I'm not a big star

Chapter 603 A Model of Counterattack

Chapter 603 A Model of Counterattack

Chu Qing has done a lot of immoral things like counterattacks and slaps in the face.

That's what he did in his first movie "Naihe Mountain".

Now, "Jian Xin" has faint signs of this.

No one can doubt that Chu Qing's films are invincible in China. Even Yixing and Tianyu feel lucky that they avoided Chu Qing's "Sword Heart".

They were glad that they had the foresight and that they didn't go head-to-head with Chu Qing foolishly.

At the same time, netizens are not at all surprised by Chu Qing Huaxia's strong film record. With Chu Qing's popularity and fame in China at this moment, as long as the film is not inferior to Dog X, basically there is no box office champion. Suspenseful, the only suspenseful thing is how many records Chu Qing's "Jian Xin" can break, and whether he can win another Hollywood actor...

Of course, leaving aside these future speculations, compared to Huaxia's record, they are actually more concerned about "Jian Xin"'s performance in Hollywood.

In October, when Hollywood blockbusters are full of clouds, can "Jian Xin" get out of the shadow of Hansen's version of "Jian Xin" and kill a dawn?

They are looking forward to it!
Chu Qing's version of "Jian Xin" is a warrior!
Great fighter!

On the first day, "Jian Xin"'s 500 million box office results are not considered a hit in Hollywood, which is barely acceptable.

On the second day, "Jian Xin" had a box office of 800 million, which made all Chinese people see hope!

The hope of the rise of Chinese films.

At the end of the premiere heat of other movies, they either stabilized or went downhill, but "Jian Xin" went against the current and directly increased by 300 million. This definitely shows the endless potential of "Jian Xin" and has a dark horse potential!
At 12:30 am on October [-]th...

Everyone is waiting for a new day at the box office of "Jianshin".

Whether it is Huaxia Netizens, all the artists in Yinghui Media, or other companies in CQ Media Hollywood, they are all waiting for this moment.

Especially Hansen, he stayed up all day and night just waiting for the box office of "Jian Xin" to arrive on the third day...

For some reason, since his "Jian Xin" failed, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

From the first film to now, his vision has always been accurate, he has never made mistakes, and he has always been a senior director that everyone is optimistic about, but "Jian Xin" made him suffer...

After the grades fluttered, Hansen repeatedly pondered the reason why his "Jian Xin" failed the street, but he still couldn't figure it out. However, after watching Chu Qing's "Jian Xin", Hansen suddenly realized.

I made the movie too literary and artistic, too deep!

Although there is depth, classics can be born, but if the depth is too much, then the classics may become rotten eggs.

Although Hansen felt that Chu Qing's rejection of him made him very uncomfortable, he had to admit that Chu Qing's "Jian Xin" was shot very well, whether it was the control of the characters or the sorting out of all aspects of the camera. It's so old-fashioned, it's hard for Hansen to believe that "Jian Xin" is the first movie made by a new director!
How could you be a rookie director with your sophistication, aren't you talking nonsense?
Of course, Hansen doesn't care about the filming, the word-of-mouth of netizens, or anything else!
He only cares about the box office.

Movie box office!
No matter how good your word-of-mouth is, no matter how popular your netizens are, your box office hits the street, and a movie that doesn't make money is meaningless at all.

In the end, can "Jian Xin" counterattack?

"Director, director, come out, come out!" At three o'clock in the morning, Hannah rushed into Hansen's office, with a hint of excitement in her bloodshot eyes.

"How about the data!" Hansen became a little nervous.

Even more nervous than my original "Jian Xin"!
""Sword Heart" 1000 two million, "Dragon Warrior 2" box office 100 million, "Magic Hero" box office 700 million, "Thor 2" box office, um... only 500 million!" Hannah stroked With a full chest, he tried his best to announce the result in a very calm voice.

She felt that she had to stay calm and not be too surprised!

But when Hansen heard the result and then saw the data, he gasped!
Counter attack!
real or fake?

The box office of "Dragon Warrior 2", "Magic Hero" or "Thor 2" began to decline, but "Sword Heart" flew against the wind and slapped everyone in the face...

he made it?

Are you kidding me?

This Chinese evildoer, he really did it?
Hansen had a hard time believing it.

You know, this is his first film directed by him!If this is true, if this trend continues, maybe this "Jian Xin" will have another wave of counterattacks...

"Is this data accurate?" Hansen looked at Hannah for a long while, and after a long silence, he finally suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Hannah. He also tried his best to keep himself calm.

After all, he is a great Hollywood director. Even if his previous movie hit the street, he is still a great director.

He exhaled.

"If you use a Chinese idiom to describe it, that's four words, it's absolutely true!" Hannah looked back at Hansen and nodded seriously.

In fact, when she saw this data, she was in a daze thinking that she had some fake data.

So she double-checked.

The data from the second pass is still fine.

This is real!

Really tense data.

"It seems that "Jian Xin" is expected to win the box office championship in October!" Hansen closed his eyes.

The mood is very complicated!
Could it be that Chu Qing was right to reject him before?
He began to doubt himself again.



"Fuck, it's a counterattack, it really is a counterattack, our "Jian Xin" actually knocked down "Dragon Knight 2" on the third day?"

"It seems that "Jian Xin" is expected to become the box office champion of Hollywood movies in October. This is the first time that a local Chinese film has counterattacked Hollywood. If it really becomes the box office champion, it will definitely be an indelible monument in the history of Chinese movies. , Terrible Qingzi!"

"I think it will definitely be able to counterattack. Is it rare for Qingzi to slap his face like this? No matter what kind of thing, as long as Qingzi's name is on it, it must be a hit, and this time is no exception!"

"That's right, Qingzi is poisonous, even Hollywood can't bear Qingzi's poison!"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it! I don't know if "Jianshin" can break the glorious history of the Hollywood movie "Voyager"!"

""Voyager" has a box office of 13 billion, and it's US dollars. Even if Chu Qing's "Jian Xin" hits the blockbuster again, it will never break through. Even if he is given 2000 million US dollars a day, it will only be 6 million US dollars a month! Subsequent box office is decreasing, "Jian Xin" can't keep rising like this..."

"By the way, last year's "Darksiders" seems to have made [-] million dollars, right?"


"I don't know how many "Jian Xin" there will be this year!"

"Will it break one billion?"

"do not know……"


The box office results on the third day made all Huaxia netizens very excited.

They suddenly thought of a word, that is upstream!

bloody way.

This is a bloody way out!
This moment is destined to be glorious and brilliant, Huaxia Toutiao made a special report on "Jian Xin", not to mention bragging!

Nonsense, if you don't blow it now, when will you blow it?

Do you wait until the movie is finished and then blow it?
"Broken, broken, broken again, haha, broken again! Haha!"

"Everyone is not optimistic about you, but you believe in yourself and create a miracle. This is the only way to become a hero! Hero, you are a hero, Qingzi, you are a hero, hahahaha!"

In the hospital, Lu Xiaochuan, who had a heart attack under control, continued to laugh like a lunatic after seeing the third day's box office.

At this moment, he can't wait to rush to the United States, to Hollywood and give Chu Qing a big hug!
He thought Chu Qing was a hero!
Of course, after laughing, Lu Xiaochuan jerked violently and passed out again.

"Doctor, doctor, Director Lu has a heart attack again, hurry to the emergency room!" The nurse who had just walked in and was about to change her dressing was shocked when she saw Lu Xiaochuan's face, and rushed out...

Lu Xiaochuan was lying on the bed, clutching his chest, with a happy face on one side and a painful one on the other.

The poor old director Lu Xiaochuan is already very old, and he was tortured to death by "Jian Xin"...

This "Jian Xin" really suffered a thousand swords!

"Boss, good news, good news, our "Jian Xin" has broken a record, a big record!"

"Tell me, how much is the box office."

"1000 two million!"

"One thousand two million, oh." Chu Qing nodded.

"Boss, why aren't you surprised?"

"Why are you surprised..." Chu Qing shook her head looking at the clock on the wall.

In fact, Chu Qing has been optimistic about the follow-up box office results of "Jian Xin" since the box office of the first day and the second day came out.

He felt that "Jian Xin" could rise again.

Unexpectedly, "Jian Xin" really rose a wave. Although Chu Qing was a little bit unexpected when he saw the increase, Chu Qing was mentally prepared!

If he is mentally prepared, he will not be surprised.

"Oh, the boss is really clever!" Peter, the old boy, flattered Chu Qing in bad Chinese, and he didn't know what to say for a while after the filming.

After all, the calm expression on the boss's face seemed completely different from what he had imagined.

Boss, if you don't drop the topic, we won't be able to talk at all, okay?
"I asked you to ask the theater, how are you doing?" Chu Qing seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a little strange, so he looked at Pete again.

"Boss, there are three theaters in total."

"What about the information on the three theaters?"

"Information, oh, yes, the information is in my office, boss, wait..." After leaving these words, Pete turned around and ran towards his office.

Although there was a little embarrassment at that moment just now, he was very happy.

After all, the production company has the name of CQ Company written on it, and his sense of belonging to CQ Company is extremely strong.

A few minutes later, Pete walked in with a thick stack of documents.

"Boss, they are all here." Pete flattered, "The three theaters are Metro, Taimeng, and Shenjia. The purchase prices of these three theaters are all [-] million U.S. dollars..."

"Five billion dollars?"


"Oh, let me take a look." Chu Qing took the materials and read them silently.

"I consider that the boss will have two main battlefields in the future, namely China and the United States. I ruled out those theaters that are only in the United States..."

"Yes, I know."

Chu Qing sat down and flipped through the materials of these theaters...

Chu Qing can still get [-] million US dollars.

But after taking it out, Chu Qing is a penniless poor man.

However, investing is risky, isn't it?
Even if you lose money, you can still earn it back.

Chu Qing has confidence in herself.

(End of this chapter)

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