I'm not a big star

Chapter 602 Word of Mouth Overwhelming

Chapter 602 Overwhelming Word of Mouth ([-]-character chapter)

On October [-], several long-awaited Hollywood movies finally premiered, including "Jianshin".

Compared with other lively premieres, Jianxin's premiere was a bit monotonous, except that Chu Qing was holding a speech on the stage and said a few words in English that could only be understood by listening carefully. Apart from the opening remarks, there are only a few film critics who are writing film reviews.

You say, journalists?

The reporters all yawned.

Of course, a few film critics still try their best to get someone to write about the scene at the premiere seriously. Even if the film is made like the brain-dead dog X, they will still watch it honestly and write it down. own understanding.

One of the film critics named Roman looked at the surrounding environment and wrote such an opening sentence in a small notebook.

"Compared to Hansen's version of "Jian Xin", where Hollywood superstars flocked to congratulate, the scene of Chu Qing's version of "Jian Xin" is really a bit depressed."

"Except for Johnny and a few stars from the crew of "Insomnia", there are basically no other stars here. At first glance, although the seats are full, the audience seems to be playing their own games. Yes, an indescribable sense of depression rushes over..."

"It seems that everyone is not optimistic about this version of "Jian Xin"..."

"Does that mean the movie is over?"

After Roman wrote this passage, he looked up at "Jian Xin", and at this time "Jian Xin" was finally released.

The joint production company has the words CQ Media and Yinghui Media.

There is no need to check these two companies. Roman knows that it is Chu Qing's company, which is well known.

"There is a kind of sword that can pierce people's hearts and make people feel nothing. Do you know what kind of sword this sword is?"

"do not know."

"Sword with heart and sword."

At the beginning of the film, Roman shook his head after a bit of literature and art.

Is this the beginning again?
"The beginning of the film is similar to Hansen's version of "Jian Xin", both start with a monologue. It seems that Chu Qing's version of "Jian Xin" is similar to Hansen's version of "Jian Xin"."

Just looking at the beginning, in fact, Roman is still very disappointed with this version of "Jian Xin". After all, the beginning is quite satisfactory, and there is nothing, but as the plot gradually progresses, Roman sees a different place... …

Hansen's "Sword Heart" gradually attracted literature and art after the opening speech of literature and art, but Chu Qing's version of "Sword Heart" slowly began to move towards the plot after the opening speech of literature and art, and, at the beginning, it did not use a sword, but with fist...

The protagonist played by Chu Qing fights a duel with a large group of people from Jianghu sect on a rainy night...

Every fist swing seems to have a heavy punch to the flesh sound, this is definitely a real fight!
Roman nodded.

It seems that the news is right, Chu Qing really worked hard for this movie!

Roman stared at the movie screen unconsciously.

Fighting in Hollywood basically has some special effects, but "Jianshin" seems to have very few fighting special effects, and the gorgeousness is relatively less, but each punch feels completely different, and even looks very real!

As early as in Huaxia, there were rumors that Chu Qing really played with bare hands. I didn't expect to see the situation of this movie and analyze it, it turned out to be true!
Roman has this judgment!

Gradually, the movie began to become more passionate. The protagonist was defeated, but he did not give up after the defeat. He dragged his damaged body and kept practicing boxing. There was only one word in his mind, that is to win!
The plot also began to gradually move from low to high. Tide...

At the same time, there were several details that made Roman's eyes wet.

For example, the death of the old dog who was dependent on the protagonist, the protagonist was knocked down to the ground, then got up again, continued to be knocked down and then continued to climb up, until he could no longer get up...

"If I die, I can't lie down and die, I want to die standing up!"

These words hit Roman's heart! .

Roman's heart trembled slightly!

The movie doesn't have much loud talk or philosophy. The cowardly child at the beginning finally grows into a warrior who refuses to admit defeat and just wants to win the final victory, even if his body is covered with scars.

Tragedy and passion are fully integrated into the plot, but they are not expressed in simple language.

Language is actually the most introductory thing in film performance. There are some things and expressions that you can’t express with practical language at all...

One movement, one look can let the audience know what you are thinking, this is the highest state of an actor!
Chu Qing is such a person!

The protagonist played by Chu Qing doesn't talk much and basically relies on acting skills to let the audience see some of the protagonist's psychological condition, including the hatred and thoughts in the eyes.

The acting skills of the rest of the little characters are also very good, and there is no such thing as the Hansen version of "Jian Xin" where the acting skills of the little characters are not online.

Then, the plot began to gradually become pessimistic...

"Hahahaha! Are you going to kill us? Come on, let's strike together, my sword is still hot! Let's fight together!"

Although Chu Qing doesn't talk much, every time she speaks, it will make people's blood surge!

Roman continued watching the movie.

This movie seems to have magic.

Inexplicably, her heart seems to have completely followed the protagonist. The protagonist laughs, she laughs, the protagonist cries, and she cries. It seems that this movie has a magical quality, and there is no urine point in the audience...

An hour and a half is actually not short in the eyes of a movie, but when the protagonist once again clenched his fists and held his sword, Roman suddenly felt a little bit reluctant...

Because she knew the movie was coming to an end.

After an hour and a half, it ended in such a trance?
It wasn't until the ending music sounded that Roman realized it was over...

Immediately afterwards, she was shocked again!
What about my movie review!
When she thought of this, she was stunned. She was so busy watching the movie that she didn't write this movie review.

Subconsciously, she turned her head to look at the other film critics beside her, but she didn't expect that the other film critics were not much different from her.

There was even one critic who was still staring at the screen when the closing lights came up!

"It's over? Is this the end? When will the second part be released?"


The film critic muttered to himself, as if he couldn't accept that the film ended halfway like this.


There was thunderous applause.

Before the movie started, the audience who played their own games widened their eyes.

They don't seem to be reacting to the end of the movie.

However, the movie is over.

Roman stood up, and although she was very sad, she knew that the movie was over.

It's not enough, but it's just right...

"Amazing acting, great movie..."

Roman really couldn't write any words of praise, and finally, he came up with these few words.

This "Jian Xin" doesn't have too much truth, and even some of the dialogues in it are very straightforward, but the plot is very thought-provoking, and even inexplicably stimulates the most vulnerable part of the audience's heart... …

A movie is a person's life!
"This movie is a success!" Roman looked at all the fans in the movie theater who were still unsatisfied, and such an idea appeared in his mind.


The first day passed quickly.

In the early morning, although Chu Qing stayed in the office and played League of Legends, he was obviously absent-minded.

To be honest, Chu Qing was not as calm as he imagined!
This is the first movie that China has entered Hollywood. The success of this movie will really affect my future!

Chu Qing didn't think about the explosion, but Chu Qing didn't want this movie to hit the street like Hansen's movie.

"Come out, come out!"

Holding a piece of data, Pete rushed in very excitedly!
"What came out?"

"The box office on the first day is out!"

"How many?"

"Phew! Boss, the box office of "Dragon Knight 2" at the top of the list is 1000 and 1000 million on the first day, "Magic Hero" is 2 million, and "Thor 900" is at [-] million. These are the top three box office results." Looking at the above data Pete looked at Chu Qing.

"Oh, what about our "Jian Xin"?"

""Jian Xin" has a box office of 500 million... ranked seventh..."




After hearing this number, Chu Qing was silent for a while, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although he is not satisfied with the box office on the first day, he can barely accept it. At least 500 million US dollars at the box office is converted into about 4000 million yuan. A big hit is not a big hit, but hitting the street is not considered hitting the street...

Well, generally speaking, it's acceptable.

Chu Qing shook her head.

"Boss, although our box office is not doing well, our screen on American Movie Network is very high, basically with a score of 9.8. I think there is still a possibility of a follow-up "Jian Xin" counterattack."

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded, but didn't expect much. "Oh, by the way, how is Huaxia's box office?"

"China box office... Well, No.1 is our "Jian Xin" 3000 million, No.2 is "Dragon Warrior 2" 8000 million, No.3 is "Magic Hero" 5000 million...Boss, we Huaxia's results are exploding, haha!" Even though Hollywood's box office is so-so and not a big hit, Huaxia's box office is very poor, and it got a good score of 3000 million on the first day of the premiere, crushing the No. 2 movie A full 5000 million!

On the first day of the film's release, it was paid back on the first day!
Pete is excited!
As for Hollywood?
Hollywood should, well...

In fact, after thinking about it, Huaxia's movies are somewhat unacceptable when they come to the United States. This is normal, and isn't the theater chain limiting the number of screens?

If you think about it this way, "Jianshin" has actually done pretty well in Hollywood.

"Ah That's good."

After seeing the results of her film, Chu Qing let out a long sigh of relief, a big stone in her heart was finally dropped.

Huaxia exploded, and Hollywood's performance did not hit the street, which was already considered a success for Chu Qing.

In a sense, "Jianshin" can also be considered to have entered the Hollywood market?
Chu Qing comforted herself...

However, Chu Qing still feels disappointed that the movie has always been a big hit, but now suddenly there is no big hit in Hollywood.

Of course it's only temporary.

"Wait..." Chu Qing suddenly thought of something, "You mean, our movie score is 9.8?"

"Yes, boss, our "Jian Xin" is one of the few high-scoring movies on the American Movie Network! And it occupies No.1 on the high-scoring list..."

"Is it rated so high?"

"That's right!" Pete gave Chu Qing a rude look.

The boss's reflexes are really slow, and he didn't react until now?

This is the first thing I said, okay?

"That's good."

Chu Qing exhaled.

High ratings and good word-of-mouth basically mean that the film's stamina is still promising.

You can only see part of it in the premiere, but no one knows the real winner.

Chu Qing nodded.


"What? Our "Jianshin" only grossed 500 million US dollars on the first day in the United States? Is there such a thing as unacceptable?"

"It's not that the climate is unacceptable, but that the American theater chain directly lowered the number of screens when it was released. If you look at the number of screens, our "Jian Xin" is actually quite successful. After all, it has a box office of 500 million. It was full!"

"Fuck, how can Lao Mei do this?"

"After all, Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" doesn't have a good reputation in Laomei, so it has more or less influenced Qingzi's "Jian Xin"."

"But is there such a big impact?"

"Nonsense, Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" is on the verge of losing money. Do you think Laomei can rest assured of Qingzi's "Jian Xin"?"

"Oh, but it depends on the subsequent box office situation."

"Well, that's right, the next day's box office will be released soon!"

"Come out, come out!"

"How about the box office the next day? Well, "Jian Xin" is 800 million, "Dragon Knight 2" is still 1000 and 800 million, "Magic Hero" is 2 million, and "Thor 700" is, um...only [-] million gone?"

"Uh, wait, you said "Jian Xin" is 800 million?"


"It's 300 million more than the premiere day? Could it be that "Jian Xin" is going to start a counterattack? Why do I suddenly think of "Naihe Mountain"?"

"What about our Huaxia box office?"


""Sword Heart" 6000 million, "Dragon Knight 2" 7000 million, "Magic Hero" 3000 million..."


Chinese netizens are all staring at the box office of Hollywood's "Jian Xin".

Hollywood's box office gave netizens a feeling that "Jian Xin" might counterattack, but China's box office gave netizens a feeling of being invincible...

No.2 and No.3 add up, not as much as No.1...

This gap...

Can't it be said that the world is invincible?

Netizens are excited!

This is the climax!

Hit hard!
Even Hollywood movies can't hold their heads up!
Pump hard!
After seeing the box office, many old directors in the Chinese film industry couldn't sit still...

They seem to have seen a remarkable era!
Even an old director named Lu Xiaochuan cried on the spot after seeing the box office of the movie...

"Chinese movies have curbed the throat of Hollywood movies. The era when Hollywood dominated Chinese screens is over!"

He was very excited to post such a Weibo post, and after posting it, he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital...



(End of this chapter)

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