I'm not a big star

Chapter 604 Follow the trend for a wave of popularity?

Chapter 604 Follow the trend and follow the trend?
Chu Qing is poor.

Chu Qing can basically say that all his belongings were lost to a theater called Metro.

Of course, Chu Qing didn't buy the theater directly, but asked Pete to find out why the theater was on the verge of bankruptcy...

After checking the reason, Chu Qing decided to buy it.

In fact, Metro Cinemas has only been established for five years.

In the first four years, Metro’s income was actually quite good, and each year there were tens of millions of box office revenues. But in the fifth year, Pierre, the boss behind Metro’s backstage, became addicted to drugs and gambling, and made money inside the Metro company. His working capital was lost in a mess, and he owed a huge amount of foreign debt...

Because of the fault in the internal capital chain, Metro no longer has any extra money to introduce movies to respond to. At the same time, there are also situations in the company where employees can't pay wages and want to go on strike one after another.

After looking at the information displayed on the information, Chu Qing sent the information of Metro Cinemas back to Yinghui Media, and asked Jiang Xiaoyu to help analyze whether there is a possibility of acquisition...

Jiang Xiaoyu's efficiency was very fast, and the final result of the analysis that could be acquired was completely confirmed the next day.

After various analyzes and verifications, Chu Qing finally confirmed the fact that Pierre, a scumbag, had ruined all his good cards...

The acquisition process was very fast. The acquisition contract was drawn up unilaterally by Chu Qing. Pierre, a junkie and gambling scum, just glanced at the contract and signed it without saying a word. The money given to him ran off to pay off the debt.

Of course he would like to thank you a thousand times. Now that the creditors have blocked the door, if he doesn't pay back the money, maybe he will say goodbye to this world...

From the beginning to the end, Chu Qing didn't say a word to Pierre, nor did he ask whether Pierre would use the money for the right way, which actually meant nothing to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing now only needs to make sure that this theater belongs to him, that's enough.

[-] million to buy a cinema!
And it's not RMB, it's US dollars!
This made Chu Qing very heartbroken, and it was almost all his belongings.

However, the box office of "Jian Xin" made Chu Qing feel quite comforted, after all, the box office of "Jian Xin" was rising.

In the early morning of October [-]th.

The box office of Hollywood's "Jianshin" has reached 600 million US dollars in a single day!

As for "Dragon Warrior 2", it has completely weakened, falling to 900 million, and the box office of other movies such as "Magic Hero" and "Thor 2" has completely dropped by 500 million...

Hollywood movies in October of this year are now showing a very weird phenomenon.

Chu Qing's version of "Jian Xin" is like taking drugs, becoming more and more fierce and fierce!
On the headlines of entertainment, in the mouths of movie fans, on Weibo, on the news of portal websites...

Chu Qing and Chu Qing's movie "Jian Xin" are being discussed everywhere. Seeing the reverse growth of "Jian Xin", all Hollywood directors immediately shouted "Wolf!" Shocking movie...

"This is the only movie in Hollywood history where a Chinese movie counterattacked Hollywood. Chu Qing, this cutting-edge director, has big ambitions!" Durant, a famous Hollywood veteran director, posted on Weibo and sent out such a sigh.

"This ambitious Chinese man hit the Hollywood market with Chinese movies, and at the same time bought a theater that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and he has his own entertainment company in China, a portal... It seems that he is going to be a "King!" The American economist, Edward Firth, wrote down his feelings for this year in his diary. When he was feeling the economic situation in the world, Firth suddenly wrote such a paragraph.

"Director, poet, singer, creator, writer, actor...behind so many brilliant identities, what is he going to do? Is he going to reach the pinnacle?" Annie, a senior Hollywood entertainment director, said in an interview Shi Shi shook his head with a serious expression on his face.

"This is terrible Chu Qing, this is a terrible era..."



The box office of "Jian Xin" is undoubtedly quite crazy in China

On the fifth day, Huaxia's single-day box office exceeded [-] million!
[-] million!

This is definitely a terrifying number that makes the heart tremble.

However, it is definitely a number that makes Huaxia movie fans collectively rejoice!

The word failure may exist in other people, but looking at Chu Qing's experience since his debut, it seems that it has nothing to do with this word at all...

"Director Luo, I heard that you are planning to make a new movie. The name of the new movie is "Heart Sword", may I ask if it is "Sword Heart" by Feng Qingzi?"

"Director Luo, it was rumored earlier that you and Qingzi have always had a good relationship. May I ask if your "Heart Sword" and "Jian Xin" are sister stories?"

"Director Luo, are you planning to make this movie because of Qingzi's popularity in Hollywood?"

"May I ask if you copied "Jian Xin"?"

"Hello, Director Luo, how do you predict the future box office? Can it surpass other Chinese movies?"

"Will martial arts films be the dominant market in the future?"


Facing the countless cameras in front of him, Rhoda straightened his suit, his chubby body twisted slightly.

"This movie doesn't mean to follow the trend of "Jian Xin", nor is it a sister chapter of "Jian Xin". This movie is completely original plot..."

"Then why do I see that the costumes in the set makeup photos of the crew are similar to those of "Jian Xin"?"

"Almost? I think there is something wrong with what you said. Aren't the costumes in costume movies all the same now? Don't you still wear modern costumes to act in costumes?"

"Then why, the hero and heroine's occupation is similar to that of "Jian Xin"?"

"Who stipulates that the occupations of the male and female protagonists can't be similar? Are there still few waiters in martial arts movies? How can this be called plagiarism?"


Rhoda looked a little sanctimonious.

Facing the reporter's question, his face didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, and he didn't take too much breath.


Fuck, how can I count as plagiarism?This is what I do most, at most I can only say follow suit, at most I can only say a little bit of reference, after all, the plot is completely different from "Jian Xin"...

Rhoda shook his head, comforting himself in his heart.

Of course, with the popularity of "Jian Xin", the martial arts movie filings received by Radio and Television in the second half of the year were like mushrooms, and they popped up densely in an instant...

What "Swordman", "Human Sword", "Swordsman", "Four Young Masters' Sword", "Legend of Sword Heart"...

After seeing these names, the leaders of Radio and Television could not laugh or cry.

You don't follow the trend like this, do you?
Could it be that the male revival of martial arts movies has begun again?

Inexplicably, this thought popped into the head of radio and television.


After purchasing the theater chain and recruiting a group of qualified managers, Chu Qing slightly let go of the theater chain's management rights.Of course, he has to read the report and check the account every month. If he finds something wrong, he can directly exercise his right to replace it.

Of course, there are many follow-up things after the acquisition of the theater chain, and money still needs to be invested in it.

After all, the theater chain can only be said to have a little vitality now, but it is far from being full of vitality...

Everything takes time to develop and operate.

However, Chu Qing is not worried about the situation of the theaters in the future. He has a premonition that with the explosion of movie box office, the situation of the theaters will rise even higher in the future...

At the same time, Pete made persistent efforts, and in late October, announced the establishment of the "Nightsiders 2" project and the preparation of the crew. Pete planned to shoot "Nightsiders" as a series of movies.

Of course, Chu Qing is not the leading actor in "Nightside 2". Chu Qing can only be said to be a link between the past and the future in "Nightside 2".

The work of "Darksiders 2" was completely handed over to Pete, and he just provided the corresponding financial support.

Chu Qing didn't want to care.

Pete is a very talented and talented director, Chu Qing thinks he can do all these well...

After returning to China in a very sneaky manner, almost low-key, Chu Qing saw the movie "Heart Sword" that Luo Da was about to prepare.

Looking at the plot direction and characters of "Heart Sword", Chu Qing really couldn't laugh or cry...

The context of "Heart Sword" is not much different from "Sword Heart"...

Chu Qing thought of a word.

That is to follow suit.

When did Rhoda degenerate to such an extent?
Of course, the investment is not large, only about 2000 million yuan.

However, Chu Qing feels a little speechless about following the trend. Just because you follow the trend does not mean that you have a strong box office and reputation. There have never been many self-defeating things in history.

After reading the script and approving the project, Chu Qing shook her head and immediately called Luo Da...

"Director Luo, you... what do you mean..."

"Qingzi, let me plan. Now that your "Jian Xin" is so hot, I'll strike while the iron is hot..."

"But your script is too hot."

"Hey, don't I feel like rubbing..."

"Forget it, let me help you revise the script...You really can't do it!"

"Okay, thank you Qingzi, haha!"

On the other end of the phone, Rhoda suddenly laughed.

Hearing this smile, Chu Qing suddenly felt that she had been tricked by Luo Da...

Wait, as soon as I returned to China, the "Heart Sword" project and script information appeared on my desk. Is it true that Luo Da, a fat man, is sure that he will not be able to resist changing the script after reading it?

Chu Qing was speechless!
However, when I think about every movie I have made since my debut, which one of the scripts I have not changed, I am a little dumbfounded...

Forget it, just change it.

"The name "Heart Sword" doesn't sound good, so let's call it "Sword Demon"."


The next day, when Luo Da received the revised script, he was as excited as an idiot after reading it.

Immediately after that, he filled in the word Chu Qing in the screenwriter line of the project approval materials, and at the same time, without saying a word, posted on Weibo, "Qingzi has another screenwriting masterpiece, "Sword Demon" comes out, and the "Heart Sword" plan is all cancelled. ..."

When netizens saw Qingzi's masterpiece, their eyes widened.

Nima, this "Jian Xin" is still breaking the box office in Hollywood. The second movie "Sword Demon" written by you is coming?

Do you want to be so efficient?
Although there is no Chu Qing in the director or starring roles, all the netizens' attention to "Sword Demon" has gone up crazily...

(End of this chapter)

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