I'm not a big star

Chapter 65 Falling asleep while performing?

Chapter 65 Falling asleep while performing?
A group of literary and artistic youths on the stage were very hard at reciting and composing poems, and the idioms solitaire, and the ancient poems were filled in very wonderfully.

Chu Qing is now in a very embarrassing state, and this state is very uncomfortable. She obviously has no interest in the performances on stage and is drowsy, but the constant applause always makes her ready to close her eyes and enjoy it Chu Qing was startled awake, and subconsciously applauded.

Poems and songs?Couplets?Inflection?Poet background?
Chu Qing really didn't know anything about these things. Not only did she not know anything, but she also couldn't understand what the group of people above were performing. The position is in the front row. If you don't applaud with the crowd, it will feel too rude. After all, the people on the stage can easily see your position...

What do you say that Chu Qing is just playing tricks?Appropriate, this word is too appropriate to describe Chu Qing's current state.

Chu Qing didn't feel ashamed, but felt that her bluffing was very polite and a very high-quality performance.

"Brother Qing, the music performance is coming soon. Do you know what the most anticipated part of the music performance is?" Zhang Tieqiao's face was filled with excitement, and even his words trembled slightly.

He is so excited!
Chu Qing looked at Zhang Tieqiao's face subconsciously, and felt that his face was full of longing and admiration, and even a trace of longing. This kind of expression is nothing more than seeing a real superstar...

"What?" Chu Qing was puzzled.

"It's Liu Feifei, Liu Feifei, the number one literary and artistic beauty in Nantah University!" Zhang Tieqiao was so excited that he couldn't stand up by himself after watching the young literary and artistic performers recede, his blood was surging...

Literary beauty Liu Feifei?
Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to the beauties of Nantah University, so she didn't know who Liu Feifei was.Nonsense, one is a girl from the sky, and the other is an ordinary person from a small city who lives on a pitiful and tight budget, how can there be any intersection?The former Chu Qing didn't dare to pay attention to this aspect at all, he thought it was a waste of time.

It is absolutely impossible for a toad to eat swan meat, and it is also impossible for unrealistic fantasies.

There will be no intersection in the future, what should I pay attention to, I am not sick.

"Brother Qing, don't show such a dazed expression. I know that you have Zhao Yinger, the best in the world, and naturally you don't look down on Liu Feifei, but I want to tell you that in terms of beauty, Liu Feifei is not inferior to Zhao Yinger." , They have different temperaments!" Seeing Chu Qing's bewildered face, Zhang Tieqiao was suddenly a little angry.

He is a fanatical and loyal fan of Liu Feifei, and he has always been an otaku. Since he heard that Liu Feifei was in the literature and art club, he immediately signed up to join the literature and art club without saying a word, and even started to read some famous books and ancient poems. It can be said that if there is no If Liu Feifei said it, there would be no Zhang Tieqiao, the semi-literary nerd...

"Oh, oh, I see!" Chu Qing looked at Zhang Tieqiao's fanatical appearance, and immediately said nothing, sat down and continued to watch the stage. After all, everyone has their own love.

Just after the above cultural performance ended, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed, and the originally noisy scene became very quiet...

Then, a piece of very beautiful, soft and simple music sounded.

Chu Qing thought the sound of the music was beautiful, and the tranquility was not elegant, just like the wind in the mountains, gentle and warm.

Chu Qing couldn't help but yawned, feeling even more sleepy, he simply leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes slightly taking advantage of the dim light.

The sound of music is very gentle and comfortable.

Lullaby, yes, this is definitely a lullaby. After so much noise, a quieter program finally came out.

"Now, Liu Feifei, please bring us a piece of hometown..." Perhaps because of the influence of this kind of stage music, the voice of the host, who had been loud before, also began to lower, with a hint of taste.

That's pretty good, Liu Feifei's show is pretty good.

With a smile on her face, Chu Qing moved her body a little and took a nap in a more comfortable position...

He has emotion.

None of the people present would care that Chu Qing was sleeping, because everyone, including those female fans of Chu Qing before, were all attracted by Liu Feifei who was walking slowly on the stage with a long skirt, and Zhang Tieqiao was even more excited Upwelling, fists clenched and trembling constantly.

He felt like he was going to get lost!
This place is simply heaven for him.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and kept taking pictures of Liu Feifei from all angles.

Liu Feifei is very beautiful. She is much more beautiful in person than in the photos. Coupled with the atmosphere on the stage, it makes people feel like she is a fairy descending from the nine heavens. Then, she sat down next to the guzheng.


The guzheng sounded, just like the quiet and gentle stream in my hometown, which is very beautiful under the setting sun...

The beauty of people and the sound of guzheng are even more beautiful.

Chu Qing, who closed his eyes, was immediately brought into a dream by the wonderful music. Although he didn't know much about Guzheng, he was attracted by the music unconsciously...

The moment he fell asleep, an idea came to his mind.

If there is such a woman playing the guzheng next to me every day when I go to bed, will I not have to worry about insomnia at night?
After all, good sleep is the real good, isn't it?

in the back seat.

"Professor Liu, not bad! It's really good. The hometown played by Feifei is close to the original version, and there is also a touch of charm. I believe that in a few years, she will achieve some achievements in her guzheng skills." An old professor with gray hair sat in Liu In front of Rentang, listening to the wonderful guzheng, the eyes are full of admiration and emotion.

"Professor Li is absurd. I am a literary person and I don't know much about music. It's just that Feifei has liked this kind of thing since she was a child, so I enrolled her in an interest class to learn first. I thought she was just interested and couldn't bear hardships." , but I didn’t expect that this persistence lasted for more than ten years, and I never slacked off... Even I, a father, admires it a little.” Speaking of his daughter, Liu Rentang was still very satisfied, so he also brought A trace of pride.

Having a woman like this should indeed be proud.

Literature and art have no boundaries. Although I have been engaged in literature all my life, it is a pity that my daughter does not inherit it, but if my daughter has made some achievements in music, then it can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

He is very open-minded, not as rigid as other parents, and he does not put his heritage first.

"A girl like this must find a well-matched in-law's family in the future. Even if she is not well-matched, she must be a very talented and excellent boy to match her." Professor Li stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, my daughter has always had her eyes above her head, and she doesn't look down on ordinary boys with a little bit of talent, and her temper is also a bit cold... Since she was a child, she rarely talked to the opposite sex. Let her be her mother." When Liu Rentang said this, he was also very emotional.

"There are so many talents in the literature club, and she doesn't even look down on them? Are there any in your circle of friends?" Professor Li became interested.

"Yeah, I heard her once say that these boys in the literature club are too flamboyant and not calm enough, and there are no really talented ones at all, and those boys in my circle of friends, she thinks they are very pedantic... "

"Haha, you have character."

Li Jiao laughed, and then continued to appreciate the guzheng seriously on the stage.

A few minutes later, when the last note fell, Liu Feifei stood up, looked coldly at all the people below, and then, she saw Chu Qing who was sleeping soundly and happily in the audience.

"Wow, wow!"

At this moment, the applause of the audience broke out very enthusiastically.

Chu Qing was startled when he heard the applause, and hurriedly applauded desperately with the people next to him, and the expression on his face was as excited as the people next to him...

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, I didn't learn anything else in Hengdian Film and Television City, but this acting Chu Qing is very proficient!
Liu Feifei saw everything in his performance, and his almost perfect acting made Liu Feifei very disgusted...

Liu Feifei snorted coldly in her heart.

She remembered Chu Qing.

Growing up, it was the first time anyone fell asleep while she was performing.

(End of this chapter)

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