from time to time, and then took a picture for Chu Qing by the way...

During the period, a few sharp-eyed literary and artistic young women from the literary and art club rushed towards Chu Qing excitedly after seeing Chu Qing, and prepared paper and pens in advance for Chu Qing to sign...

"All Over the World" was exposed on the Internet a few days ago, and in the trailer of "The Empress of the World", Chu Qing's role as Chen Gensheng is too popular, so she has a group of female fans unknowingly, and these female fans There are also a few literary young women among the fans.

It was hard for Chu Qing to refuse, so she had to write down her name crookedly.

"Wow, this word has a style!"

"Yeah, it looks like a primary school student's signature, but it actually hides some changes. You see, if it wasn't for this kind of change, it really wouldn't be a style!"

"That's right, Qingzi's signature is in a class of its own, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Qingzi's calligraphy is definitely good, I can tell from his signature!"

"Well, yes, I thought so too!"

After getting Chu Qing's signature, the group of female literary and artistic youths naturally screamed and commented on Chu Qing's words by the way.

When Chu Qing heard these young women's comments, her face turned as dark as a crow's, and she even wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

Bragging is not what bragging is like, it's really embarrassing if you brag like this...

The word "self" is really ugly.

Chu Qing was a little restless.

Embarrassment, the most embarrassing thing in the world is this, Chu Qing almost covered her face, and at the same time vowed in her heart that if someone asks her autograph again in the future, she will never give it.

Shame, so shameful.


Yes, shame indeed.

However, not everyone thinks that Chu Qing is very good and a celebrity, and naturally there are people who find Chu Qing disgusted.

"Hmph, just a clown trying to please the public! Celebrity? In ancient times, he was just a joker, hum!"

"What is it!"

A young man with a recitation manuscript in his hand stared at Chu Qing fiercely. Although Chu Qing was belittled to nothing, everyone could see that he was very jealous, the kind of jealousy that had pink eye disease.

Because among the young women who asked Chu Qing to sign, there was actually a young woman he liked, and he wanted to confess his love to that young woman tonight.

How could he not be annoyed when she saw the young woman looking at Chu Qing with starry eyes?

Then, looking at the recitation manuscript in his hand, he suddenly came up with an idea. After this idea came up, he could no longer suppress it, so he turned around and walked to another place, sitting next to the computer with the printer. Next, I deliberately downloaded a modern poem called Homesickness from the Internet, and erased the phonetic notation on this modern poem of Homesickness. By the way, I changed a paragraph of text in the middle, and changed it into a mess...

Although nostalgia is a modern poem, you have several very difficult words in this poem, um, there are several at the beginning.

And nostalgia is an unpopular poem, even the few young people in the literary club may not have heard of this poem.

If ordinary people don’t read the phonetic notation, let alone read it, they won’t know even this character, and if they read it according to the radicals, they will also read jokes...

think about it!
How embarrassing and shameful it would be if Chu Qing stood on the stage and mispronounced the words!


Absolutely will be ashamed!
Moreover, Liu Feifei's father, Professor Liu from Peking University, was present today...

Hehe, it's not a good feeling to be embarrassed by such an authoritative person.

Anyway, the task of publishing the manuscript is in my hands. If I want to post it sooner, I will post it sooner, and if it is later, I will send it later. I will give you the last one.

Well, when your name is called, I'll give you the manuscript again, so that you don't have time to search the speed and go on stage. I'll see what you do!
(End of this chapter)

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