I'm not a big star

Chapter 605 Brother Qing, this is art...

Chapter 605 Brother Qing, this is art...

October 08 belonged to Chu Qing and the movie "Jian Xin".

Whether it is Chinese fans, American fans, or even fans all over the world, they are staring at "Jianshin" and the first thing they do when they open their eyes every day is to read the headlines and watch Jianxin.

Without any suspense, "Jianshin" made history and broke records.

In fifteen days, the box office of "Jian Xin" reached [-] million US dollars!

2000 million US dollars is a milestone. You know, the investment of this film is more than 1 million US dollars, which is equivalent to more than [-] million yuan, which has been doubled many times.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that this result is already the top box office champion in China.

Netizens were very emotional, they felt that Chu Qing's life was at its pinnacle, and at the same time, it was a life of cheating.

China championship, is that enough?

not enough.

The global box office champion is "Voyager", with 13 billion. If this trend continues, "Jian Xin" may really break the record of "Voyager" and become the latest global box office champion movie.

But the record is not so easy to break...

After the end of October, after half a month of glory, the overall box office of "Jian Xin" began to decline. From the initial peak of 800 million US dollars per day, the box office gradually decreased to 400 million US dollars, and then from 400 million US dollars. The box office has been reduced to 1000 million, and it is decreasing every day...

After all, no matter how popular a movie is, it is impossible for it to keep rising at the box office.

This unscientific.

As for other films of the same period, such as "Dragon Warrior 2", "Magic Hero" and "Thor 2", the box office of the three films has long been struggling at 400 million, and it is basically impossible to threaten the "Jian Xin" status.

The Hollywood box office champion in October is already in the hands of "Jianshin", and there is no suspense anymore.

The suspense is whether "Jian Xin" can break the record of "Voyager"?
If the record is broken, then I'm afraid "Jian Xin" will be an incomparably brilliant stroke even in the entire history of Chinese movies!

"Tell me, what is the total box office of "Jian Xin" now! Come on! Tell me, they have been hiding it from me for more than 20 days. For more than 20 days, I have been listening to their peace of mind, but I really can't stand it." Such ignorance."

"Grandpa, you can rest easy and recuperate now. Really, you should stop paying attention to the box office of these movies!"

"Tell me, how much! My heart is on the mend now! I want to know the box office of "Jian Xin" no matter what!" Lu Xiaochuan lay on the hospital bed and stared at the young assistant who came to visit him with a flushed face. desire.

"Old man, the nurse specifically told me not to tell you anything exciting, why didn't you listen?"

"Xiao Xie! Please! I have been making movies for most of my life, and basically all my thoughts are spent on Huaxia movies. Qingzi did a good job in going to Hollywood. In my heart, he is a hero. I am very happy." I admire him, but these are not important to me. What matters is whether our Chinese movies can reach the top of Hollywood and whether they can break the record of the world's total box office. If it really breaks, even if I die now, I will be satisfied. It's gone!" Lu Xiaochuan tremblingly looked at his assistant Xiao Xie.

His eyes are irresistible.

Although the old people seem a little pedantic to the young people, they don't know how to be flexible, and they are even a little old-fashioned and can't keep up with the trend, but their hearts are sincere...

What do they want to see most in this life?
What I see is that Huaxia movies go abroad and shine internationally!

This sense of honor is indescribable!
It's a sense of identity!

Whenever he saw Hollywood movies raging at the box office in China, Lu Xiaochuan felt so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!

It's not easy to see Huaxia's film going to Hollywood, and it will be a day of pride. Isn't he excited?
"Hey..." Assistant Xiao Xie shook his head, and finally let out a sigh of relief, "Master, as of October 28th, which is today, "Jian Xin" has received a total of 11 billion in the global box office..."

"How many days in total this month?" After seeing this number, Lu Xiaochuan took a deep breath and continued to ask.

"31 days."

"31 days...it's a little short." Lu Xiaochuan muttered to himself, suddenly disappointed.

There are only three days left, and it is very difficult to break through from 11 billion to 13 billion in three days.

You know, this is not RMB but US dollars!

He bowed his head.

However, "Jian Xin" is already very good, at least it slapped Lao Mei hard, didn't it?
Seeing Lu Xiaochuan's absent-minded expression but no heart attack, the assistant's heart relaxed.

She was suddenly very fortunate that this "Sword Heart" did not create a terrible miracle and directly topped the box office in the world, otherwise, Lu Xiaochuan and Director Lu would have a heart attack again...

Maybe it's possible to burp directly.


It was two o'clock in the morning on November [-]st.

The total box office of "Jian Xin" in October finally came out.

The total box office was just over 12 billion.

The box office record of "Jian Xin" is sturdy and crazy, which is undeniable.

However, Huaxia movie fans were more or less disappointed.

"Jian Xin" did not break the record of "Voyager" in the end, otherwise, this "Jian Xin" is definitely a record that is so crazy that it is worthy of carnival.

Some regrets.

But looking back and thinking about it, netizens and movie fans are a little bit tongue-tied!

What's wrong with us?
In the past, we didn't even dare to think about the global box office champion.

But what about now?
Unknowingly, their expectations for "Jian Xin" were so high. Obviously, their initial expectation was that "Jian Xin" could land in Hollywood movies and gain a firm foothold in Hollywood, that's all...

But then what?

Hope gradually became the box office champion in October, and after winning the box office champion, he stared at the global box office champion...

Expectations gradually swell, swell and swell, just like ambition...

In fact, "Jian Xin" has already done better!

We should not be disappointed!

Never should!

"Huh! Next year's Oscars, how many nominations do you think "Jian Xin" will get?"

"Nominations for Best Director, Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Cinematography? It seems that these nominations are all possible?"

"Yes, it's possible."

"Is it so scary?"


"Damn it, Qingzi is really awesome. If he wins Best Actor Award and Best Director Award again, then Qingzi can be regarded as a famous figure in the world film circle!"


"I don't know why, but I'm really looking forward to the Oscars next year. If, just in case, all five awards are won, then..."

"Don't think about such illusory things, okay? You won all five awards? Even since the establishment of the Oscars, no one has ever won it like this, okay?"

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to it!"

"I'm looking forward to it too, I hope time passes faster..."


When Chu Qing learned that she had won a box office of 12 billion US dollars, Chu Qing was excited for a whole day...

Then he ran to the CQ studio and dragged Mai Xiaoyu and others to play League of Legends all day long.

Of course, it was only now when Chu Qing was playing League of Legends that he fell into a trap, causing Mai Xiaoyu and the others to vomit blood...

How can it be so delicious?

No, there are more than one plastic segment, right?
Played a total of fifteen games, fifteen consecutive kneeling!

Kneeling Mai Xiaoyu's king rank directly to the master, if he kneels down again, he may be directly shoulder to shoulder with the bronze.

Mai Xiaoyu wants to cry but has no tears!
Chu Qing was so excited, she couldn't get tired of it!
He's happy, he's really happy today, just because he's happy, so why don't we have something to celebrate?
Foot bath?

It is impossible to take a foot bath, and now I have lost interest in this thing.

Great healthcare?It's impossible to get great health care, and he's not the simple rookie who didn't understand anything...

So, what other hobbies does he have?
League of Legends!
To sum up, therefore, Mai Xiaoyu and others suffered disaster.

After playing the game and cheating on Mai Xiaoyu, Chu Qing finally calmed down after leaving the CQ club.

Originally, all the money on hand was used to buy theaters, and he was starting to be poor, but now that the movie box office is divided, Chu Qing has hundreds of millions of liquidity to use, and he is in a good mood.

After returning to the room, she had a good sleep, and slept until twelve noon the next day, when Chu Qing yawned, washed, opened the door and went back to work at the company...

As for Mai Xiaoyu, he suffered from insomnia. He suffered from insomnia all night.

Seeing a series of tragic records, he finally cried.


At noon on November [-], the sun was shining brightly.

For some reason, as soon as Chu Qing came to the office and sat down to look at the densely packed documents that needed to be processed, she felt sleepy. Could it be that she didn't get enough rest yesterday?

It doesn't make sense, it's impossible to sleep well after sleeping for so long?
"Clap clap clap!"


"Brother Qing, I, Han Cheng."

"Oh, come in!"

"Fuck... who are you..."

"Brother Qing, it's me, I said I'm Han Cheng!"

"Fuck, you...why do you look like a ghost!"

"This is the latest art style."

"Art style..."

Chu Qing gasped.

He wears a nose ring on his nose, his head is red and green, half has hair, half is bald, with some messy writing on his face, he wears colored contact lenses on his eye sockets, draws eye shadow and thick lipstick, and wears rabbit ears ...

This is not important, what is important is that the evildoer in front of him is actually wearing a long dress of women's clothing, and it is a long red dress.

I am XXXX...

Chu Qing originally thought that Han Cheng's head was forgiven green, and wearing a beggar's costume was already an astonishing "art", but he didn't expect that Han Cheng's dress today has exceeded the scope of astonishment, and it has directly started to be scary.

Chu Qing couldn't stand it...

I want to vomit!

"Brother Qing, I want to find you..."

"Sorry, stay away from me, yes, keep a distance of two meters!" Looking at Han Cheng's smile, Chu Qing only felt that his three views had been refreshed.

Hancheng seems to be getting further and further away in the habit of "cross-dressing", which is completely...

Chu Qing couldn't describe this feeling.

What kind of art is this?

"Oh, oh, brother Qing, I mean, I think..."

"Put your farts away..."

"I want you to help me write a song... I... I haven't released a new song for a while..." Han Cheng hesitated.

"Writing a song? Yes..." Chu Qing's stomach twitched at the condescending look.

Could it be that Hancheng went to Thailand to cut something that shouldn't be cut?
"Brother Qing, thank you..."

"I said, stay two meters away from me, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, I will be busy..."

"Uh...it's okay...I...then I'm leaving?"

"Then you close the door."


After Han Cheng closed the door, Chu Qing was still slumped on the chair, still in shock!
This Nima...

How could such a good person be harmed by art?

Write songs?

Damn, you've become like this, what song should I write for you!

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief after being in shock for more than ten minutes.

I still have to write songs for Hancheng. Although Hancheng seems to have gone further and further in some amazing fields, Hancheng has made a lot of money for the company anyway. There is also a little famous...

Nonsense, it's all like this, sows are famous!
Write songs?

So, what song do you write?
Chu Qing fell into deep thought.

What song can be suitable for Hancheng at the moment?

Chu Qing shook her head and decided not to think about Han Cheng anymore.

Spicy eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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